26 декабря 2016

                  NedoLang programming language
                         by Alone Coder

The language in this version doesn't provide counterparts for
the following C things:

- multidimensional arrays (can be changed to index calculations
or arrays of pointers);
- switch...case (todo because assembler is based on it);
- floating point numbers (todo, they are already processed
- const constants;
- const constant arrays;
- sizeof(<type>);
- #include (todo it projects will be based on it);
- #define constants;
- #define macros (not recommended);
- conditional compilation ( #if, #ifdef, #ifndef );
- for (use while or repeat instead);
- structures;
- unions (not recommended);
- return from the middle of a function (not recommended);
- exit from the middle of a program (not recommended);
- calling functions by pointers (not recommended);

Commands are collected in blocks enclosed with curly braces:
Such a block is equal to a command and usable anywhere you can
use single command. For C compatibility, it's recommended (not
required) to write ; after every command.

A line can contain any number of commands. Line break between
words doesn't matter. There are no line numbers in the source.
In error messages, there are text line numbers (the first line
is 00001).

Standard comments are /**comment*/. Single asterisk /*comment*/
isn't a comment (it's needed for procedure/function calls, see
below). Standard comments can't be nested. There are also
standard one-line comments: // to end of line. There are also
non-standard (incompatible with C) nested comments:
          {comment{comment inside}resume comment}
You can insert comments anywhere between words, except between
variable and opening square bracket, i.e. you can't do this:
All the comments are copied into assembly text as comments.

Full name of a variable (that is used by the assembler) is made
of current namespace followed by variable name followed by

- Full name "petya.pet." means: namespace "petya", variable
"pet", defined in the source (marked with dot ".").
- Full name "_boolarr." means: global variable "_boolarr",
defined in the source (marked with dot ".").
- Full name "vasya.nemain.l00003" means: namespace
"vasya.nemain", variable "l00003", created automatically (no dot
in the end).

Thus automatically created variables can't mix with variables
defined in the source.

Function headers and jump labels are also composed this way.
Variables and other identifiers are accessible from the language
this way:

- _boolarr to access a global variable _boolarr from anywhere
(the same for global procedure/function).
- i to access a variable i, defined in the current namespace.
- .func2 to access a function func2, defined in the parent
namespace (this is used to call procedures/functions from other
- ..anothermodule.funcS to access a function funcS, defined in
neighbour module anothermodule (i.e. in neighbour namespace to a
namespace where the current function is defined).
- submodule.v to access a variable v, defined in child namespace
submodule (practically this can be only used for nested
functions that use goto)

Automatically created variables are not accessible.

Identifiers (names of variables, procedures, functions, labels)
must begin with a letter (or underscore for globals) and consist
of letters, digis, and underscores. Full name must not exceed
254 characters. Cyrillic letters are allowed. They remain
encoded the same way as in the source (i.e. cp866, cp1251, or

All the commands begin with a word:

* var - define a variable:
* var with square brackets - define an array of fixed size:
indexed from 0, so array a[10] doesn't contain a value with
index 10.
* recursivevar - define a variable inside a recursive
procedure/function. Syntax is the same as in var. If you define
a regular variable in recursive procedure/function, it will be
spoiled while recursion. You can't define arrays this way.
* let - count and assign to a variable:
expression type must match variable type, except pointers: you
can assign an array address to a pointer variable, i.e.
                         let poi=arr
(in fact, you can assign anything to a pointer, but the outcome
is undefined with byte or char, and with long there will be a
runtime error).
* let with square brackets - count and assign to a location in
an array:
* let* - count and write in memory with given type:
you can't skip (<type>*) and parentheses around
* module - define a module (namespace):
command <command> is created inside a new namespace that is
inside the current namespace (for example, if there was current
namespace mainmodule, then "module submodule{...}" will create
namespace mainmodule.submodule for the command. You can
re-define the same namespace to add something to it.
* proc - define a procedure:
also creates a namespace inside the current namespace. Thus
<procname> must be unique in the current namespace.
* func - define a function:
also creates a namespace inside the current namespace. Thus
<funccname> must be unique in the current namespace.
* if - alternative branching:
contains 'then' to avoid "if(expr);cmd" mistake, and 'endif' to
avoid mistakes with nested incomplete alternatives. For C
compatibility, it's recommended to perenthesize the
* call - call a procedure:
for C compatibility, the following form is recommended:
The name of called procedure and its parameters are written from
the current namespace, so a dot is used before (not needed for
globals). 'recursive' word is mandatory for calling recursive
procedures, or else the parameters will be spoiled while
* while - pre-conditional loop:
contains 'loop' to avoid "while(expr);cmd" mistake. For C
compatibility, it's recommended to perenthesize the
* repeat - post-conditional loop:
for C compatibility, it's recommended to perenthesize the
* break - exit from loop (while or repeat): no parameters, just
* return - return value from function:
must be the last command in a function. Return expression type
must match the function type.
* _label - define a label for jump:
label must be unique in the current namespace. Underscore is
added to see it better in the source.
* goto - jump to a label:
only inside the current procedure or function.
* asm - assembly language commands:
every string is generated to a single command in a separate line
of assembly text.

