RIP #05
20 декабря 1997

Announcement - Thunder - a virus attack.

<b>Announcement</b> - Thunder - a virus attack.
(C) IE Moiseenkov Skip'ed by Werewolves

"Astonishing indifference with which people still perceive the 
facts attacks, security (whether unauthorized access,

unauthorized use of privileges, "Trojan horses" or
well-known virus) yet relatively harmless, and this justifies 
the lack of interest. I think something should happen in effect 
comparable to Chernobyl or Three Mile Island, to awaken the 
majority of our society. " 

                  Peter Newman, digest RISKS_FORUM

 In principle, to what happened in November 1988, led all
history of computing, but to expound it entirely meaningless, 
since it is very long, though very entertaining. Therefore, we 
will focus only on individual facts relevant to the next point

              "Right now, 3:45 AM, Wednesday (sic) on November 3
              1988. I had enough, I can not
              believe what happened ... "

 ... Thunder - a virus attack, called a computer expert
the greatest attack on the national computer ever
happens - Sound of November 2, 1988.

  / In the next room RIP'a: virus Morris - a mistake or a 
threat / 

Other articles:

7 Origins - Seven top origin'ov-wise, and not expressions.

Marazm - Do not drink if you want to go tomorrow morning for a tour.

Post ... - the feeling that we do not for a newspaper.

ZX-news - there was "Black Crow". Advertising Petersburg Product: X-Reversy. The first issue of the computer. Journal Public Spirit. About the Festival of Computer Art - FUNTOP'98.

Announcement - Thunder - a virus attack.

Entry - The state is close to the shock ...

Presentation - A new puzzle game "Margo Puzzle part one".

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Shock - it's in our - subscription to the newspaper.


Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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