Polesse #14
29 декабря 1999

Laboratory - to finalize the Speccy: Hardware pause, quasi-turbo, Quartz 14300.

<b>Laboratory</b> - to finalize the Speccy: Hardware pause, quasi-turbo, Quartz 14300.


   Today I'll tell you about the three simplest
and yet very useful hardware
completion of your Speccy. Two of them already
repeatedly mentioned in the e
press, but the third - is the original idea of ​​Gomel 
zhelezyachnikov. All described hereafter available, even very 
far of iron to the user.

   1. HARDWARE BREAK. Allows any
time to stop the computer. When
This is absolutely stop all processes, including work with the 
drive and other peripherals. The practical usefulness of this 
refinement is obvious: you can safely stop any program (toy 
demo) and to do more important things. If at the time of the 
stop playing muzprotsessor - music hangs on one note. Pause 
itself can last an long as you want until you do not turn off 
and does not affect the performance of the program be stopped.

   Done, this chip is elementary. Find
the microprocessor Z80 24-th leg (signal
WAIT) and throw it through a switch to
corpus. Samu leg otpaivat not necessary.

   2. QUASI-TURBO. The essence of this revision is to speed up 
your computer for the imaginary by grounding the signal INT. 
Need This occurs, if the machines with a slow memory, slow 
demah music, or want to quickly scroll some tiresome effect, 
for example, scrolling. When the button is pressed,

several times faster music, and in some programs disappear 
completely brakes. However, if the program uses real-time 
effects, such actions may cause hangs. 

   Carried out by tossing a 16-second leg
processor (signal INT), a toggle switch on
corpus. Leg disconnect itself is not necessary.

   I recall that the count of contacts at all
chip is measured from the label (the cavity that point
and so on) counter-clockwise. The main thing is not
confuse the legs!

   3. QUARTZ 14300. The idea of ​​this revision I
suggested PAVEL / SPIDERS. Maybe at
your car, you've encountered the phenomenon
slow performance of some programs
drive? For example not far
necessary. Computer owners "Compact-128",
Yes, and many others, when you run the demo
FOREVER often point out that
podgruzhemye part of the load very slowly.
Also, there are a number BOOTov automatically
determining the change of the disc, which is extremely slow 
work with the drive. 

   The essence of refinement is simple: fed to old
quartz at 14 MHz and instead Seal is the same, but on 14.300 
MHz. If we take quartz with higher ratings - possible 
violations sihnhronizatsii image on the monitor. The polarity 
of the inclusion of the role is not plays. Immediately start to 
work all of the above, disappear with the effects of glitches 
in FOREVER, faster ANAMNESIS. No side effects, subject to the 
specified frequency after this alteration is not noted. 
Recommended to all. 

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Laboratory - to finalize the Speccy: Hardware pause, quasi-turbo, Quartz 14300.

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From the Editor - Gazette one year ...

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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