Optron #32
22 октября 1999

Non Possumus - Network ... What is it really?

<b>Non Possumus</b> - Network ... What is it really?
           Your mouth would ...

{} M. Isaev, 1999

  Network ...

  What is it really? In that
transformed life of a normal programmer (though, where you saw 
the normal programmer?) after its entry into


  It is considered that a complete answer to
this question you can give the so-called
"Network of the newspaper." In particular, ZX-newspaper.
You bet! After all, they "were established to
advocacy and support network ZXNet "- remember, just because it 
was written in" Optocouplers "| 31. But let's think - whether 
this statement is true? 

  In fact, advocates do not
network. Promotes people's lifestyle,
participating in this network - "networkers." AND
how? In general, only due to the fact that
these same "networkers" are allocated in some
"Upper castes" computer geeks.

  And what happens to men who have been awarded "initiation" to 
the "high caste"? Extremely unhealthy, even izvraschennnaya 
compared with other "normal" people lives, I tell you.

  Judge for yourself.

  What are the main signs of "hitter"?

  They are primarily seen in his speech,
dominated by a set of jargon
catchwords: "Offtopic", "flame", "modernization"
"Echo" and the like. And the constant talk with like-for, in 
terms of uninitiated, all sorts of "tasty and exotic" topics 
like "Did you see how this brake in the echo lowered?", "C wide 
effort you earned a star, "" I'll have to kick his legs in the 
soap, "" Tomorrow sisopnik! "and so on. The only understandable 
phrase - is" A fun, we drank beer yesterday! " (And none of the 
"outsiders" do not even suspects that all the other gibberish

is reduced, ultimately, it is to this). This "bird language" 
understood by only a "Dedications", elevates the "networkers" 
in the own eyes.

  And many buy into this "toughness"
wishing to join a certain action, creating in telephone lines. 
And then, imperceptibly to themselves, turn from "Homo Sapiens" 
in a such "Homo Netus" and cease to distinguish between real 
life and in network.

  You may say I'm exaggerating? Not at all!
Psychology, thinking and life itself,
even the physiology of "Homo Netus" fundamentally different 
from what is inherent ordinary "Homo Sapiens".

  Irreversible changes in speech and dramatic
restriction of range of interests - it's just
only the "tip of the iceberg." For "Homo Netus"
the real world is gradually ceases to exist, becoming the only 
obstacle to a "virtual communication." Yes, yes! Similarly, as 
for the religious fanatics real Life - a worthless episode 
before gaining everlasting bliss, for zealous "Networkers" 
everything but reading mail and answering "messagi - nothing. 

  A psychology of thinking, logical
building? They dictate used networker mail editor. If Homo 
Sapiens perceives the external world in all its diversity and 
adequately respond to it, that "Homo Netus" all external 
information, all the tasks set before him "outside world" sees 
in odnoyedinstvennoy form - as a letter to the ehokonferentsiyu 
by which to respond. 

  A range of interests? What there is, to hell,
books, newspapers, television, just street
Finally! Computer monitor - that's it
unique "window" for communication with the outside

  A physiology? Visual and motor
apparatus "Homo Netus", his entire body,
everything is subordinated to a single task -
sitting in front of the monitor and typing on
keyboard. Add to this nepoborimuyu
the need for regular acceptance inside
the body of beer and other alcohol
fluids. Say - it is not unusual
Slavic man? Agreed. But there is a
This is a nuance.

  Tell me, how will react to a normal mother (or wife) to the 
person who weekly (and sometimes daily) leaves the bosom of the 
family to return after midnight, barely able to stand? Speak

should not? A family "hitter"? Oh, there's "a very different 
calico": "My - by pointovke" - or there - "I went to the boss" 
- said with pride. 

  Even sleep - that's really, it would seem that
is common to all people! - And that is the hallmark of 
"networkers." After all, with the help of which communicate 
"networkers" with each other? Using the BBS, running,

mostly at night - such is the specificity
network. And the result - imagine
edakogo either a zombie, or vampire, living a full life only 
late at night. When normal people inspect

the third dream, our "hitter" just beginning
Is included in the spirit ", sorting and processing

  So, the next hitter, be prepared for a radical change in my 
life! Think think hard, before you enter into this

so at first glance, it is tempting, "Network World"!

Other articles:

Non Possumus - Network ... What is it really?

ZX-waggons - Overview of electronic media: Nicron 112-113, Polesie 11, ZX-News 49, Born Dead 0D.

entire life of the game - Operation RR (End of the Adventures of the latter).

Likbez - Assembler view from afar: Working with external devices. Reading data from port. Write commands to the port.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Category X - Solemn pointovka.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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