Think #11
06 июня 1998 |
Competition wits - historical anecdotes, puzzles.
COMPETITION Wags In this historical anecdote is not the last phrase or just a few words, but in them-and is the whole point anecdote - a witty response, paradoxical joke. Try competing with the actors of these commemorative histories to offer his version of the last phrases. How they sounded in reality you learn in one of the following numbers. Prophylactic Once the court of French King Francis the First Duc de Bellegarde, furious daring joke royal jester Triboulet, and threatened to kill him. Triboulet complained to the duke to the king. That he replied: - Do not be afraid! If someone dares you to kill a quarter of an hour it will hang on my orders! - Your Highness, but could you ... CAUTION SCIENTIST English philosopher Bertrand Russell Asked once whether he was ready to die for their beliefs. Thinking, the scientist said: - Of course not! After all ... Abortive REVENGE On the representation of the play of French playwright Emile Augier in the Comedie Francaise, sitting next to the author, Alexander Dumas said him, pointing to a tired audience: - Look, here's how the public on your creation! The next day, the theater was a piece of the Dyuma.Ozhe found in the hall of a sleeping audience and turned to his neighbor: - Look my dear, how the your play on the audience. Dumas said calmly: - .... Waiting for your answers.
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