Skimer #02
30 сентября 2000

Presentation - a newspaper story from the Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

<b>Presentation</b> - a newspaper story from the Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.
              As it was.

       View Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

  So. Summer day in August, code batyanya hit the road to 
Moscow to stay with relatives, and sister is in the same 
sinking exams MSFU, it all started. 

  I woke up with utregana and scratched only then to continue
familiarize themselves with the description.

  Speaking of buttons and options! Management
program is carried out:

  - Sinclair-joysticks

  - Kempston Mouse,

  - As well as standard layouts

    Keyboard: "Q, A, O, P, Space (M)" or

                 "S, X, O, P, Space (M)".

  In fact, the interface is very simple and light up comments 
allow it to navigate intuitively. 

  Therefore, it is unlikely you will do not understand 
something, especially when you consider that CIAPR lograz 
passing their offspring "WOLF 2'3" and making sure that 
reluctance to play - I poLOADil ALASM # 4f (by the way, it 
ALASM 3.8, a 4f - this is my old work attributes the screen).

  Work on the first number SKIMER'a boil! But those who saw my 
pearls LetterSystem, learn to fear the familiar contours of 
shell'y appearance. Br-rr-r ... Th is me naplel ???:)

  About two o'clock (14:00), I vzal course for
nearest store and prepare ourselves for
receive guests, as having learned from bitter experience - I 
know: everyone will be a fiddler, and I nor in one eye! Bad 

  Hour or three, taxied SirX (incidentally, he
does not know that I came up to him nick'u animations, and so 
let him not take offense:)). Duc was listed taxied SirX with 
Since P O M! FIRM! Severodvinsk! This is not a PUP Scratch 
INSIDE AND NOT BALTIC! (Baltic Honey-not account.) Following 
his arrival, followed by attempts slapped on a mini brain for 
all the good and for the next 10 years, but I tutzhe showed his 
talent, Coy reduced to zabaltyvaniyu interlocutor to the state 
of light trance and general prostration, with Parallel 
disorientation in space and time and sequence of taking a boot 
disk imaging elephant doses (word on the heads of hapless 
victims formed RS-232 and Centronix;)). By the end of boot 
vacancies type agreed, quoting verbatim: "Z-Zero

SYSTEMS inc. - Super coder, Michael Schumacher - Champion in 
life, Microsoft - a gathering lamer and peredurkov and GRASTER 
- not fault zapoganivanii disk fault

Vel, who recorded on the disc SirX'a copyist, Coy immediately 
after the start Formats disk from which it started. "(Shaw for 
kopier - my memorial not Story.) 

  Received from him TAKE confession - I kerf the grid and ran 
56KLETOK, where it plays beep'ernaya SAVAGE2, torn me from the 
corresponding game (there is music half of the bend) and waited 
for the backgrounds disappear - means GRASTER kerf. Well,

in! Going into the EMS, I throw messagu the immediate 
narisovyvanii here, this, and occurs.

  Making sure that they are not going to have
each other - I steer into the store, so grab what you eat 
first, and missed the arrival of X-mus'a and SILVER'a. Coming 
from mag'azina, I found them uzho mulberries, and X-mus, as and 
promised (good boy:) dragged tangle-legs home production, 
titled "apple wine for lovers of sweeter." Come on theme lovers 
- do not talk to me, but I have a little of it is not stuck 

  Last appeared Yura. He has rity
is determined by its place in our group, but about the P s in 
O, he has not forgotten :)))! 

  About how we fotografirovals on memory - I will not write 
(have written GRASTER'om), and about how people are urged

I wear sneakers and no socks sparkle with their home, or rather 
because of them left - I also will not, and move on to the most 
interestnomu from the standpoint of a wise See .;))))))))))))))

  Next, make sure in my nerabotabelnosti with a pile of people 
behind their backs - all reached out to the kitchen, where 
accelerated tempo was destroyed by this whole tangle-legs, and 
Pochat PYVO, and then SirX began to read wonderful poetry: "red 
cap". Y y-y-y ... Their author should put a monument!

  Next, we stumbled on my calculator.
I must say that I have a wonderful
Japanese programmable calculator "CASIO", it is possible to 
pull up a special printer is running on the electrostatic

paper, mafon recording introduced progressive and
just when you connect uzhenepomnyuchego - on
It is possible to write music. I zasverbilo, whisper something 
otprintit. After twenty minutes torture (User German scholar, I

English and writing Batey very slowly
Reading) STE I did and proud to all

  Next nifiga particularly interestnogo nebylo,
but because you can sort out the memories GRASTER'a.

                       Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

                            wath here

Other articles:

Entry - Read the second issue of our newspaper, and be surprised.

Management - Control in the newspaper.

Presentation - a newspaper story from the Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

Presentation - the story flushing first issue of Graster'a.

Presentation - the story flushing first issue of SirX'a.

Kursk - Today, August 23, 2000 1911 day after flooding of the submarine K-144 Kursk.

Mozgomoechnaya - Reviews of Games. At the end of each game shall be FINAL CUT. Although not very large, but is required!

Mozgomoechnaya - advice to the creators of graphic editors.

News GRTSAS - "Star" - the leading enterprise in the Russia to dismantle nuclear submarines, scientific and technical base repair.

News GRTSAS - News Group Over Sun Friendship.

At the limit! - the possibility of human and the human body.

Bred by night - The CD with all sorts of prog on Spectrum, lived his ubovolstvie byte named Magnet.

Crazy life! - Standartenfiihrer CC von Stirlitz.

Shilo or soap - advertising and announcements.

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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