Faultless #09
24 мая 1998 |
SPECCY AF - Immortal Speccy.
Subject: Project "Save our Speccy" Author: Viator / Avalon / Rush 'ASM ________________________________________ SPECCY ALIVE FOREVER ________________________________________ -Do you like SPECCY? "You want him to continue to please you excellent programs? "You are not indifferent to its future? Hence, this staya project you are interested in I must say that I will not be used against formation of the articles in electronic journals. On the contrary, I shall be very happy if it drew attention to the ZX-FORMATe, SPECTROFON'e and other magazines and newspapers ... 1. IMMORTAL SPECCY To begin with, that will disprove all sorts of unsubstantiated talk of a future death SPECCY. He lived and will live! And no dye Savica AMIGA, no clumsy PC will not force us to leave it. It's part of our life, and we just can not imagine a existence without him. It's not that, that we have no money to buy more expensive and powerful machine. Personally I have a home on a table stand SPECTRUM and AMIGA. In this case, the LED lights on SPECCY more often than AMMY :-) Who said that in the computer main explosion us to speed, cool graphics and music? And, though I do not deny this, but argue that the most important is the process communication with the computer, the pleasure derived by writing and using programs and, of course, socializing with their peers, friends and colleagues Mi, who often live in other countries tries and speak other languages. That is, importantly - the process of creation. Exactly as even the best quality picture will not be able to convey those feelings and impressions, which carries the picture, NADI sledge man embedded in her soul. And from your computer: You can write on relatively weak car great things, but you can use ultra and powerful technique as "a device for solving mathematical problems," ie, Calculator torus, or as a gaming console. Finite but also to choose your own. Everything depends on Your needs, capacities and mental development. : -] Previously, I was very upset all the statements I have respected the people of resignation from SPECCY, but now I look at them much more optimistic, saying to himself: 'Tude you honey! ". All those who truly love SPECCY, with him will not go away! How then okaalos - I was right. Porabo tav with other machines, and do not get what had hoped, many new and VNO Bb back to SPECCY, which can give free rein to their imagination. If you have doubts about the "survivability" Speck Truman, then look at the situation in Poland, Slovakia and other countries where SPECCY has experienced a period of "lethargy" and anyone who is willing and able to work, write excellent programs. Small quantitative during which caused only small size ramie in these countries compared to Russia and Ukraine (the two largest of Ploscha Director of the State in Europe). Only now we establish contact with them, and this communication will undoubtedly strengthen the Spectrum movement both abroad and in this country. I I am confident that Spectrum will continue to live and develop 2. The Future SPECCY Now that the question of life SPECCY we figured it's time to talk about what to do next to maximize develop and disseminate SPECTRUM What you need to write more new and ka quantitative programs - this is so all Zvenigorod's RAAS SB understand and to the extent possible are engaged. It is very important not to stop development in the areas of improvement of new hardware capabilities SPECCY. PC SPRINTER, developed by PETERS, can make a very significant contribution to the development of the Spectrum-compatible machines. Getting so rich, there is no need to abandon all that has been created on the Speccy. Despite everything, it remains the most massive Spectrum computer for creativity. At AMIG'e CIS writing programs are engaged in one. On a PC, not null jester practically nothing, except accounting software and databases, as without market no one will invest bounded Romney is certainly money in unprofitable projects. In addition, almost impossible to compete with Western producers of programs, often in the production of good games out there investing the sum of greater than in filming the movie, and over a program with hundreds of people. The CIS is a SPECTRUM of millions of people. In each city thousands of users. EU even if your Speccy, they are not included in the for months - that does not mean that they are not interested in new programs, the heads of Noe, so that information about them was available to the public. Interestingly, not tried anyone to do broadcasts on television devoted SPECCY? We need to show users that want to buy anything for the games and spending time that the computer gives them th Section more than DENDY or SEGA.Konechno, capabilities of the standard SPECCY several to date, there can not do without something type SPRINTER-97 ... ________________________________________ The first thing to do than it should - it is establishing full-fledged market proliferation soft'a. Unfortunately, until SPECTRU M'e main motivation for writing programs is only interest in this form between tvorchestva. Incidentally, this problem is relevant not only for SPECTRUM'a, but also for all other platforms. On a PC or AMMY situation with the distribution of programs no better. Do you know how many faces are the same (And sometimes much worse) program and for Pade? Let me just say what I know from personal experience: the company opened MULTIMEDIA CLUB in the city of Kiev, a branch (unless I have mistaken, the same branches were organized in Moscow and St. Petersburg). They hired work group of artists and pay them per month at $ 300-400. It should be frankly admitted that they use to large high quality experts as dese vuyu labor ... In the west, the payment for the same work (the creation of toys) from is measured by thousands of dollars. But what can get for their hard work for manufacturers soft'a SPECCY? As it is not sad, but at best their pay is the sum of $ 50-100, and the vast majority of software authors receive for their work penny. Cases where the author was able to get boleemenee decent amount for their child unit boundary (UFO I, II), and even then only in the real if the author lives in St. Petersburg or Moscow. Of course, that money out of nothing is impossible to obtain. Necessary to ensure sale of his work. In this case, there are several ways: 1. Redistribute the program under the principle of shareware, ie When the program the address of the author and the amount he hopes to receive for their work. Of course, naive to expect that someone will pay for the program so after as she had appeared ... 