Buzz #11
22 октября 1997

Novella - Computer novel "The Neverending Story" Part 2

<b>Novella</b> - Computer novel
       - K - O - M - M - L - S - T - E - F - N - A - Z -
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(C) VA PRINT 1993

              (Okonchanie. Beginning in the 10-m room.)

                    THE NEVERENDING STORY

                 (C) 1985 OCEAN SOFTWARE LTD.

                          PART 2.

   Melodious voice filled the air of the Southern Oracle. He 
told Atri that salvation fantasies should look beyond this 
world. AND Atri Falkore flew to continue their flight 
poiski.Posle dolglo young man realized that it was impossible 
to get beyond the fantasy. 

   While Atri was busy looking for. Emptiness is almost 
completely engulfed the country. From the height of the flight 
shows only the last remnants of virgin territory yet. It was an 
ancient city. Once it was rapidly flowing life, but now the 
city was empty and he quite fit the title City cast. Atri 
decided to land here. But during a landing approach Whirl Void 
unexpectedly hooked Falkora and Atri had to land one. 

   Rousing himself, Atri rose from the ground and looked 
around. Wall around it was a big forest. Just to the east, 
through gaps between trees, can be considered a high city wall, 
built of large stones. Overcoming the pain caused by the fall, 
the young man walked tuda.Vskore he came upon a path, which 
skirted the city from the south and led further to the east, 
towards hill. But Atri turned from her and headed north, where 
the city wall were let into once sturdy gates. But now rusted 
metal and they are hanging on just one loop, published nasty 
squeak. Here on the inside of the wall hung a huge picture. On 
it - Atri, flying on a dragon on his imagination. 

   Passing along the wall to its east end, Atri found a glowing 
ball. It shone so brightly, as if the particle was placed in 
the sun this piece of rock crystal. At this point from the wall 
out a dense fog. It's like bringing the twine around all 
subjects, and when Atri joined him, he felt that he like 
enough, does not uyti.Zhelaya hurry to leave this gloomy place, 
a brave traveler moved in the opposite direction. Y the gate he 
turned north and went to the orchard, surrounded by on all 
sides by crumbling walls. Most trees have dried up, only a 
single apple tree standing on the side of their dead neighbor, 
pleasing to the eye a pleasant green. Beneath it on the grass 
contains apples, gleaming in the sunlight of his skin. Atri 
prhvatil it with you. Four tracks led from the garden towards 
the four cardinal directions. Atri thought, and went west, and 
found himself in forested tupke. Further passage was not, so he 
picked up lying on the ground rope and headed back. Again, 
after passing a garden, he came out with its eastern side. 
Gravel cover this large yard. In the north-east rose the 
tumbledown church, left the north-west could be seen standing 
in the ruins of the once there homes. Standing in the church 
annex, Atri was surrounded by clubs Church of dust raised from 
the floor by the wind. He blew votoka, where a small fence the 

   Like everywhere else there were also traces of destruction: 
the crosses were vyvorocheny, tombstones are scattered 
helter-skelter. Atri did not go there, and picked up an ancient 
book bound in wood with a sophisticated metal buckle. The 
headline reads: "History The tower. "One of the chapters 
explains the how to get inside the tower, if she does not want 
to admit. This requires the gold key. But key lost many 
centuries ago. More in the book, nothing interesting there, so 
Atri put it back, and he went west to the ruins of houses. 
Scrape through a pile of stones, logs and earth, he went into 
what was once called home. Roof and south wall was not, and the 
remaining walls were so dilapidated, that is about ruhnut.No 
strange thing, in the midst of all this even lay next to some 
old but still sturdy boards. As if someone deliberately put 
them here. This interested Atri, he removed the boards and 
found the stone steps leading down into darkness. Settling down 
on them, Atri ended up in the library. Crystal ball in his hand 
radiating even light, picking out the dark piles of books and 
scrolls, lying in a mess on the floor. Trying not to stumble 
over them, Atri was cautiously making their way to the door in 
the northeast corner of the room. Door, gritting, opened, and 
Atri found himself in a large corridor. To the east it narrows 
and there are visible were patches of moss on its stone walls. 
In the south and west were doors leading perhaps to other rooms.

   Going south, Atri came into the kitchen and here as 
elsewhere, first seen places, was dominated by the disorder and 
squalor, without stopping here for a long time he moved to the 
east. Pantry shelves, where he came in, were lined with dusty 
cans and bottles, only one object caught his eye - a small 
bottle cap tightly closed and with strange symbols on the side. 
Lifting it off the floor and pulling the plug, Atri found 
inside a white powder. "Hmm" - thought the young man, - 
"perhaps it somewhere so useful," and plugged the bottle cap, 
put it in his pocket. Back in the kitchen Atri took a small 
knife which was lying there and went into the western door. He 
found himself in an unusually long room. The middle of it stood 
a huge oak dining table, covered with antique lace tablecloth. 
Here Atri decided to reinforce its forces and dined, even stuck 
out of the house inventory. Food to satisfy hunger, and he 
moved further.

   Leaving the dining room and kitchen, Atri went down the 
corridor to the east. In the north wall, he found the door and 
passed through it, found himself in the bedroom. All the 
furniture and the walls were covered with dust. In general, 
anything interesting. Returning to the corridor Atri continued 
study of its eastern part. Walls are under the influence of 
very moist air are covered by a slippery green moss. Corridor 
at this point turned to the southeast, and in the north wall 
was a door. For It grabbed a pack of hungry rats Atri at his 
feet and managed to progryzt shoes, even before he had time to 
jump back into the corridor. Breath, the young man opened a 
bottle of leukomas powder and threw it on the floor. Feeling 
opastnost rats immediately rushed to the loose and a couple of 
seconds room howled free. Now Atri was the time to examine her. 
This tiny room had probably been used as a pantry, but now on 
the shelves, walking along the walls, nothing but nebylo rusty 
iron key. 

