Optron #40
03 октября 2000 |
Non Possums - Festivali: Ata them, Ata! Critical article about CC'000.
Festivali: Ata them, Ata! {} Maksim Isaev, 2000 Itak, Glavnoe for kazhdogo kompyuterschika Event Year period "- CC'000 - completed. And Network ehokonferentsii flooded TA-akoe! .. K sozhaleniyu I okazalsya prav ... Prav in its assessment of the true litsa kompyuterschika, I dal in "Optocouplers" | 32 ... How was it? Rastrubili about the upcoming event zatem - sobralis, Census (Well at least that it is not at loggerheads) and poured slops friend your friend. Razberemsya order. Rastrubili? O yes! Success CC'999 made furor in the Spectrum izdanyah and ehokonferentsiyah. Judging by the network correspondence, aktivnaya podgotovka to CC'000 nachalas almost not the same srazu After playing CC'999. Organizatory "provintsialnyh" festivaley - Millennium (Minsk), Paradox (Rostov-naDonu), CAFe (Kazan) - obediently priznali his "secondary" and held them, and tak to takie time to any obrazom not pomeshat "Glavnomu festivalyu. Luchshaya (naturally, after "Optrona" not tak it?) gazeta ZX-mira - Nicron - again HOW in the past year, stala glavnym informatsionnym sponsor festivalya! In support of CC'000 made takie gazety, HOW ZX-News, "Polesie", Heresy! Hakonets quite neozhidanno for all the organizing committee of the SS became its ardent critic naibolee - redaktor samarskoy ZX-gazety "Born Dead" Maksim Muchkaev (MMA); and one that, kazalos would have had to completely garantirovat from those - and most malyh - punctures that occurred nA CC'999. In short, the prospects were extremely raduzhnye! Harder was posledovavshee razocharovanie. In my opinion, simply organizatory naprosto overestimated itself - with its inherent their capital zanoschivostyu. Kak just HOW same: "Malenkie goroda have shansov! Yes Here are just a "malenkie" festivali - HOW nA "Unenlightened" view of Lvova - passed namnogo akkuratnee and decently. Rassudite sami! Millennium secured the effective assistance of the Belarusian gosuniversiteta. Paradox'om and CAFe ozabotilis regionalnye offices nationwide public organizatsy with sponsorship and informatsionnoy support local administratsii, ryada AO and the media. There were no problems either with a decent festivalya premises, nor technique (in chastnosti, with a video projector) nor to the reception and razmescheniem nonresident visitors. And so that selection of the winners and their nagrazhdenie held on time, no one beat of glass and napivalsya, ostavlyaya za a heap musora and empty bottles - and we are not talking. Ha this background is simply ridiculous chitat rassuzhdeniya about "Glavnom festivale" in spirit "samoe vazhnoe - that's what he did took place" because "prodelana ogromnaya rabota and invested huge sredstva, "and that radi takogo great event out of town guests "Could easily and nA vokzale or parke perekantovatsya ", a" most competitive rabot yet been pokazano, and, in Unlike other other - nA large ekrane and sound "and that" it is necessary to separate poor preparation of the objective difficulties "because" theoretically ten engineers are able to fully profinansirovat organizatsiyu and conducting party nA to a decent level, "but" malo who have zhelanie zanimatsya heavy and quite neblagodarnoy rabotoy and rasstavatsya with their dengami radi to paru days a year nablyudat completely nematerialny rezultat. In general, sobralis ... I am very zhal those ehal nA CC'000 of dalnih gradov and villages, vbuhal to this a lot of time, money and health, a received - Fig. It seems organizatory naproch zabyli about elementarnom hospitality of takoy things HOW druzhba between spektrumistami, between kompyuterschikami-setevikami? ... And the census. Somehow, most of those who opisyval CC'000, zaostryalo its vnimanie nA "party" before, after and instead of radi which, supposedly, they sobralis - Bid pokaza, smotra and discuss the latest samyh Achieving iskusstva. "We looked raboty, zapivaya beer pobuzili ... and all! And that's what pokazal actually a competition - and tak ostalos taynoy za family (Or, HOW least three) pechatyami. Instead of this - zhaloby nA organizatorov: that opozdali with nachalom, prokatili with golosovaniem and oglasheniem rezultatov. In my opinion, everything is clear here. Just-naprosto nothing substantial nA competition was not! Indeed: rasprostranili on networks (HOW usual, with a fair opozdaniem) demos with CC'000 - and what happens? Okazalos that they, in the majority - only otkrovennaya parodiya nA raboty past years. I tak never had prochitat really bright and good - nevazhno, critical or hvalebnyh - reviews on CC'000, takih, kakimi were, at least, reviews of CC'999. Sploshnaya rugan! Havodit nA thoughts? Me - yes. And these ideas, mostly bad ... And what dalshe? Kakovy prospects? Festivali Need Spectrum. But not according to the scheme "raduzhnye prospects - Drunken organizatory - bardak - bummer." Organizatoram "glavnyh festivaley" stands nA down the ground.
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