Optron #43
10 апреля 2001 |
Hobby - something about love ....
LOVE (You have it handy ...) {} Trynova Victoria, 2001 What's that, sister? You ask This ME? I do not believe that it seriously. Although Wait ... Maybe I'll tell you koechto. That's it - something about love. Because All about love that you hardly anybody tell. In general, listen. It is useful to you. The most fun and carefree time of your life began: you've already freed from the hardships and problems of his previous hobbies. First you change the root their attitudes toward food. So, right from the morning, had not yet pushed his way eyes, you build on the sunny kitchen Huge sandwich a la from which we must " and punish him, drinking tea. On breakfast plate in front of you appears to mountain of fried potatoes, ketchup-drenched; later you lay waste dish of hot sandwiches. Now you do not give up macaroni and cheese, pizza with crispy edged, nut biscuits, ice cream, candy, excellent sponge cake with a fat oily cream drenched with chocolate - in Generally, all that is mom to Sundays, and what you used to and watch some had feared. Another point: in front of each exit from home you do not stand for an hour at the mirror, inducing beauty. What is grace: do not be painted with ink and then every five minutes sly look in the mirror (do not crumble Do not smeared!), no need to construct on the head every time something fantastic, pouring on a spray lacquer to give the desired shape of the hair (and then the whole evening run to the mirror and correct hair) is not necessary to wear thin tights - this meal, which obviously came up with misogynists (throughout the period of wearing them you throw into a fever of one just a thought about the appearance on the tights "Arrow" - so, we must avoid most acute and prickly, including and men for which to break your new laykrovye, such basnoslovvno expensive pantyhose - simply a matter of honor, and all this brings to the madness!) do not need to burden the heaviest ears clips (after a few hours ears swell and ache unbearably), and the fingers pull the ring (which did strive for something to catch on) - the male is because they think that all this gives you femininity and charm, but it would be a Egyptian punishment! And then there are shoes on Heels (just try to be like them, do not to mention the dances), short skirts (Wearing them means giving up all sweets and starchy foods, and only bend in them and forget to think - it causes the surrounding explosion of an unhealthy interest), with nails painted (Which cracks and flies high pieces, nails always break that very painful, and the smell of liquid Nail polish remover - even the saints away), etc. and so on? Besides, going from cold reviews evening in shoes, tights and skirt, enviable habit of men always wear pants. But you firmly: "Beauty demands victims. " Aha, so it is. But not now. Now that you're free of these conventions and come out of the house in a thick sweater and pants tucked into socks, and almost no beautiful - except that a little lipstick and lightly draw a pencil eyes, hair gathering into a simple ponytail, tying it old rubber band. And most importantly - it is your serene mood. On the men on the street you look calm and warm, like old friends - pledge that to you no one will stick, because they lack such parent vzglyalov and the wives. Now you no one is dependent, not must be accountable to no one: where was, with whom and how much to say, do not build Does anyone Eyes (men rather despotic in relation to that, what they consider their property, remember this, my little sister). So, you're free and independent ... Integer days you chew and reread "Gone Wind "and" The Twelve Chairs "and in the evenings watching on TV the endless Mexican soap operas. And suddenly you feel that you sick such a life. You notice for themselves that escort couples in love on the street envious eyes. And the scales were doing their job: the arrow runs away oh how far the mark of "70 kg". Now you do not intermeddle in their best glad rags, and a narrow skirt look downright miserably. Finally, you just want to see some cute guy wore your number card from the wardrobe in the pocket of their pants (Because in the dresses, you must agree, pockets happen infrequently), called you and said different nonsense, buy chocolate, drove in cinema and disco, tenderly kissed behind the ear ... In general, it was decided: we must lead ourselves order and fall in love. Listen-I and do not believe that "love descends suddenly, when you are not waiting for. "It does not happen. NEVER. In fact, it's much easier. You're waiting for her, and she comes. To do this, a special mood - the mood of expectation of a miracle. After all, whatever you say, and love - it's always a miracle. Of course, love does not always bring happiness (often all - quite the contrary), but nevertheless it's pretty funny, and sometimes even fun. 