Lprint #04
30 мая 1997

Interview - An Interview with IVAN'om owner Aquamarine BBS.

<b>Interview</b> - An Interview with IVAN'om owner Aquamarine BBS.
 Interviews --==< Let's take a >==-- 05

Today our guest is Ivan, the owner AQUAMARINE bbs. Large him
thanks for what he has found time to answer my questions.

WW: Your full name ?
Ivan: Oskerko Ivan.

WW: Where do you uchishsya / work?
Ivan: So far, the study in IILSR on a 3-year student, Faculty 
of Law specialty - jurisprudence.

WW: How long have you zanimaeshsya work on the Spectrum, when 
you first met him and how? Ivan: Actually, I saw a computer for 
the first time in the Black Sea, when vacationing there with 
his parents. Around it was in 1991 went godu.Ya on film in a 
house of culture, and in the hall stood four computers Atari 
brand. One hour of the game was worth terribly expensive - 2 
rubles, and instead of the movie, I stayed to watch and play on 
the Atari. All programs are loaded from the tape and often 
faltering but people are it was still a lot and everyone wanted 
to play. There I spent every night until the cashier has to 
learn and I miss besplatno.Ya loved to play the game of Monty 
funny little man who runs the maze and collect prizes. 
Unfortunately at this Spectrum'e Games I have not found / WW: I 
know this game. At Spectrum'e it is, rather parodiya, with the 
name "Panama Joe" /. After returning to Minsk, many times I 
took a computer rental for one day. Almost always turned out to 
Atari, but once they brought strange looking Sincleir ZX 
Spectrum. Games on it were more complicated than Atari.I from 
that moment I decided to buy some computer. In 1993, in the 
summer, I began to look for - what to buy? First nearly bought 
a Vector / thank God! / But its time to sell. A lot of 
searching on the pawnshop, but if the computer and was produced 
in the shop, then it cost 30 thousand! / WW: prices are 
naturally old / In the end, I found an ad in the newspaper for 
Spectrum 15,000, which I bought. The computer itself was small, 
in the case of metal and contains the memory of 48 kb + big 
power supply, which basked scary. I liked to play games such 
as: Target Renegade, RoboCop, and others. As you have guessed 
drive certainly was not all games were loaded with 
magnitofona.U me had a lot of literature on the ZX Spectrum, 
where I read about some Spectrum 128kb + disk interfeys.V 1995 
I decided to change its Spectrum 48kb to 128kb and went to 
Moscow to stay with relatives. There, on the market in Mitino, 
I bought a $ 100 computer GrandTower 2 +. Buying has been very 
successful because operate all programs and Games work just as 
it should. This model, I use to this day.

WW: Why did not you took a pseudo, like everyone else, not even 
bbs had a name?

Ivan: Here you oshibaeshsya, bbs called "NONAME". Pseudo I 
chose because I think it is not necessary. Although I had 
previously "Second imechko" - Stalin / WW: (!!!)/. Now I 
decided to give it up because I think it's childish games / WW: 
You're wrong, This is his "charm", although as anyone.

WW: Why are you still gave the name of his bbs and why is that?
Ivan: I gave her the name of the bbs AQUAMARINE - is the name 
of "my" Stone, who was believed, it gives me a great life 
force. Name had to give me unnecessarily just "get it" with 
such matters. 

WW: What is your profession ZX / Artist, Codec, Music, not 
necessarily professionally /? Ivan: Basically doing what I play 
in different igry.No if need, I can hack the game, to increase 
the number of lives, time, etc. We can say that I'm beginner 

WW: Kak you bought a modem / from someone knew, and so /?
Ivan: First, about the modem, I have learned from the Moscow 
newspaper "ON-LINE". Read all the numbers / 20 / and began to 
dream - how good it was to have such in Minsk. In late 1996, 
Arseny said me about the modem that he is trying to do and I 
offered to test my computer. One of the modems it has put me 
and the second tried to set up at home that he has finally 
happened. Of course, if you do not take much at all it took 

WW: How to got the idea to open bbs / if I am correctly 
informed, it was the first /? Ivan: You informed correctly - I 
was the first time. When more I just put the modem Arseny, I 
decided - will open bbs. For me it was a way of communicating 
with all good lyudmi.S outset I had a large base of gaming and 
can perform almost any orders. Take a moment and I want to 
offer something to all requests for Games sent me, and if I 
have it, make sure you put on the bbs.

WW: What's included in your ZX-farm / type of company etc /?
Ivan: Kompyuter GRANDTOWER2 + + 2 FDD / TEAC AND MC 5313 +
WTC 201.

WW: Kak you otnosishsya to the appearance of such books as 
LPRINT? Ivan: How to treat? All hands! Since this paper gives

the possibility of more opreativno obminovatsya news and 
interesting thoughts, and ask questions. It's worth somewhere 
to print a weekly schedule bbs. 

WW: And finally, what would you wish the whole MG Net?
Ivan: Just two words: User'ov and SisOp'ov.

Other articles:

BBS NEWS - Schedule BBS for a week.

Authors - The creative team of the newspaper.

FAQ - Iteraktivnost ...

Effective - A new newspaper Body.

Interview - An Interview with IVAN'om owner Aquamarine BBS.

Opinion - Discussion Demo & Megademo.

Description - Game Description THRUST 2.

Smile - Poems from BROM'a.

Hacker - computer pirates.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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