There are the following data types:

* byte (1 byte, unsigned)
* bool (the only allowed values are /*?*/_TRUE and /*?*/_FALSE ,
unknown size)
* char (1 byte, unknown signedness)
* int (signed integer, size of one CPU word)
* uint (unsigned integer, size of one CPU word)
* long (long integer, size of two CPU words)
[* float ]
* pointer (pointer - size of one CPU word)

In the current version, bool is 1 byte, /*?*/_TRUE==Oxff,
/*?*/_FALSE==0x00. They might be defined in C in other ways, so
don't mix boolean data with integer data. Any value except
/*?*/_FALSE means /*?*/_TRUE, but it's not recommended to use
this behaviour for future compatibility. Values of type long
can't be used in comparisons, multiplications, and divisions, so
their signedness is not defined.

In <expressions>, there is the following order of operations:

1. Parentheses and prefixes ( + , - , ~ (inversion), ! (logical
negation), & (take variable address), * (read memory at
pointer), also nonstandard < (shift left 1 bit), > (shift right
1 bit), [<constexpr>] (constant expression)).
2. Multiplication, division, & , && .
3. Addition, subtraction, | , || , ^ , ^^ .
4. Comparisons and shifts ( << , >> ). Comparisons and shifts
work only for types byte, char, int, uint. For bool, you can
only compare for (un)equality.

The following values are allowed:

* variable name - typed as the variable.
* unsigned integer constant - typed as byte (if written as Oxff
with <=2 digits or 0b111 with <=8 digits), long (if it has L in
the end), or uint (otherwise).
* signed integer constant - typed as int.
* floating point constant - typed as float (not yet supported).
* boolean constant /*?*/_TRUE or /*?*/_FALSE - typed as bool.
* character constant 'c' or 'c' (only 'n', 'r', 't', '',
''', '"', '\' allowed), where c is one symbol - typed as
* string constant "string" - typed as pointer. String linking
like "str1""str2" is allowed (may be with line break). String
constants are created automatially with '' in the end.

Integer constants may be decimal ( 100 ), hexadecimal ( 0x10 ),
binary ( 0b11 ), octal ( 0o177 or a variant 0177 with warning
because of ambiguity).

Expressions are strongly typed. Every operation with two
operands needs their types to match, except:

* adding pointer with int or uint (no multiplication because the
pointers are untyped).
* + / - / & / | / ^ char with byte (typed as the left operand).
* & for typecast.
* 0L + <uintexpression> .

For moving a pointer one byte left use <pointerexpression>+-1 .

To cast uint, byte, char to int use +<expression> (without sign
change) or -<expression> (with sign change).

To cast int or long to uint use <expression>&Oxffff .

To cast char, int, uint, long to byte use <expression>&Oxff .

To cast uint to long use 0L + <expression> . It is forbidden to
add long+uint in other cases.

Function call is written whis way:
(see above about /*...*/ for C compatibility and about
'recursive' for calling recursive procedures and functions). Dot
before <procname> is not needed for global functions (see above
about namespaces). Procedures and functions technically have a
variable number of arguments, but this behaviour is not

Reading memory at a pointer must contain typecast:

It is recommended to write all the keywords with all capitals.
To compile a NedoLang file with a C compiler, define the

#define POINTER byte*
#define BYTE byte
#define CHAR unsigned char
#define INT short int
#define UINT unsigned short int
#define LONG long
#define FLOAT double
#define BOOL unsigned char
#define _TRUE Oxff
#define _FALSE 0x00
#define FUNC /**/
#define PROC /**/
#define RETURN return
#define VAR /**/
#define LET /**/
#define CALL /**/
#define LABEL /**/
#define LOOP /**/
#define REPEAT do
#define IF if
#define THEN /**/
#define ELSE else
#define ENDIF /**/
#define WHILE while
#define UNTIL(x) while(!(x))

This syntax is based on the following requirements:

- analyze syntax with left context only;
- every command begins with a word, to avoid long label search;
- namespaces don't cross (label access in C can mean current
namespace or any parent namespace);
- C compatibility.

The syntax can be changed. For example, with prefix + for
typecast and function call:

Today the system is targetted for Z80 only, but the CPU
sensitive part is under 40% of all code, and this part is very
monotonous. So the language might be multi-platform. Preliminary
evaluated size of compiler code (found by compiling old versions
via IAR and SDCC) is around 20-30 KB, so there is some space to
evolve. It is unknown, what compiling speed it will have at ZX
Spectrum. I try to keep compromises between inefficient code and
preliminary optimization, i.e. I select code structures that
allow easy subsequent changes.

