On-Line #61
03 ноября 1996

Mosaic - On hold DemoBit'96. Cheat for the game "The Hundred".

<b>Mosaic</b> - On hold DemoBit'96.
 Cheat for the game

(C) ZOOL00K of Phantasy Group

   Hello to all readers of "ON-LINE"! Re-reading the latest 
issues of this wonderful publication, I noticed that all the 
local news at the moment is almost exhausted. Therefore decided 
to tell you about the news from abroad ... 

   The biggest news - is, of course, DemoBit96. Original 
opening date of the compo scheduled for May 6. But then, at the 
insistence of the chief organizer of DB96, the date was moved 
to twentieth of October. But even here, a few days before the 
competition, having some problems with the sponsors (Oh, these 
sponsors). As a result, the opening is scheduled for late 
DemoBit'a November - early December. Postpone the time to 
further the number of nowhere else, not to get DemoBit97. In 
this regard, I appeal to all those who have not had time to put 
their work on Enlight96 for some reason (for example, could not 
attend the E96). Do you have a wonderful chance to participate 
in DemoBit compo! Especially because the participants come to 
Bratislava, not necessarily. I understand that all the demos 
and the demos were on Enlight96, and no one will write a new 
MegaDemo for DB96. But it is not only Demo. After all, before 
DemoBit'a more a month. Leave Music, draw Picture, finally, to 
write a Intro for this life is possible. It would be the 
desire. Now a little more about it ...

   Rules for a Demo Account are the same as in Enlight96 ...

   What about graphics and music is similar, except that
music should already be compiled (Start no less than 24,576) and
duration of the music is not more than 5 minutes. And another 
addition: Only one picture / music from one author ...

 Intro compo:

    Maximum length - 1024 bytes.

    Start at least 24,576.

    Clear = Start-1.

    Sound effects do not use it!

    Duration 3 minutes.

    One Intro from one avtora.

   As the ZX platform will be used, as before,
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128k (+2) + ACB stereo output. I remind 
you that on this machine, as well as on the ZX Spectrum 128k 
fast RAM are 0,2,4,6, and 1,3,5,7 slow. Organizer ZX compo 
remains All the same BUSY SOFT and HARD. Perhaps, the organizer 
of Music Compo for ZX will NORO SOFT and HARD.

   To date, already knows exactly what to ZX compo will attend 
4-5 Demos from Slovakia, Czech and Poland. About the same 
number will Intros. I am no longer talking about Music and Gfx 

   As for us - Phantasy Group, then soon we will release (if 
you DO NOT already released), a series of new and little-known 
disc versions Demos from friends near and far abroad ... 

   Needless to say, as soon as the end in DemoBit Compo, we
released a CD with full information about this significant event
- Here are all the programs with DB96, results, commentary, 
interviews with fans Speccy from different countries, etc. 

   So who are interested can send email for details
information on the Internet, mail or L930703@RIINA.VA.TTU.EE
Fido, address 2:490 / 63.10

   Also, thanks to all of the same on the Internet, we try to 
register on ZXNet, because Bitter experience has shown that not 
sinklerist each has access to Inet ... 

   Well, in short, that's all.

                            But for now, goodbye, good!


                                 E-mail: L930703@RIINA.VA.TTU.EE

(C) ROM / S.B.H.G.

   "Promotka" levels in the game THE HUNDRED - simultaneously 
press press X and M during the game.

                                                     Roman (ROM)

                                                ZXNet: 095/100.2

Other articles:

B.B.S. News - The work BBS'ok.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten ot Magic Soft.

ZXNet - On the opening of the new address ZXNet.

Stuck? - Description of the game "Flunky" (continued).

Mosaic - On hold DemoBit'96. Cheat for the game "The Hundred".

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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