Skimer #01
31 июля 2000 |
good idea - On SPECCY and beyond.
"And our code is steep, And our cars are fast " (I do not know whose, but cool). "Well, and requests you said database and hung " Fomenko About SPECCY and beyond. And why not only? And because punch without prog's no punch, and tak.Naprimer - Sprinter, everything would be cool, but programs specifically for him netyu.A if you do not dig in unimaginable given the financial and look at our modest car, cool to the disgrace, if used All these exotic 512 * 192? Almost net.I we have no standard, anyway, and therefore, to develop at this stage besmyslenno.Ya not against the development and well- I understand that nothing can live without developing, and SPECCY need a little break from the same grafikoy.No no clear standards we fetus monsters, and this regress.Tak that it is pointless now to wait for something, you just need podderzhivt home computers good prog, because judging from the last 5-6 years we are unlikely to find a common language in terms of standards. Now, regarding the particular programm.V game, well, I love to play, well, what can you do;)) No offense will be discussed, but the feeling that we were only "ASPHIXIA 'FATALITY". Well, do not see anything good (or can not see from here;)) Or written in the tops of some kind. "But you want something big, bright" - Billy ("The Man with b.Kaputsinov). It would not bellow over Dendy, but because sometimes you want to play in "Chip 'Dale", yes and "Mario" and can not see the completed and not necessary at this rally, tastes are different, I generally favor more toys good and different, and it does not mean that I'm only on such toys and torchu.Ya with udovlstviem would play tennis, but those that have not istraivayut me, really so hard to write tennis, which would most simply be played upravlyalsya.Ya in Collegiate football, but where is he? Can dried out a fantasy with our coders? gratifying to hear that the DR is still moving things with "DOOM", something, time to stop to.I debate about whether or not to do the conversion from other platform.Eti controversy is good for those who have the finances well, ie I now have no money either on a PC or on the AMIGA, so I personally do not care how many times there "DOOM" is better and faster, and my pre-reliz quite happy with (my word), and if still leaves the full version, Well, I will be very happy. Do not get me wrong, I love good, smart game, but you sometimes want to relax, to play in something light, and all these Tetris and kolorlaynsy already throat are ... So, you are our dear coders, gfx makers and musicmakers (oh, Th is me;)) all of you individually and collectively, do these things, what the imperialists did not dream, wrote a pack of cool assemblers demos created on which the lower jaw comes with sex, think about just a poor user;))) After all, if you know how nice to read in the newspapers news like: "The new game" Dizzy A ". After that, you believe that all the same: S P E C C Y R U L E Z F O R E V E R!!! 6.08.2000 Sir X PSNapisano specifically to the first pancake (Sorry, number;))) our newspaper. BYE!!!
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