01 марта 2017 |
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News - Dart Alver from Smolensk appeared with huge patch to Burial Gfx Editor, Wanderer wrote new scripting engine for his next game

News by Alone Coder A long pause was taken to finish the next step of NedoLang compiler. What was done: -enum (BYTE type only). -switch-case (BYTE type only). -INCLUDE and INCBIN in NedoAsm. -Z80 library (multiplucation, division, shifts). -TR-DOS I/O library. As in TR-DOS commands, sequential files are divided in ЧKB parts with same name, differing only by "start" parameter. This allows opening several files for write at once. Still missing random access files and re-opening files for write. -Self-compilation. For it, the source was severely optimized for size and label file size (crucial for assembly that requires all the labels at the same time). Initially every part of the system could be compiled automatically on single TRD, but after some speed optimization and adding features (see below) it requires semi-automated compilation on RAM disk. Sadly the self-compilation is far from 1 minute - each of 3 parts (compiler, tokenized, and assembler) requires around 2 minutes. The sequence of operations is scripted in Basic loader (later in two Basic loaders because of lack of memory for assembly). I think about adding a batch processor. - A lot of bugs were fixed thanks to self-compilation. I check the binary generated by PC Nedolang against the one generated by ZX Nedolang, and expect them to match. The testing is semi-automated. - A demo was released (NedoGift: LVD 35) to check the process of software development. -call by pointer (without parameters). -struct (no sub-structures yet). -EXPORT to export labels. C exports every label. NedoLang allows you to tell which ones to export (variables, procedures, functions, arrays, but not constants, because all exported labels are pointers). NedoAsm does too. - Primitiveseparate compilation was added - mostly for compiler itself (one part is code generator, another is the language). It exports relocation information but can't relocate yet. So you canINCBIN a module in your program in given address, for what it was compiled, usingEXPORTed labels. - Astable 48K version of the system was released, complete with sources. See it at -#include modules. -#define constants for C compatibility with array sizes (can be typed). -#ifdef (can't be nested so far). -+sizeof(<type>). - Typecast doesn't more need'+' before parentheses. -Experimental 2D tile-sprite library was written for future games. I am debugging it now, and adding more procedures. Resource converter is bundled with the system. For now, it supports only 48K Speccy. - Experimental ARM Thumb target was added, still in pre-alpha state. While I did it,FlashZX released an April 1st demoversion of Battletoads game. I was shocked to see what can be done with EvoSDK (slightly enriched byHippiman ). So I'll think better about new sprite library :) Dart Alver from Smolensk (there was not any known ZX scene!) appeared with huge patch to Burial Gfx Editor. It includes new magnify engine (bugs fixed, 8x8 option, pattern drawing added), new file option (with rename, delete and even copy), pixel perfect cursor movement, built-in help, and return of CHR font plug-in. The current version is hosted at Wanderer wrote new scripting engine for his next game, but the project has stalled because he has found a new job. Arwald finished his graduation thesis and resumed his game projects. New issue of Info Guide e-zine moves slowly. A few articles arrived. I started translation.Karbo provided several songs. John Silver wrote few more patterns :) I gave him my PC, and after some vaccum cleaning it got worked again! However I still haven't taken it away.Louisa is thought to have a toe broken, so she can't drive :( (P.S.: Today she recovered.) SpeccyWiki goes4000 articles! Tiboh adds information about groups while he updatesZXAAA demo archive. AmoNik wrote an unprecedented autobiography in the field of computing in Leningrad. The story starts in 1988! You can read it here. Maybe later we can add up information about these early years from different sides in one book (see the previous issues of ACNews ).
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