Optron #26
31 марта 1999

Iron - Electrofishing and brakanerstvo.

<b>Iron</b> - Electrofishing and brakanerstvo.
[] S. Filimonov

  With Vladimir Loskutnikova I met through the Internet, taking 
part in one of ehokonferentsy.

  There are devices, although quite
easy to implement, but the validity of which is in serious 
doubt - Here's a topic that we discussed. One such device is 
devoted to article, written by Vladimir specifically

for "Optron.

      Electrofishing and poaching

{} Vladimir Loskutnikov, 1999

                   Life is learning from death

                   all close our eyes.

                            Felix Krivine

  "We need a scheme Electrofishing" - appeared
in relkom.radio. Responded to many. Intense discussion ensued. 
We give the most Interesting quote.

  "In an e-winter fishing rod - a simple
multivibrator and an electromagnet, jerking
rod. Collect this adjustable frequency from 1 to 10 Hz can be 
any "radiogubitel. 

  "Electrofishing is a converter 12 in the 300-400 VDC
current capacity of 50-100 uF and terminal
pulse generator for thyristors with a frequency of 5-100 Hz. 
The effect is achieved paralysis of all living within a radius 
of 1-2 m from "Fisherman". "Rybachat" with the Boats, the best 
ordinary, rather than rubber. And to call this device it would 
be better - "elektrosachok. 

  "It's not Electrofishing and elektroubiytsa!
How long will it be enough after those who are already poor, 
water! " 

  "It not only creates a high voltage, but also generated 
sawtooth pulses. They affect dezorientiruyusche

fish, and that as a stray pops up on
Sachyok is a positive electrode. And as near the nets fish gets 
its portion of electric shock, which temporarily paralyzes her. 
If the 20-30 with no time it catch, she wakes up and reeled. 
True, fry up to 2-3 cm alive not always. So tackle this course

poaching. But it is effective only on
shallow water, and where the fish - in bulk. "

  "But we caught the two grief-elektrorybakov - threw them 
through the power lines and wiring - the wiser ... The result: 
the posting annihilate, from the depths of the Dnieper surfaced 
about 2 tonnes of fish, and transformers substation flew. Well, 
at least for yourself Heads did not turn. "

  "In the spring of old women with a rotten fish see?
Zamorenye ponds, ponds that are drained,
ponds and lakes that turn into swamps, and where, apart from 
duckweed - only rotten Water? So, the fall of these places fish

You can rake cleaned by any means - without damage to nature. 
Another thing spawning grounds ... " 

  On the admissibility of such devaysov could "flame" for a 
long time - and each will remain in my opinion. Of course, 
poaching - it is unacceptable. But this is what is meant by the 
term - a very slippery question. It is clear that there must be

prohibited any gear, allowing maintenance
crippled fish.

  And what about the rest? If you are a member of society
"Hunters and anglers," then you can catch
ten rods at a time, and if not,
it was only five. Zakinesh six fishing rods -
and you're a poacher!

  A net and seine net? Now any citizen
Russia can buy (and relatively
expensive) license to fish net (footage
not specified, there is money - by becoming even
10km) at any time, at least for a period of spawning! And not a 
single inspector is not entitled to terminate this catch! But 
if the supply chain 10 m without a license - then you are 
already a poacher. Even if it takes place in July and 100 m

kilometer network of fishing cooperative.

  There is also a different approach: there are tackles that 
are forbidden only for the fact that they You can catch more 
fish! For example, koltsovki - type zakidushki combined with a 
trough. And in France, for example, banned Night fishing on 
zakidushki (acne on their well-caught). 

  I do this to ensure that the legislative definition of 
"poacher" somewhat slyly. 

  Fishing artels widely throughout Russia
apply the so-called "Elektronevod, moreover,
at least ten years. This - the usual
net, but let down voltage for
paralyzing the fish with his approach - that it should not run 
away. Net, let it be known, has a working width of several 
hundred meters.

  My personal opinion - an army of 100 singles
with any gear (even with dynamite) is not
compared to damage by up to one
modest official rybartelyu! What there
quotas and rules! Caught all year round
spawn - not a hindrance. The funny thing is that they
do not listen to the recommendations of Ichthyologists and 
themselves and suffer the same - catch disastrous decline. What 
is this if not legalized poaching? 

  Take our Verhneuralsk reservoir: width - from 1 to 5 km, 
length - about 20 km, depth - 5-20 meters Several passes seine 
in the summer, and - in winter perch caught no bigger than 50 
grams, and perch, even petty - virtually disappeared. How's 
that for scale? When the collective farm in connection with the 
visit foreign delegations gave the order to catch

10 perch length of 1 m, a week, they dragged a seine over the 
pond, and caught only 3 pieces. No comment ... (I will not say 
about other "miracles", which gets up our "glorious" fishing 

  A "Electrofishing - no more than a copy
"Elektronevoda," only instead of the seine -
Sachyok small radius of paralyzing immeasurably less. And it 
appeared later "Elektronevoda.

  Witnessed experiments in aquarium fishes. Not fatally - by
1-2 minutes is already moving, completely depart
15-20 minutes. In this case, electric fish
received much stronger than in the real
conditions - the distance between the electrodes
was only 0.5 m.

  "Electrofishing" do not injure the fish, unlike, say, 
dynamite. For umervschleniya fish need to raise or power (For 
some reason it is very difficult to raise above 100-200 W), or 
time of current flow (if the battery "dies" the maximum 20 min, 
as current consumption - 15-30 A).

  In addition, the operation "Electrofishing"
very laborious. All (I know) of those
who attempted to engage in "elektrorybalkoy"
dropped the case after the second or third

  So - let the guys do. Harm
will no longer be a radio technician slightly

  Personally, I think that "Electrofishing is not
justified. This mining tackle, such as network or kiddle 
dragnet. If the fish in the pond there, then on the network in 
40 m catch more than 2 hours with this

"Rod" (a larger battery is rarely
enough). Network is much easier to operate - no batteries, no 
risk of getting a good electric shock, no transistors, which 
like to burn. Because - Self-indulgence! Only where there is a 
reason - in waters with depths of up to 2 meters, fully

overgrown vegetation. But such is not so
much. A river does not recommend - fish
after "elektrorybalki" simply go into
other places. In contrast to the same network,
which does not scare away the fish. (Sam-I
I love to fish with a fishing rod.)

  So "Electrofishing" in most
cases - a waste of effort, time and
funds. Instead of the same items would be better to make the 
power supply (from 12 - 20-40) for high-power automotive 
amplifier. Useful and safe! 


Other articles:

ZX-waggons - Overview of electronic media: ZX-Pilot in 1931, ZX-News, 46 March Polesie, Nicron 107.

Iron - Electrofishing and brakanerstvo.

Coding - The Council of Chiefs (tale). Cat at the zoo.

Lit. Page - Grief "Y-II" (Diary - continued).

Opinion - Kontorller Beta Disk Interface: simplification without consequences.

Premiere headings - Speccy - or not to be?

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

four kilobytes - Keys APR - loading ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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