Think #32
14 августа 1999

Overview Lines - A review of various options for the game Lines.

<b>Overview Lines</b> - A review of various options for the game Lines.
             REVIEW OF LINES ..

Author: A. Gobuzov (Omsk, 1995).
Genre: Puzzle

  After selecting a suitable option for you
management (Sinclair, Kempston, Cursor, or
Keyboard - <QAOP>) you will immediately
in the game.

  During the game you can choose from
melodies ... and you can also save the state of the game on a 
floppy disk. 

              COLOR LINE

Author: B. Minevsky (St.-Petersburg, 1995).
Genre: Puzzle

  On the playing field are colored figurines of which must be 
one line color (ie consisting of identical figures), which must 
be at least 5 figures. The line can be built in any direction, 
including diagonally. Constructed line disappears, freeing the 
occupied cells. The task of playing - hold as much as possible, 
reaching the highest number of lines and getting paid for it 
bonus points. For a line longer than 5 figures charged extra 
points ... ... ... .. 

If the figure chosen, but the path move
it is not specified, it can be undone. If
motion path already started to celebrate, then
fixes to make longer available. Level
games - the number of falling figures:
level 1 - 1, Layer 2 - 2, Layer 3 - 3 ...

Author: H. Sergei (Izhevsk, 1995).
Genre: Puzzle

  Game special is no different from games
this type, except that only the fact that
have the opportunity to maintain a table of records on disk.

              COLOR LINES

Genre: Puzzle

  Your task is to, moving the ball, get drawn up in
line of 5 more balls. The task is complicated by the fact that 
every time you rearrange one ball to another location in place 
there is 3 new ball. Your goal - score as many points.

              Account in the game:

5 balls - 10 points 6 balls - 12 points
7 balls - 18 points 8 ball - 28 points

            9 ball - 42 points

         - Moving the ball -

   You need to show the ball, which you
want to move to a new location. Ball
begins to spin, and you need to show
arrow on the new location. The difficulty is
that you can not move the ball, if the goal
can not get the sequential movement of the ball in a horizontal 
or vertical direction. If the path is, then the ball will take 
a new position. 

  The game has a choice of one of
5 melodies.

 Continuation of a column in the next issue.

Other articles:

From the Author - Once again a new number ...

News - is nearing the end of the work to create CD-ROM.

Overview Lines - A review of various options for the game Lines.

Paradox - An invitation and a story about the trip.

Proceedings of the psycho-analyst - Humor.

WANTED - Searching software ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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