01 марта 2017 |
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How it was in Leningrad - Year 1992-1993. Meeting Amiga

Year 1992-1993. Meeting Amiga I found an interesting computer shop at the ground floor of "Subscription publications" store at Liteyny avenue. A room 8 by 10 metres contained three departments. First department sold Spectrum-compatible computers and tape games. I'm not sure about disks, but disk drives were certainly sold as a unit with power supply. Later some Speccy books were also sold there. Second department contained Amigas. Namely Amiga 500+. I didn't know anything about Amigas by the time, and just stared at a new strange computer. A demonstrational Amiga was attached to a colour video monitor. Sometimes it was installed on the counter, sometimes on a shelf behind the salesman. Amiga runned demos. I remember Technological Death and State of The Art with a dancing girl. That was cool. Amiga also runned games. I remember Settlers, Walker, Cannon Fodder. The first one had marvelous ambient sounds (bird chirping, axe and construction sounds), the second one played animation while loading. I started to respect Amiga for its power and attractiveness. Besides Amiga, you could buy there a monitor for it, mouses, joysticks, and game disks. I thought to buy an Amiga when I would find a job and gain a lot of money. The first and the largest department sold IBM PC compatibles. Depending of size of your pocket you could buy a complete computer with 286 to 486 CPU. The latter was worth an apartment, so people mostly bought 386's. Complete sets stood on the counter before the salesmen, facing the visitors. You could approach them and type something on the keyboard when a salesman looked aside. I did that frequently. I looked at his actions then tried to repeat them after him. Norton Commander was loaded on the computers, so I had something to click :) So I worked at PC for the first time. Sometimes they ran games. I remember Goblins. It had a funny opening. Goblin family sits at a table, and an evil wizard pokes a voodoo puppet with needles, the puppet to represent a head of family, so the victim yells and makes faces. I remember that while the first run, the game had music without any sounds. A salesman explained somebody that you need more memory to hear voices. He opened the case and adds in it (in a sound card) some plaquets with chips. Then he ran the game again, and the voices and other sounds appeared. Once I played second screen of Goblins a little. The game is amusing yet hard. Sometimes a music demo was shown instead of games. It moved sines on screen with music, i.e. visualized the waveform of sound. A rocking techno track played. There were many in the program, but they didn't let them all play. Before selling a computer, a hard disk test was mandatory. The testing program could scan the disk for hours, and the poor customer had to tolerate that. Some displays showed a nice screen-saver that drew stunning kaleidoscopic patterns. The patterns slowly changed colours. I liked to watch them. Besides the computers, multimedia sets from Creative were sold. A set contained a soundcard, a CD-ROM drive, and basic loudspeakers. Such sets were named Creative Sound Blaster Discovery. That costed huge amount of money I hadn't. But I wanted... The same department also hosted a lonesome Apple Macintosh. I can't understand today, how that model appeared there, it was very old and certainly out of production. The only thing I remember about it is that it made a "boom" sound when it released a floppy disk. I wasn't impressed, only puzzled - one button mouse, monochrome screen no larger than a packet of cigarettes, no disk release button. Why have such a scarecrow? Nevertheless, I moved the mouse around a little. The only "Mac" I wanted was Apple IIc that I had read about in a colour magazine "Information Science in Life of USA", from the exhibition of the same name conducted in late 80's in our city. One of the articles had Isaac Asimov telling about his Macintosh experience. And the photo in the article showed Apple IIc with external disk drive and a printer. This store later became the base of city first specialized computer store named "Key" (pronunced as "kay", but don't mix it with KAY computer! - Ed.), later a big trading network. Salesmen in "Key" were former "Subscription publications" sellers. "Key" store was opened within few meters of old store. Years 1992-1994. School class with UK-NC My classmate Anton and I used to hand about information science room on second floor. That was because a whole computer class network was hidden from us there. The computers were Elektronika МС-0511 or UK-NC. The class consisted of some 10 student computers with monochrone displays, and one teacher's computer with a colour monitor and two disk drives. OS was loaded from one of disk drives, another was used