On-Line #38
26 мая 1996 |
HOT GAMES - Top Ten by Magic Soft.
HOT GAMES (C) MMM TOP 10 on 05/26/1996 Hi everyone! At this time you will find a big surprise: 1. UFO 2: TERROR IN THE DEEP 128K (COPPER FEET'96) 2. TIME COP (MOON SOFT'96) 3. 1915'S (FIFTEEN'S) 128K (SILICON BRAINS'96) 4. KING'S BOUNTY 2 128K (NEW WORLD COMPUTING 'EJB'96) 5. SOLDIER OF THE FUTURE (Gudkov IVAN'96) 6. Field of Miracles (OUTLAND'95) 7. PRINCE OF PERSIA 128K (MC SOFTWARE 'NICODIM'96) 8. UFO release 2.0 128K (MICROPROSE 'COPPER FEET'95) 9. INDIANA JONES ' THE FATE OF ATLANTIS (LUCASFILM GAMES'93) 10. THE TURN 128K (MAD MAX'95) Information provided by MAGIC SOFT Phone for regional dealers: (095) 267-6976 (Victoria) Finally, we wait for this amazingly wonderful Game: UFO 2: TERROR IN THE DEEP (release 2.0)! Still no game on SPECCY not enjoyed such wide popularity, as this (Except the game ROBOCOP 3, Katori in 1993 set a record for the sale of the first day of release). "Tag" finally calmed down and passed forward TIME COP. KING'S BOUNTY again works miracles and erupts on the 4 th place (note that this game came out long ago). "PRINCE OF PERSIA" was unpopular on this week, but I do not think that this game will be at such a humiliating position. Why a UFO suddenly appeared at 8 point, I think, you guessed themselves, so let me finish this. Bye! Sincerely, Valerie (MMM) MDM: 202-0435
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