'Cause you know the new person you meet with him to delve into his problems, feeling - a real transformation, and each time differently, in new ways. And you give up your favorite candies, muffin with jam, tarts (with potatoes, cherries, cheese, plums, blueberries), completely buried in a thick cream, and other such joys. After a while the mirror is issued to you first results - the first leg pohudevshshie can already be in tights clothe, and back everything pretty well - you can obtyanut skirt. You wash your hair, now very expensive shampoos, tint and slightly make a new stylish haircut. Makeup is no less than an hour: the mirror exhibited all the lipstick, boxes with shadows, bubbles, ink, tonal pencils - Coloring is in full swing. Finally, you satisfied: cheek covers light natural blush, eye glitter, eyelashes slightly twisted, pink lips parted in anticipation of a smile. You're fully armed. Are you ready and waiting for HIM. And He does not slow to appear. This happens at a party, disco, or simply random companies (the latter makes a new acquaintance certain amount of intrigue and therefore particularly attractive, babe). You know. And then you're ready to play. It is GAME, most likely - the most interesting thing in love. Everything else (a place, other people, weather, etc.) - only the scenery in your performance. You and only you become in him a director, choreographer, administrator, and most of all - the main actor. Here you are behaving. Of course, by is a little much: you just become lively, flirty laugh, showing his cute dimples. However, you You pretend you're interested in IT is not enough: you talking and laughing with others. But His presence, his eyes you feel across the skin, even the tips of your fingers pricks. Now, based only on him, you charming, sweet and feminine. And if He is delighted - it's yours, congratulations. Small fish swallowed the bait - your feigned indifference to it. But here it is important not to overdo it: even with its clumsy OH umishkom must understand that for your inattention to it lies ill-concealed interest (Even thinks you're shy: do you shy to openly show their feelings - This is certainly flatter him, he, too, is sure to attract an atmosphere of mystery around you). Then begins a series of meetings and visits. And here are not necessarily immediately say to him: "You know, I have a lot of shortcomings: I smoke, I like to drink, love to flirt and the money men just hate to cook ... "Better not ogorashivat it first. Story of a touchy and cutie, and If he starts to doubt that you really really such an angel in the flesh, you can throw him some minor "deficiency": do not love you terribly, when store for you molested young cute sellers (hence he will do two things: firstly, you go out shopping, and hence, very thrifty, and secondly, he understand that you're attractive to other men - is to amuse his vanity and overflowing his soul with pride at his own good taste). Do not forget to make him a compliment - not secret that men love to hear them even more women. Of course, the bay-floundering compliment had not done. First Get accustomed to it and try to find it anything that deserves attention, however difficult it may be: beautiful hair, thin fingers music (it would be nice to him, even if it does not discriminate on the piano, violin), expressive eyes, worst. But be careful: the first nice thing unto him privately, enthusiastically looking at him. If he is instantly brightened up and let you in response to a couple of compliments, it means that your attempt was successful, he can continue to keep the same spirit. Of course, unfamiliar people find it difficult to find general topic of conversation. Therefore, I try how to talk less and as more listen to it - so you will learn a lot about him himself, his computer, his dog, the former girlfriends, the best (in his opinion) stamps machines and similar nonsense. But there is bad; lining: filtered all this stuff, you can find a lot of useful to you information and then use it quite successfully. So, do not you speak and listen, sometimes asking leading questions, and he rants vengeance, feeling Demosthenes. Through these he begins his monologue You assume the ideal companion (or rather, the listener) and, hence, a man worthy of his attention and the public, though you only not very smart, but rather nice cute girl (in his opinion). You, of course, immediately begin to use the fact that you are "cute" (but there's all will depend on your utility and not ashamed of the word, greed). Of course, you do not already exists and selfish, just love to have you spoiled. When