Here are the statistics for IAR and SDCC (no self-compilation

SDCC 3.6.0 --opt-code-speed --all-callee-saves: 
 #6630 bytes code with constants + #0036 bytes constant arrays +
 #19c7 bytes data = #802d

IAR Z80/64180 C-Compiler V4.06A/W32 
 Command line  =  -v0 -ml -uua -q -e -K -gA -s9 -t4 -T -Llist
                  -Alist -I../z80/inc/ main.c
 #38b4 bytes code + #1076 bytes constants + #19c7 bytes data
 (writes shifted address before defs) = #62f1

Compiler features and problems for self-compilation:

# SDCC 2.9.0 initializes constant arrays with commands. SDCC
3.4.0 doesn't - it uses ".area _INITIALIZER" (no LDIR and no
initialization code)

# SDCC 2.9.0 generates stack frame code for empty functions. 
SDCC 3.4.0 doesn't. My code generator doesn't, too. 
IAR generates obscure push-pops in half-empty procedures. 
SDCC 3.6.0 with opt-size, writes call ___sdcc_enter_ix instead 
of push ix:ld ix,0:add ix,sp (so opt-speed must be used). 
opt-size also adds excessive inc sp:pop af in the end of 
emitinvreg, emitnegreg. 
opt-size (and SDCC 3.4.0) also counts REGNAME[rnew] once for two 
uses (it even can push-pop sometimes, more often with 
--all-callee-saves). I can't do this. 
No other distinctions found in SDCC 3.6.0 between opt-size and 
opt-speed (there still are even inc sp..dec sp for 8 bit 

# In SDCC, expressions with && || are counted arithmetically 
(IAR uses jumps). I can't make jumps. 
Either I add 'and if', 'or else', or a lot of branches in the 
condition, or make islalpha...() with an array (initialize it by 
If I break the condition in parts like a&&b (no loss in IAR), 
SDCC translates && into jumps (even in 'return a&&b' in 3.6.0) - 
how to make so? 
If I break || in parts like if (a) else if (b) else if (c) with 
identical commands, SDCC doesn't join them (IAR does), but 
anyway it works faster (IAR code doesn't change). 
If I make instead if (!a) if (!b) if (!c), then SDCC code goes 
better, and IAR code is almost ideal (with strange registers 
Expressions like (c<='z') are inefficient in IAR (not as 
c<('z'+1)). I must rewrite the source with +1? My current code 
generator won't make profit of this because it can't do CP. 

# Most procedures have arguments. IAR passes one or two 
arguments in registers (SDCC doesn't). 
This is visible in number printing procedure (it's just for 
Pass one argument in a register? (I must keep a variable in a 
Sometimes I can remove one argument, if I join a flag with data, 
like isfunc with functype. 
SDCC 3.4.0 accesses the first argument with pop:pop:push:push, 
this makes profit without ix stack frame. But register passing 
is better. 

# String procedures use 8-bit and 16-bit data in the same time. 
Rewrite all the syscalls module in assembly language? 

# String procedures (via arrays) are compiled as a mess. Use 
pointers? And keep pointers in registers? How to determine where 
to keep everything? Add 'register' keyword? 
Rewrite all the syscalls module in assembly language? But 
strings are also used in compiler (title cutting, label 

# SDCC and IAR optimize CALL:RET to JP. How to make so? 
Lazy CALL? (won't work for CALL in local block) 
SDCC 3.4.0 generates jr:ret (in getnothingword), where it was jr
before. SDCC 3.6.0 fixes this. 

# SDCC 3.4.0 (3.6.0 with opt-size) counts REGNAME[rnew] once for
two uses (it even can push-pop sometimes, more often with 
--all-callee-saves). I can't do this. 
todo rewrite the sounce with a variable (I need two because 
there are two letters) 

# stringappend (used for 'command' and 'joinwordsresult' 
strings) needs to be inline. I don't have #define for inlines.

# read, write need to be inline (inline syscalls? or inline 
emits? or both? in the end there will be system macros). I 
 don't 
have #define for inlines. 

# SDCC 3.6.0 generates ld iy:ld a,(iy)...ld (iy),a instead of 
ld a,()...ld (),a (in readchar_skipdieresis_concat) 
--reserve-regs-iy makes it via hl but with ix stack frames where 
unneeded, and becomes unable to do this: 
       ld hl,(_fin)
       push hl
       call _eof
it emits this instead: 
       ld hl,#_fin
       ld c, (hl)
       inc hl
       ld b, (hl)
       push bc
       call _eof

Other articles:

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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