to save programs from student computers by net. I didn't know that by the time. We just looked through the open door, at breaks when our next class was nearby, that was chemistry, physics, or math. Sometimes we shirked physical training, and went to the information science room door to hear what the teacher tells, and peeked in a half-open door. We dreamed of working at these computers, but the class started at 1Oth grade, so we had to wait for two years. At the same time, an 8th form parallel to ours was turned to an experimental "A" form with math and physics bias. All the best students from other classes were collected there, and they have information science from the beginning. I envy them. One of the "A" students wrote a game like Scorched Earth during the lesson. Screen showed a random (but smooth) relief with guns. The guns can rotate their barrel and shoot each other. The projectile obeyed the starting speed, gravity, and wind. After a hit, a filled circle was shown that looked oval. Then the circle disappeared together with background features. Sometimes Anton and I could play the game at breaks. Once the information science teacher (mistress in fact) caught us behind the door, and offered programming studies after school. We couldn't express our happiness, and we agreed. We arrived after school and occupied one of the computers near a window. The mistress gave us a big book with Basic program examples, to choose any of them to type and run. If it didn't run, we should wait for her to fix the program. She went out. We turned over some pages, found something, and started typing. The program didn't run, so we waited for the mistress. But before she returned, we managed to clear the program and even quit Basic. I don't remember how it ended, but there were no more studies like that. And when I was at 1Oth grade to work with UK-NC officially, it turned to be unneeded. In the years passed, I learned not only Basic, but also Turbo Pascal. The same year a modern progressive information science teacher came in our scrool, and at the very first lesson he chose me and said I could skip lessons because I wouldn't learn anything new here. So I did. However, I visited one lesson about some graphics editor, and received a "poor" ("2") mark as a joke - it didn't affect my final "excellent" ("5") mark at the end of the year. Next time I visited the information science at final exam at 11th grade. I had chosen this exam because it was a freebie for me. The interesting thing was, when information science classes started in our form, the school program changed, so everyone, not only math and physics-biased students, started to learn information science from the 7th grade or so. Years 1994-1995. A Business club Starting from the 9th grade, once a fortnight, we went at Training-Production Centre (Учебно-Производственный Комбинат) instead of lessons for whole day. Our training centre was at Konstanin Zaslonov street where was smell of chocolate and other sweeties, from nearby confetionery plant of Nadezhda Krupskaya. Field training was thought to help us with future occupation. Not for me. At the 9th grade, we disassembled street lamps there, and also produced loose-leaf binders. The teacher told us about electrical safety, sometimes slipping under the table. Later I found that he kept a bottle of strong drink under the table. I didn't like such classes, so I missed most of them, in spite of money they paid us for our work. At the 1Oth grade, completely new studies started there, a Business club. So I signed up for it from the beginning. The classes were held by yound well-dressed teachers, and they required the same from us. We learned basics of business and market economy to become businessmen. We learned business custom, so at discussions we must address each other as "dear colleague". For example, your opponent tells something, and you counter, "Dear colleague, let me disagree with you," and start to put in your viewpoint. In theory. In practice, I sat quiet in a corner. The lessons were interesting, and we were thought as an elite of the Training-Production Centre. There was a room for psychological relief organized for us, where we could sit with a cup of tea and crackers together with a psychologist. However, the most interesting for us was a brand new computer class presented for us by a sponsor - Computerland. The computer class wasn't large, but it was modern. There were five or six machines. We sat at them by two, even changing groups, because there were many of us. We learned utilities, graphic editors, drawing posters. When we studied Norton Commander, I already knew what keys to press, because of "Subscription publications" store. So I was considered the smartest in our group. I remember one lesson where we should draw anything in CPen graphics editor. My workmate and I couldn't invent what to draw, so I