Body #30
01 декабря 2001

(c) bodyversion by wrecker^smk

21st to 2Зrd september 2001 ad
some factory in Riga, Latvia

                     PHAT1 iLLEGAL RE$ULTS

01  future comes              antipod                       6835
03  foto                      klown/delirium tremens/fdm    6491
04  low phat1                 pheel/phantasy                6469

06  int 4                     marwin/kЗl corp               5319
07  all done                  factorб/kЗl corp/phantasy     4769
08  at-at walkers             berg                          4577
09  scr 22                    marwin/kЗl corp               4230
10  tucnaci                   hannah/crazytronic            4012
12  sunshiki                  ice'di/triumph                3372
01  phatalia                  relict/phantasy/kЗl corp      6093
04  phatlogo                  ice'di/triumph                4227
05  phatЗ                     dimon/licos/partyzans         2690

06  phat1                     dimon/licos/partyzans         2152
07  phat2                     dimon/licos/partyzans         2149

01  angeldust                 factorб/kЗl corp/phantasy     6870
02  mostly harmless           gasman/hooy-program/raww arse 5462
03  fat phitness              agemixer/scallop              5391

04  a-bomb ablazed            ahim/cyberpunks unity         4370
05  terror thump              ahim/cyberpunks unity         4314
06  minimal space             key-jee/triebkraft            3574
07  extreme racing            moran/cyberpunks unity        3573
08  x-swing                   johny-x/naughty crew          3270
09  ocean                     sergant/fishbone              3102
10  don't forget...           key-jee/triebkraft            2689
11  improvisation#7           ivan roshin                   2545
12  airyn music               moran/cyberpunks unity        2458
13  triada absolution         risk/o.c.a.                   2439
14  bayan and it truth        risk/o.c.a.                   2438
15  improvisation#6           ivan roshin                   2384

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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