   Taking it, Atri back into the corridor and went to the 
southeast. In this point the corridor turns sharply to the 
southwest, and in poluobrushevshivsheysya east wall was visible 
pass. Looking back and not find anything interesting, Atri went 
down the hall and down the stairs. 

   Huge web overlapped corridor. Around her lay poluistlevshie 
bone, filling the air nazabyvaemym flavor. Atri pulled the web 
arm (TAKE WEB), but the big spider bit him. Poison from the 
sting began to spread rapidly throughout the body. But boy did 
not lose his head. He knew that apples - the best means of 
bites of these harmful creatures. S'edennoe them quickly 
neutralized the poison apple. Having learned from bitter 
experience Atri began to act more cautiously. He took out a 
knife and slashed him on the web. She curled up and spider 
disappeared into a large gap in the floor. Now the way was 
clear. Going to the west and povenuv southwest, Atri ended up 
in a dark dungeon. To the east and south were cameras with 
strong iron bars, on the cold stone floor stood a table and 
chair guard. Atri unlocked the iron key eastern chamber and 
entered it. On the floor lay a small leather purse. When Atri 
picked it up, then on the floor with a crash dropped a gold 
coin. He is instead a coin purse and threw it away. Coming out 
of the chamber and go through to the west, Atri was in torture 
chamber, equipped with the latest technology. In the floor, 
opposite the western wall, he noticed a round hole. Coin thrown 
back, set in motion a hidden mechanism, and the western Wall 
moved away, freeing the small passage. 

   There, on a pile of diamonds, coins and other treasures he 
found a golden key, the one mentioned in the book. Taking with 
him this magnificent discovery, Atri went back. To reduce the 
road, he entered the chamber, where previously found purse, and 
crawled out of it by a narrow passage down. The entrance to it 
was rather narrow, but gradually expanded and brought up a 
passage in Atri bottom of the pit. With the help of a rope tied 
to them still on top of already pretty soaked from 
sochivsheysya from the walls of water, Atri safely get out of 
it and the stairs in the library led Atri dark Peace to the 

   Unexplored remained only the northern part of the city. 
There have the border of the forest Atri ran into poluistlevshy 
scribbled sheet of paper. But the impact of the Void here was 
particularly strong, and He hurried to the south, towards the 
city gates, where it was still quiet. Time and moisture have 
done their work - ink on paper, blurred and faded, but one line 
can be read. "Glass Imagination - just real glass - Atri read 
and pondered. He had a piece of glass, the remainder of the box 
with the crystal. But how does it relate to the young man did 
not know what is happening. He out of the city and went further 
down the path on which he got here, ie to the east.

   She led Atri, right on top of a hill, which overlooks the 
city cast. Osyuda top could be seen as a void quickly comes to 
him from all sides. Turning away from this the sad spectacle of 
Atri to his great joy found Falkora and Aurina. And as soon as 
they rose into the air, terrible explosion at the bottom. It 
remains postednii Fantasy disappeared Emptiness. Only her tiny 
fragments as asteroids were flying in the black emptiness of 
space. One such asteroid trailer miracle The tower survived.

                          PART 3.

   After landing on an asteroid, Atri headed east, and
then north to the Tower. In its huge door was built castle
appropriate sizes. With the golden key Atri unlocked
door and entered the tower. Passing the huge hall, which 
prevailed desolation, he approached the stairs leading 
upstairs. Walking up the it Atri found myself standing in an 
endless maze of wood, glass and stone koridorov.Mnogochislennye 
ladder leading up and down, still confused maze. After long 
walks Atri came across a box with precious stones. Them he 
began to notice a road that has been found: after the first 
staircase on the north-west, up, east, south-west, up, to the 
east, east, east, and finally up. Doing this tricky path

Atri ended up at the closed door, let into the east wall. This
was not just a door. It opened only polite to people.

   Hearing the magic word "please" the door opened and
Atri admitted inside. Having more room, Atri went into the 
rooms of the Empress, and returned to her charm. 

   Fantasia is now rebuilt, and life again zaburlit in this 
beautiful country. 

Other articles:

Cheating - A bit of RPG - Bard'S Tales. The secret of in muzykalke: Trash'e Trackmo. Codes levels in the game Magic Stripes. How to get to the next level in the game King Valley. Freaks in the puzzle Hexxagon. Cheat in SEX-minesweeper demo.

TOP TEN - Top Ten games, systems and music programs.


Jokes - 10 jokes ...

Assembler - The effect of "flame."

Likbez - Network characters created by Mustang Software.

Our news - Almost ready mini-trekmochka Clibmatize.

Novella - Computer novel "The Neverending Story" Part 2

Innovations - What's new in this edition of the newspaper.

Obzorchik SYS - Overview of System Software: Alasm v3.8c, Tasm v4.12, XAS v9.06 +, ZX-ASM v3.0.

Obzorchik - Overview of Game Software: Moontorc, Klademiner, Dragonia, Choe Lee fut Kung Fu warrior, King Valley, Return to Home 4, Doom mania.

Ads - Advertisements and announcements ...

From the authors

Event - Two leading groups have united in Kovrov Enternity Industry.


Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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