stole and evolved an idea from neighbouring girls. They drew Moon seen from space. I turned it into an unknown planet, with lava volcanoes instead of their craters. There were stars, meteorites, and the stuff around. When the teacher came to evaluate our works, he thought that ours is the original, and the girls stole the idea. So we got "excellent" mark. There were few lessons because of changing groups, and I don't remember the others. The Business club classes were intended for two years, with an exam at the end of the first year. I prepared for it very seriously and worried, but I didn't come because there were rumours that there would be no more classes next year. So it was indeed. Year 1994. First Pentagon and first Scorpion In September of 1994, my friend Slava and I went to Yunona market to buy him a Scorpion ZS 256. We knew about that model from Piter press books, where Zonov's ads usually were between the last pages. So we knew what we needed when we went there. There were rumours that a pirate Scorpion in Korvet case with a Soviet floppy disk drive costed 225000 roubles (there was a big inflation in 1992-1994). I have no idea for how long Slava saved so much but we went for Scorpion just as he had built a money. We were unlucky. We were caught by pseudo-inspectors in a tram going from Avtovo subway to Yunona. We wanted to stowaway, and they dropped us one stop earlier. Not only dropped but also fined us. That was frightful to show a roll of money to these rocketeers. I had no money, and Slava paid for me, taking up one note after another from his pocket. Losing a part of our money we had an option: either return home and resume saving money, or buy something else. We wanted to watch demos, so we bought a Pentagon in the same case, in the same kiosk, but for 180000 roubles. First time we watched demos. Slava fetched them on floppies somewhere. There were Lyra-2, later Insult and so on. Then we started to code a little. Namely I coded the most, and Slava drew pictures and wrote lyrics. We made a small animation film in Laser Basic with Slava's poetry. It was obscene, so I will not show an example. Then we began to write demos under the influence of others. The first demos were very simple - such as twitching scroll with ripped Sound Tracker music, or music analyzer balls. I mastered interrupts then, and I freely wrote things like rotating screen characters in Basic etc. But my scroll was twitching because I scrolled it by characters. Later I implemented pixel scroll but the letters still apeared as a whole. Once I visited Slava, and he proudly showed me a nice smooth scroll. I couldn't believe that he wrote it himself. I tried to elicit an explanation but he didn't say. Only after few days he showed a secret ZX Review magazine from where he typed the routine. I was delighted with the magazine, and began to buy all the issues I could find in "Subscription publications" store. There were all issues since 1994 and fat filings of earlier years. Pentagon was good but we still wanted a Scorpion. And Slava made a second try. He went to Yunona with a friend of his, taking the Pentagon for exchange. He returned without Scorpion, and without Pentagon. He didn't want to say what happened, he explained that only after years. It appeared that he ran into robbers again. That time they were not pseudo-inspectors, just a street gang. They robbed him of the computer and all the money. Slava overcame dispair, saved money again, and in 1995 went to Yunona again and that time returned with Scorpion. Of course, it wasn't original onem and it was buggy, sometimes removing the first track on disks. But it had a cool debugger, so we digged into programs to study them. Slava made an obscene hack of Dizzy X, rewriting dialogues directly in Shadow Monitor. That was funny. Then we took an interest in sampled music. In Instrument editor, I played notes by ear, and we made remakes of famous compositions such as 2Unlimited, Scooter, and remixed them. We recorded them on tape. Slava learned to remove the erasing head to overlay tracks. Then I learned to sample sound from tape in memory to make instruments and loops. We used them on Spectrum and added on tape. Above all that Slava was reading his obscene lyrics or told obscene fairy-tales, like Sektor Gaza album "Kaschey", or Krasnaya Plesen' group. It appeared very laughable. I remember how I made a fake digital track with Scooter Move Your Ass music. In fact, I just copied tape input bit to TV speaker, adding border stripes for effect. That produced a characteristic digital noisy sound, so Slava took that on trust. I invited him, loaded the program from tape but didn't stop tape. The song was recorded just after it, so it played on TV through the computer. Slava was shocked. Maybe he understood that he can't compare to me. Probably I never explained him how it worked. I found a