Lime Tree #18
25 марта 1996 |
Reflections - On the creation of the magazine LIME TREE.
ўўўўўў Infotainment COMPUTER NEWSPAPER ўўўўўў ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 26.03.1996 In Since P Y C K ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ISSUE eighteen. WINSOFT PRODUCTION IN THIS ISSUE: 1. just a thought. 2. REKLAMA 3. NEWS 4. IRISOU - 201 (Irisou) Hi! I understand you're wondering why this issue came out so late. That's what were good reasons. But today, 26 March, the newspaper ceases to be strictly weekly. And this is connected with the appearance of the idea of creating a magazine that will only be sold. In the magazine, which, incidentally, will have the same name, will include the very best material from previous issues, intervyu, monthly surveys, descriptions (full passage) games will also be an application, etc. The magazine will be formatted to 64 characters in row and take the whole disk. The appendices will include the most cool games and sistemki. The main theme of the magazine remains the same. In connection with the above wording is looking quite literate people on the ground: 1. Leading heading "Statistics", which will deal with questionnaires population ZX-WORLD 2. Leading rubric "GAMER", which will be detailed descriptions of specific games on passage. Any games edition you will provide. 3. "Disc jockey" - the most interesting job. It is a leading magazine. He will write the introduction, comments, etc. to the number in general. Here, you know, looking for a person with humor. Wishing to test will be given the opportunity completely to one room of this newspaper. All materials will be provided. At every place should be a few people for a change. In Generally, you know, we recruit editors. The magazine is designed on long-distance and will be very high. Monthly. Now about the present. Many believe that the paper was uninteresting. But others do we "send." Here we are not to blame. If people can not understand what the newspaper called though "Entertainment", but there is no silly jokes and other things that so like him, it speaks only of his intellectual and moral level. At the moment, in the newspaper you will not see: 1. stupid jokes 2. awkward jokes 3. jokes 4. etc. that there are other "cool" computer publications. I want to point out such computer publications such as: 1. Dr.Longman NEWS - cool flyer made a very cool and humorous. Reading pleasure. 2. ANIGDOTES - if you wanted to anecdote or two After dinner, better not think of. Savage abundance Anek bunkers. 3. ON-LINE - Network newsletter. Without it, normal life in the network is impossible. Also, advertising aage ntstvo highest popularity. 4. DELIRIUM - he and China's nonsense. Pinned in bulk. If ho Titus jokes - have a look at Brad. 5. Teleconference - too cool, and most importantly of all ponem leg. June ...... And dozens of different ".. NEWS"-s. All the above, I do focus only on what LIMETREE - Seriously, though, and entertainment, the newspaper. It prints only the best things. Are presented to the full literary masterpieces. A if you want jokes - have a look at another publication, and you'll see an amazing difference ... and that's what - it depends on your intelligence. Since you have been LORD WINTER. At H & M A N I E! ! ! At H & K A L L I N A B O W M O R N O S T L! ! ! ______________________________________________________________ LORD WINTER, newspaper and LIMETREE LIMESOFT are: Attention! Reopens server LIME 2 BBS!!! But in another role. Server PUBLISHED! What awaits zareges trirovannyh it users? Firstly, you can always find there Dete commercial journal version of the newspaper with LIMETREE applications. Second, it is the most basic: TO SERVER PIC TOYANNO WILL NOT THE LATEST PROGRAMME ,(!!!) appeared YES SAME MARKET. Third, you will be able to download the next day previously ordered ANY (!!!) program. On the server does not require is nothing to download. By registering, you receive lnuyu freedom of action. Server operates strictly under the password! The password changes every week. User will be notified for previously. Well, think of yourself. Suppose, you choose to market time per month, although perhaps more frequently. Arriving at the market (and he did not have every front of the house), you leave for a minimum of 30,000 rubles., bought three diskettes. By registering at the same LIME 2 BBS, you you can, comfortably sitting in a chair, calmly download all it is not leaving the house. And it will cost you only 20,000 tons per month! The server is equipped with programs, regardless of market Cove City of Moscow, ie, any program before you get on market, will be on the server. More information about the delivery of programs and registration, you will be able to find out by calling the bottom of the phone. The server will open after it register more than three (3) people. The server is open daily from 00.00 07.00. Will be informed of its opening. I would like to say that the server does not depend not on any networks (Such as ZX-NET) and works by itself. But it passes, and assumes the post. No rules of conduct do not apply. They free. Yes, the server two drives, two drives!!! We are waiting for you, register before it's too late! Warranty - 100%! Phone for registration and additional information: LORD WINTER, Alex, 300-10-64 P.S. (Written STEVER'om OF CENTRONICS H.G.): As a person involved in a little idea of creating the first ever SPECCY paid BBS, I would like to say a few words about this .... Users of the Lord! " Before you have a unique opportunity, which so far had no user ZX-SPECTRUM in Russia and former Soviet countries - to receive the program before they enter the market. Believe my experience, I well know the mechanism of occurrence of any program on the market, and then that you are invited to radically change the entire existing system over the years. You imagine all the benefits that you get by registering for LIME 2 BBS!!!! Then advantage that you will have over all other will put you head and shoulders above any other regular user. In my opinion, the amount, which offers to pay for the LORD is great thing, just nothing compared to what you get. I'm not saying that you will save on it, at least thirty thousand a month. The main thing because your potential to get a lot of new programs much earlier than others. There is no doubt that the opening on SPECCY paid BBS - a milestone in the its history, which opens almost unlimited possibilities for all lovers of this wonderful computer. I sincerely advise you not to miss your chance and register as soon as possible. STEVER OF CHG. Not registered, you will lose your chance ... MORTAL COMBAT, PRINCE of PERSIA ... t.p.
Other articles:
Reflections - On the creation of the magazine LIME TREE. |
Advertising - Advertising and announcements. |
News - The reasons for the failure of a project related to the issue of the journal ZX-MAGAZINE. |
IRYSOU-201 - Science-fiction story (Part 10-12). |
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