2. Try to sell the program itself Therefore, releasing a demo and writing in it the amount that must pay for each receive the full version. Thus come DIGITAL REALITY, IMP (EXTA SY) and many others. Obvious disadvantages of this method of distribution programs: a) Almost all polozovateli believe that waiting a month, this program will receive almost Six "for free" from a local distributor, a pirate; b) instead of having to write new works, programmers, artists and musicians have to deal with the constant sending letters and parcels. 3. To give their offspring for the propagation of any large distributor organization. As far as I know the pain Most such firms (Inforkom, MAGIC SO FT), to pay the author about $ 50, and the amount is almost independent of the scale of the program. You can try to sell his creation once several Kim, a major distributor, but tangible the result is still not bring ... ________________________________________ The problem is that even by the propagation tranitelyam difficult to recoup the modest money spent on purchasing program We, as in most cases they are distributed in a limited regione.Uzhe a week (or, at best, a month) protection, how perfect she was, hack. The program will be sent in the form of free copy versions of the ends of the CIS and ofitsialnye distributors to stop receiving a her profit. Now let's see how well the program is sent ... As it is priskor BNO, but usually those involved in yourself as their manufacturers. Every self-respecting the city has any group, writing program. Usually they maintain relations 5-10-th of similar organizations other cities, sharing with them what's new. I must admit that I do a lot of time transcribed pirated versions of his friends. Moreover, I There is not one (!) licensed copy! Of course get rid of this unpleasant this phenomenon is not easy, there is only one possible way - to invite all interested more attractive way of getting new programs. Because I do not buy software from official distributors, not because have to pay, but because I have absolutely no possibility buy licensed copies. This is really only for residents of the largest cities, and even then only in Russia. But thousands of users across the CIS countries are satisfied with illegal soft'om. By the way, This method of "novya" is not perfect. New games, magazines and everything else come to us in 2-5 months after it and "novem" can not be called ... In addition, programs are through dozens of hands and are often recorded on IGNORE, or without a half files (personally for me, a ZX-FORMAT'ah no application, "Star Heritage" is incredibly buggy, and many such examples). Certainly cool was coined in England distribute soft through booksellers network, we are also nothing left, how to disseminate the program by mail. Such activity is engaged Inforkom sending mail its printed price is ists. But they are read only a few! Inforkom very little worry about advertising distribyutiruemoy products. As an example, You can bring almost any user Vatel, for example I had a desire to order by mail new programs. Firstly, I do not know the address Inforkoma nor the value of their services, nor that they apply. Yes, and how they can be find out if they did not care even about simple ones advertising their programm organization. Even with their price list, the user will buy a pig in a poke "trust what's written there. Much Institute formative'd just sold out of the screen under consideration, the program. And I say all this to what is already giving but it is time to create a powerful organization that occupy enacting programs and distributes literature on SPECCY. The main thing is that about it knew and trusted by all. It should bring together all major soft'a producers in the CIS. Every month should go advertising program which will list all the races propagates the firm at the moment, the conditions of distribution and other such information mation, as well as detailed information about how to order the program, literature, and only Moscow and St. Petersburg, and from any point of the CIS. Why advertising program, rather than price sheet, sent by mail? Because that the program would be much SOLD Stray AND MASSIVE! Prices are reading unit but the most lousy demo, abandoned in network, a week is almost in all cities. Remember ENLIGHT'96, if not out those three demos and a competition so no one would never knew and never would have appeared "VIB RATIONS "," 7REALITY "," ILLUSION "and other masterpieces from ENLIGHT. Talking about the effectiveness of advertising, I do not think you need. So why does someone This is not to do? Here are just some benefits that can be achieved by creating a seamless distribyutorskuyu Network: 1.Poluchat deserved reward author of programs that will encourage writing new works. 2.Kazhdy user can, by paying reasonable amount, get the new pro program in its original form, without errors, a complete set. He will know his money to get to the author, who sit down to write the new system software or games. 3.Nemaluyu will benefit itself firmadistribyutor (again, if it exists will know all users). The success of this venture depends entirely on the how many people support it. Each user must finally understand that it is impossible to get the program indefinitely "for free". Soon, these programs may not be, if not to support their producers. Therefore, Therefore the union of all the creators of the programs krayne need right now. I believe that the role of such a universal "distribution office" until just pulls Inforkom, which has already established distribution network in Russia and Ukraine. Still more preferably, the creation of an entirely new organization, which would only deal with such work. Maybe this role will take on A new association of "Amazing Soft Makers", is organized by the guys of a group of SMASH. It includes the already More than ten large groups from Russia and Ukraine. While a clear course of association is not resolved, but we hope that charter and rulezy appear in the near time. All