Wallpaper #02
31 мая 1998 |
Letters - One family letter in our pedaktsiyu newspapers (for modems).
4. LETTER TO THE NUMBER From the Editor: Came the first letter to the editor of our newspaper. This remarkable fact can not please. It should be noted that redktsiya not responsible for the the contents of the printed letters. All Mail entered in the number of prints without changes, except, of course, abusive language and direct offending individuals. Hello, dear users Network TashZX_Net. In this article I (Max) try to talk about what modems we'll choose. To date, the most extended ones model of modem Tashkent became the device under nazyaaniem VICOMM. Well this pretty priborchik easy to handle and pozvoyaet somehow link between a pair of computers. But its main drawback is the poor quality of communication, which is manifested due to soglauyuschego transformer. Result on person to convey that or say to Kara-Suu by Yunus-Abad becomes impossible. But finally yours, users who come to torment end. My friend, and just cool guy, Sergei, still soaked beztransformatorny modem. Collect it wonder can anyone who has a soldering iron at home. Teper's talk about the technical side case. Modem that is simple to assemble and requires virtually no adjustment. By about what I'm willing to bet the author Articles about the modem XTR (WP) have nothing against move the modem to the masses is not I have, but not in others, the same bones, so the appeal: "Have conscience, guys!" And several arguments in defense of the new fashion ma: The author of the article asserts that the S-modem extremely difficult to configure, responsibly declare all this garbage, only because of what he can not work the way it is because of faulty details. The article also argued that S-modem difficult to assembly, unlike XTR modem'a. Sorry, but the XTR modem Yousser far as I understand you will be buying on any assembly talking about?! And where the author knows about these difficulties, which, ostensibly, are constantly arising, even if it does not tried S-modem to collect. The disadvantage he so-called lack of same galvanic isolation from the line. Q: Who needs it!? If you have PROFI you do not give a damn about, or is it No, this is the first. Second: no decoupling is not a drawback at all, because at the interchange is lost power. Let's talk about the main - about the price. As you Yousser, have probably known, XTR costs 3000 soums and VICOMM 1000 sum, the three things you can get ZX128 with a good drive (at least If I get it) This is the kind of pathology - the handkerchief 6x5 for these grandmothers, and here for comparing the cost of S-modem: Resistors 12 * 2 = 24, the condenser 30 UZS Transistors 2 +10 13 = 25, the diodes 3 * 5 = 15 IC 30 soums getinaks 15, total: 139 som. This is despite the fact that the house you have any No one Circuits. One hundred and fifty and several hours of working time, and that's all that is necessary in order to gather S-modem and not suffer. And finally much to ask for Mr. Moses, if you going to sell their modems, it is not choke at the root of promising ideas, People should have a choice, should be healthy competition. P.S. This article is not intended to Oscor beat anyone or to belittle the dignity of any particular model modem. 03/05/1998 Max.
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