that your friend told that he madly like you spoil it, that you naughty little girl, as a result of the slightest moment your desire is satisfied, and you reward the Executive supportive smile. So, everything goes smoothly. You watch chatting on the phone about any nonsense, walk around the city, reviewed in movie theaters all the movies, holding hands, passionate kissing (and then it all depends from you, your imagination and your mood, then I'm not a counselor). He tells jokes, you're every five minutes is filled with happy laughter, even if the anecdote is not funny - just you all is well and you're happy with life. Everything seems to be fine. You have sympathy (and maybe more). You are already aware of all his faults, grumpy mother, younger sister of harmful, habits spaniel Charlie and the like. All this is well and ... boring. Most often it happens like this: you catch myself thinking that has to pick the wallpaper and furniture for your future flats, or kissing him, do not think about it, but, for example, nevynesennom debris ... He still did not notice, but you already know: this is the end. He'll still very Like, you're pulling for him, like his gentle words, caresses, hugs. But it is not is for you more important than ever before. And gradually, you're moving away from him. Every time it happens in different ways: sometimes quietly, peacefully, fairly painless for him, and sometimes not without scandal. But he always remains in complete bewilderment as to the cause once spat. Ah, if you yourself somehow knew her! Yes, and you can not say that you can easily go through it all. Originating in After all, the final break - this is undoubtedly a heavy blow for you. Each again at the memory of the beloved in your eyes neproshnnye welling tears, and at night your pillow is completely waterproof. Jobs Waltham out of the hands, you think only of him, and Life is not nice to you, and your joy no joy. But listen, baby: so it will be quite long, only in the beginning. There is even a certain period of time for your suffering - three days (oh, this is the magic number "three"!) Only these three days will be for you a very severe and devastating. In addition, there a lot of useful things: hide or destroy all the things that make mention of it (with Out of sight - out of mind), smile more, meet more often with friends, cuddle a fluffy kitten. All this will help you quickly forget all the unpleasantness of the experience. Guarantee: the less you will be free time during this period, the faster you calm down. This, I tell you honestly, the most intense and tvrcheskoe time. You yourself will be surprised pervasive nature will see will achieve any results in the paper. And now, slowly but surely, his way of softly blurred in your memory. Now you remember all the sweet and tender, that was you, without the strain, but only with only slight sadness. And life is wonderful and amazing! Hand herself drawn to a favorite magazine, and now silent melody carries you on its waves in the ocean of happiness ... What a long time since you have not seen the series, once they are there in Mexico (and Brazil) are you, who have now amnesia, who fell the stairs, who took the throw wee? Be sure to look at! It seems you have not been visiting his aunt? Immediately go. There, in a warm family atmosphere, your heart immediately thawed, and homemade peanut biscuits with tea zastavmt forget all the hardships and sorrows. And now comes the moment when all your past woes, strange as it may seem you so far away and nestrashnymi. Perhaps this will happen when you're with girlfriend will be on a warm summer day to sit in cafes and enjoying the strawberry ice cream and light chatter, ogle young smiling guy at the next table, and maybe some other way. But this will happen, believe me. And it will only mean one thing: your disease, called love, gone, and you already quite well. And what could be better than again to feel free, fun, beautiful and flirtatious? Life you will smile again. And everything will be fine. One morning he woke up, you feel that savagely hungry, and just shuffled barefoot into the kitchen in search of food. Has not pushed his way eyes, you build on sun-drenched kitchen huge sandwich A la of what will, "and cracking down on them, drinking tea. At breakfast before you there is a plate with a mountain of fried potatoes, ketchup-drenched ... What's that, sister? Ask me again Is it all starts over again? Well, yes! And how otherwise? This is what is called a word "Life" ... Oh, look how you look at the guy in denim jacket, right eye driving! Do not miss this chance! You go with him for a walk? Okay, go. But Remember that I told you, baby. It is useful to you.
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