fragment of sampled music I made on Spectrum, on a tape saved by a miracle. >You are so rich to save money for a computer three times in one year! At the university, I had only a scholarship of some 50 or 80 "new" roubles (equal to 50000 or 80000 in 1997), and my mother didn't give me money. And my first pay in 2002 was 2800 roubles. Slava lived with grandparents who made fancy-work. Grandfather carved beautiful pictures of wood, wood figures, dolls, matreshkas. Grandmother sewed nice clothes for dolls, made samovar dolls, painted matreshkas. They sold that as souvenirs to foreigners by Katerina's garden near Nevsky. They received hard currence, so Slava didn't suffer. He also worked himself at summer at Apraksin yard as a master loader, and received 10000 - 15000 roubles a day. I don't remember if that was before Scorpion or after that. As for me, I was at school. My first scholarship in 1997 was 125 roubles, and 145 roubles next year. My first salary in 2003 was 8700 roubles. Year 1995. IBM PC at school Several times a year there was a disco in our school. It was visited mostly by school children, sometimes from neighbouring schools. Entrance was paid. I went there with friends a couple of times. Information science teached told me that money received from visitors was used to buy few IBM PC compatible computers. As I remember, at the end of the year he approached me at a break, and boasted that together with one student he would go for new class computers. They would be 48бDX2-80, just well for the time. I responded "oho!" and the teacher added, "Yes, one of them will be for you." The same day the computers were delivered and installed on tables in a small room. There were four system units with displays, and one dot-matrix printer Panasonic that we would use for printing jokes, game walkthroughs and examination questions. One display died while delivery, but this hadn't overshadow my joy, so I ran to my classmate Ilya to share news. It appeared that Ilya already knew that because the teacher invited him. Besides us, there were two more students that the teacher thought to be smartest in computing. Once a week we stayed after school in our programmer club. In theory, we perceived new technology. In practice, we did lame things. We wrote no programs but we brought porn games (Tetris and Xonix), of course with viruses. Ilya brought ЗDStudio on floppies, and for a long time installed in on a computer. Then we quickly rendered a video. I don't remember exactly, it probably contained some rotating titles. We set that video to autoload, and after some time the teacher required us to remove it because he thought it violated the hard disk. He also told us to remove all running kitten and flying guitars from Windows 3.11, because he is incomfortable to teach students while a kitten tries to catch a mouse cursor. I also managed to add a string "Cracker by AmoNik" on Windows boot screen. Together with Ilya, we also installed Norton Utilities for DOS, and with bundled disk editor, learned to hide our directories from strangers. For that, we changed the name of a directory to "..", so the directory disappeared and didn't show by any means. And disk check programs didn't think that an error. To avoid malware, we installed ADInf inspector on every computer, and it saved us often. Nevertheless, the club was disbanded soon, and the classes ended. The teacher even freed Ilya and me from information science lessons with IBM PC. > What was Ilya's full name? We had only one PC at school, other computers were UK-NC. We went to play that PC with Andrey Viktorov after math tests (that we finished before all others). We also played Goblins, I still have passwords and walkthroughs on pieces of paper. I didn't know that there are the same Goblins on ATM Turbo before 2005 or so. Ilya Zagrebel'ny. This possibly doesn't matter for him because he was killed in an automobile accident with another classmate Vasya Yudenich and our common friend Pasha Sidorov. The only school PC before the mentioned class stood at principal's office. It was a genuine IBM PS/2. I saw its horizontal slim design. I like Goblins very much but I still can't solve them. In the first part, I just reached screen three. I have it in my todo list, so I'll solve it sometimes. Here is the "Subscription publications" store: 194&z=16&l=stv%2Csta&panorama%SBpoint%5D=30.348056%2C59.934439&p anorama%SBdirection%5D=273.628116%2C4.683952&panorama%SBspan%5D= 118.315608%2C80.000000 The ground floor, to the right of a wooden door, contained the computer store with three departments. Second floor had bookstore. I bought ZX Review magazines there. The first "Key" appeared to the left of the entrance. The neighbouring shop (the door to the right) had the catalogue and sold disks from Welcome. That was in the latter half of the 90's.
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