Think #23
30 декабря 1998

old, old games - Caesar the cat, Paws.

<b>old, old games</b> - Caesar the cat, Paws.
          OLD, OLD GAME

Since coming New in 1999 on the Eastern Zodiac be the year of 
the Yellow Cat, then in this section, today we remember games 
in which the main character is none other than the cat or the 
cat ... 

       the kindest of all the animals


  There lived a cat ... Cute, furry animal that is also, like 
all true cats, most of all he loved to sleep, bask in the

stove, eat something tasty and drink milk.

  But our cat is not lucky: he was given the name
Caesar and, like it or not, he should have
justify it, sharpen his nails, fight and

  Meanwhile, the reasons for the turbulent life
were very familiar: it is necessary to put an end to the army 
of mice that had completed house of his master. This is a very 
difficult task, and without our help Caesar to her not cope.

  Mice, like all mice, in general, have found themselves
a good place to live, where and sit, hiding behind a shelf with 
jam, with the odorous sausage, or for anything else, no less 
appetizing. Caesar must sneak very quietly and carefully to 
avoid vspolozhit mice, after which a joyous

meow at the right moment to rush to

  Jumping on zastavlennym food shelves is extremely difficult, 
and moving the location of something or breaking the bank can 
for Caesar's end is extremely unpleasant (except that the 
owners, in recognition of the great achievements that are 
expressed in number of points, forgive him). Thus, it is 
evident that after the struggle is very uncomfortable - when 
Caesar jumps high, he bob his head on the ceiling, when jumps 
from a great height - divides his legs (though they say that

cats always jump on four legs, but
they can get sick!)

  Catching mice Caesar should make out
pantry via a special door. After
each regular dozens bell rings
alarm clock, a number of points shown in the balance, standing 
on the bottom shelf. Caesar has to hurry, because the more time 
goes, the more tasty things disappears into the voracious 
mouths of mice. He did not can afford to take even a short 
rest, because otherwise you'll have to start all first.

Genre: Arcade
Author: ARTIC

  The script of this game is very original .....
You as a stray cat, which each
day of wandering in search of food and discovered that her 
kittens are gone. Night is approaching, and with it a number of 
mad dogs, and time very little ... Kittens are scattered 
throughout maze. You can only wear one

kitty, leaving him in a safe place (this
somewhere in the city center). When time passes, the more a 
pack of dogs increases, thereby decreasing your chance to help 
a cat ... 

Other articles:

From the Author - Not far off the New Year ...

old, old games - Caesar the cat, Paws.

Jokes - Humor.

Congratulations - Happy New Year!

WANTED - Searching software ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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