Optron #42
12 января 2001

ZX-NET - the story of ehokonfarentsii ZX.TALKING.

<b>ZX-NET</b> - the story of ehokonfarentsii ZX.TALKING.

  {} Tertius Gaudens, 2000

  The editors of Optron "continues, in a measure
their strength and intelligence, to introduce their
"Brick and mortar" readers with details of the "network 
zhizhni. At this time we will talk about ehokonfarentsii 
ZX.TALKING, designed for simple communication spektrumistov the 
most common themes. 

  According to the rules of this ehokonferentsii in
it a subject of discussion are:

  - BBS, and all connected with it - in terms of software and 
people on the platform of ZX-Spectrum; 

  - Anecdotes of ymerennyh scales;

  - Various interesting stories;

  - Any other topics of interest moderatory.

  Founder and moderator ehokonferentsii -
Eugene Palenok, Moscow. (His interview
"Optocouplers" - in the nearest future edition).

  I suggest to get acquainted with a couple of conversations 
that took place recently in this ehokonferentsii, and quite 
reminiscent of "Christmas horror stories." The first one is 
devoted to horrors that lurk carefree

users of IBM PC:

             Horror MICROSOFT

  Eugene Palenok:

  - ... And recently I saw a CD-ROM, in which the entire laser 
system was broken for unknown reasons, the bursting disc ... 

  George Valnin, Moscow:

  - Well, at a speed of 10000 rpm is
quite possible!

  Pavel Fedorov, Moscow:

  - Completely! With the frost had brought, and with
microcrack - flies just like that!
Have myself seen and heard, by the way, too - loudly
very much.

  Alexey Ivanov, Moscow:

  - And in some noytbykah at speed
more than 400 discs are melted, if the CD-ROM
keep for a long time ...

  Alexander Kushnikov, Moscow:

  - This is it! But if perezagryzke
PC you have you press CTRL + ALT + DEL while
slychayno touches the gap, then you burn the processor ...

  George Valnin:

  - And why the processor has to burn?

  Eugene Palenok:

  - The virus is any. Moditsikatsiya virus
which spins the hard drive so that
he flies out of the computer user and cuts off his head ...

  Alex Skrobansky, Moscow:

  - There is one modification! There's a virus
causes cracking kinescope, and the electrons emitted from it 
will not bombard phosphor, and the user! So he dies, without 
having to get up from my chair ... 

  George Valnin:

  - There is one more! It accelerates the clock
oscillator frequency of the processor so that
from the electromagnetic radiation boil the brains of all who 
is in range 5 m from the computer. The yield of

building all substations in

  Alex Skrobansky:

  - Scary! ..

  Eugene Shuiskaya (though this is a voice
donesshiysya from FIDO):

  - That you're joking, but in Israel, I heard there is a 
special utility that checks the software on kosher! She looks 
drive, and if it finds files that are created in Shabbat, the 
change of date, muttering under This a prayer ...

  However, the reason for the fear can not give
PC'shny only soft, but some,
hitherto unknown to any of networkers,
Point - is worth mentioning only his initials.

  I think readers will easily guess, the
NO Point is in question here:

             Mysterious Point

  Vladimir Bulchukey, Moscow:

  - ... Now HE took the introduction of order in regions ...

  Alexei Antipov, Moscow:

  - Strange! WB I immediately saw, RA, MT, AK,
VM, AL, AI, EP, too, but that HE is not
remember ... He signed on to this echo at all?
And someone who does the site?

  Mikhail Terentyev, Moscow:

  - He signed on ALL Ehi!

  Alexei Antipov:

  - But what never here has not? Wait, wait, but it was not he, 
by chance, before on Mitinskoe market spectrophone "trade? He's 
on sisopnike never, incidentally, was not? 

  Vladimir Bulchukey:

  - If it appears to us sisopnike y,
we are all gone! ..

   Oleg Grigoryev, St. Petersburg:

   - Hmm ... "All The vodka not to drink, but strive to do so 
is necessary" - is his word. Think try? 

  Eugene Palenok:

  - Why? As far as I know, he and the common people to visit 
goes ... sometimes. 

   Oleg Grigoryev:

  - Well, there you have a fig in his Moscow live! He warns 
though? A I can, the girl was invited to her, and here - BB! 
Oh, and fuck me if he needed? .. 

Other articles:

4 kilobytes - New Issue!

Category X - Games: vzgyad from Lvov (review new products).

Likbez - Pocket School (humor).

ZX-NET - the story of ehokonfarentsii ZX.TALKING.

Hobby - writing poetry networker based on Tolkien's works.

Litstranichka - "horror" of the life of the Philological Faculty of Lviv National University. Franko.

Advertising - advertising and announcements of the city.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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