the details still need to think twice and weighed. We need to find the best way to send and pay for the program (by registered mail, COD, etc.). Now about the price. She definitely has to be depend on the size of the program. When This should take into account absolutely all facts Tori, affecting the popularity of the program. You also need to take into account the cost of shipping and the cost of a floppy disk. Here are some very approximate, the calculations: A simple game type TETRIS ": $ 0,5-1 + cost of disk + Shipping Game type "DIZZY": $ 1-3 + cost disk + Shipping Game type "UFO 2": $ 05.07 + cost of disk + Shipping It is necessary to calculate the optimal price prog grammes so as to recoup all costs, and simultaneously take care of that the price was acceptable to the buyer. The author, who pays to distribute its program should not receive a fixed nuyu amount and a certain percentage of one hundred imosti all copies sold (Naver Noe, about 40-50%). In Kiev, one disc, "KMT" or "BOEDER" costs about 15-30 cents in bulk, apparently, cheaper. Shipping by registered mail, within one Nogo State, shall not exceed 20 cents (I apologize for not having said the figure). There must be a branch of the fir we at least in Russia, Ukraine and Belorussii.Eto help avoid unnecessary costs and problems with the shipment across the border. Need to entice users to buy program. This requires an extensive listing of both the association of both themselves programs. The more people who use the services of this organization, the less would be to make the price. Now for the aforementioned advertising prog Rummy. They should go out on a regular basis. Appearance can be almost anyone, from the similarity of text viewer ' s and ending with small demos (as ENLIGHT_INFO 1-3). Importantly, that they were informative and met quality (Many of the same species diskriruyuschego cursor or scroll arm twitching stretches to reset'u). Not interfere with the beautiful graphics and music. Also a good idea to make the screen files, taken from the programs and submitted their demo version. It is also possible when sending programs buyers to make a small questionnaire where wondering what exactly they would like to buy the next time and that their programs interesuet.Proizvoditeli will be able to rely on these reviews. That Kie polls much better than those that publish in journals, so they will FLS drawn from reviews of just those people who buy the program. There will also be taken into account the tastes are much wider region than St. Petersburg and Moscow. The transition of our manufacturers from pure enthusiasm to commercial projects will bring positive results, otherwise, even those who chtoto can do yourself, sooner or later become pisyushnyh lamer, using Western software. And now the fun ... Who agree to write these e-lists? Did not have those coders who have nothing to do? Consider yourself lucky. I myself can find people that this Zai mutsya or, despite the fact that the ears loaded with work on the "SOTA" (graphic editor) and his studies at the Academy of Arts I write them myself. Naturally, the first program we will do absolutely free of charge (for that we do not get used), but later, when Firm distributor unwind, though not hopes for our charity!: -] And why, actually, we are doing Camping? Yes, for the simple reason that we do not indifferent to the fate SPECCY, because we themselves write the program and want to get behind them some sort of reward, because we ourselves want to buy the most rapidly most new programs, and do not have such small "business" as the Joker, and a serious organization, you can trust. ________________________________________ Activities of the association should not be limited to one spread the word the author grammes. It should help the creators soft'a. So, through it several individual groups are able to create a joint LIMITED draft. It can be a buffer for exchange of ideas and achievements in the field coding. Group, which does not have a mu zykanta or, for example, an artist, she can find the music or graphics. In short, it should strongly favor the producers of software. Now it's up to you. If you really have time and desire to do this, contact with me or SMASH. We will listen to all suggestions and comments on this issue and take into account your opinion. Anyone who understands the advantage of creating a major Distributor firms, I please support this project! Stories White about it in their programs and simply my friends and znakomym.Ya only in this I see the ability to save SPECCY as a full-fledged computer, that is, com puter that has the users. To is finite, he did not die, but simply turn in the car for coders who will be engaged only enthusiasts, but for himself and his kind. HEY! Producers soft'a, I hope you realize all of this COOL'nost proposals. IF so, THEN mess with us, with distributors with users, the most important thing - do not be silent! And yet, all the above does not mean that regional distributors and sellers of pirated soft'a markets waiting for death by starvation in poverty. They can buy a license to trade copyright programs in their region. Expended nye funds will be repaid quickly, because bought the program they will receive prompt, with 100% efficiency. Try to take active part Spektrum'a in life. I think there is nothing do more than write lyrics? I just really want to write programs has become my main profession. Hundreds of talented people engaged in absolutely no interest in their work. Since IMP and SHAMAN are working in the newspaper, RST-seven markups may soon sleep ... What we are stupid people from England, or, say, from the United States? Think over this and take the right decision. And in parting, I want to thank those who takes an active part in the life SPECCY: Inforkom, XLD, STEP, Glory Mednonogov, PETERS, NEMO, LOGROS, NEW, IMP, SMASH, CRYSTAL DREAM, X-TRADE, DIGITAL REALITY, ENLIGHT organizers!!! VIATOR of AVALON / RUSH ------- Our addresses and phone numbers: ------- VIATOR / AVALON / RUSH: 250005 Ukraine Chernigov, st. Kiev, Building 6, Apt. 34. Onishchenko, Viktor. tel. / 04622 / 5-36-08 MIGHTY / SMASH: 335040 Ukraine Crimea, Sevastopol, St. Hryukina, Building 3, Apt. 44. Kosychenko Anatoly. tel. / 0692 / 57-7-80 ---------------------------------------
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