ZX-News #15
19 ноября 1996

BBS News - On the new BBS: MAS BBS & Tornado Station.

<b>BBS News</b> - On the new BBS: MAS BBS & Tornado Station.
             Network News

           (C) Alexei Mikhailov

  Thus, the network has not yet opened, but the server program 
is ready, which means that there were first bbs ...

  Just want a little chastened in particular
Impatient new-SysOp'ov - before the conference
server program no one gets! And do not
should be calling me every day with the words:
"Well, let me program, well when it comes out, well
writing program, but ... "

  I recall that Newskah out often enough (once a week) so that 
all news you can read it, but I already

I confess, fed up with stretching dinner
20:00 to 00:00, neperestavaya while talking on the phone twenty 
times repeating the same thing ...

  At parties, we all teach you how to v3.0
juzat what was done and why. In the meantime,
Collect 'feature', because without it
bibisya still will not work ...

  Now version 3.0 is in the final stages of testing. From 
11/19/1996 earned first station - "MAS-BBS", with

22/11/1996 earns second - "Tornado station". Prior to the 
conference bbs'ok no longer! 

  Both bbs in test mode, graphics found in this article. Suggest
all future sysop and users to actively participate in the 
testing, searching for possible glitches. Pozasylayte soap 
(echo area until you go), leave a message operators in the 
files "to_sysop" or in terminal mode in log'e, poskachivayte 
Newskah, in short, try to deal with how the whole system works, 
because you - Five minutes to sysops!

  Incidentally, this is where one person wants as long as
something like the BBC to open, but only in the "manual mode". 
Clearly, once a He v3.0, so he immediately complete the station 
will, however, well, painfully Hotz ... So please call:

                BBS SIRIUS

  Time: 17:00 to 19:00 (hand mode)

  SysOp: Andrey Golubev

  Tel. : 254-5586

  As far as the two normal plants, then this week they are 
working on such Graphics:

            SpbZxNet bbs list

               on 11/20/1996

  MAS-BBS 812/00.00

  Aleksandr Majorov 583-5448

  from 22:30 to 00:30 daily except:

   Wednesday: from 23:30 to 00:30

  Scorpion ZS 256 Turbo, two FDD (A + B)

  Subject: general

  Secret Files: to_sysop, zxnews

                    with any extension

  To register the file entered about yourself, where
 specify the full name, your phone, and the input
 password (up to 16 characters)

   For nezaregistrirovany users
 there is a password "user" ...

  Tornado station 812/01.00

  Alex Mikhailov 186-1358

  from 22:30 to 23:00 daily

  Registration: from 22:00 to 23:00

  Scorpion ZS 256 Turbo +, one FDD (A)

  Subject: almost total ...

  Notes: Articles for ZxNews


  To work with bbs required terminal
program Macro-Modem with version higher than 2.12!

  At some time already resembles that used a list of more than 
two weeks limitation is prohibited, while more than a week - is 

  List ALL bbs, occurring in SpbZxNet,
published in ZxNews every week. All
operators in case of change of timetable, it is advisable to 
call (soap my letter) to the Tornado st. (812/01.00).


Other articles:

BBS on ZX - The new network - SPbZXNet. How does terminalka Macro Modem 3.

BBS News - On the new BBS: MAS BBS & Tornado Station.

Iron - Connection Hays-compatible modem to the Scorpio.

From the authors - Where can Retrieve your lost new issues of the newspaper? ..

pribambas v1.2 - The scheme to VICOMM could respond to the call and shoot up.

Programs - The presentation of the player tunes X-Player v7.0 and test Computer Configuration Test Machine v5.03

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Terminalka - What is a modem. - Macros. Text and Hobeta.

Humor - Fidoshny humor - funny 3.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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