Sky Net #05
08 октября 1996

Forum - On 10/09/1996 modems in Kaluga have 8 people and three people izyavili desire to acquire them.

<b>Forum</b> - On 10/09/1996 modems in Kaluga have 8 people and three people izyavili
desire to acquire them.

                 "Better once shall see
                   easy to see than a hundred times

                   hear! "

                    Wisdom of the Ancients.

* Crystal part. *

   Hi! Guess who is now with
Talk to you? Who? No, this is the one
who was so cruelly crucified on the pages of the newspaper 
"SKY" - Producer "Crystal Dream", a hacker SOI.

   I wanted to be here, highlight some
themes with which I disagree, or, or
who might be interested in a wide
readership ...


   For that I am, so "izvalenny in gomna"
Mr. Sailor'om I thank him? For that life with him does not seem
boring! (Joke) But, honestly, for modems, which he brought from 
Moscow. Now These modems use about 6 people. Main problemma 
connected to the telephone network. More problems like no ... 
Is that a modem was a floppy disk with the shell for the 
latter. And this span, the oldest of all the shells ... And in 
the "SKY" number 3, you probably have seen offer to sell new 
versions of ... Not another-whether it's a trick of pumping

money? Who knows?


   Good thing suggested Sailor, on the
one of the beams - before sending files
for dial-up network, their pre-archiving. Now I was researching 
all kinds of compressors and compressor or soon I will be glad 
to offer you their recommendations.


   Mr. Sailor said that in the newspaper
"CTIME1" a lot of errors. I
wish-to stay on the spelling of the newspaper "SKY". 
Incidentally, it was said that from the font of his eyes 
watery, but from the "ONLINE" no tears? So, in fact, there was 
a font ... 

   SORRI - Find me a word, at least in
language! I do not lie if I say,
what he said 10 times that at the end of this
word is "Y".

   Of glorification, perhaps it is translated as glorification 
of professional. Although in the text is very doubtful ...

   Nachhat is not a bug, but it sounds rather dryly, and I have 
not seen anywhere else in the normal newspapers such variations.

   Si-Modem, Ci Modem, well, what normal person will understand 
that this C-MODEM? 

   dopisuet - this is from what word? Thus,
Now, my dear, is you dopisuete any
Strange muzykalki and Alex appends

   Atansion - is that a word? I understand that you taught 
French, but if I taught the Chinese that I seem to write

about the following:

   Ai somtsiso fomi, Jawara, NOUAN Heapey,
yu chi mi syaye Hooko fomi.

   (The screen looks horribly, and said pleasantly.)

   The so-called "Haest" modem pishitsya,
as the "Hayes", rather than the nightmare that you wrote.

Like this all.

             Crystal Dream.

   Today I, as a producer of
"Crystal Dream" has decided to lift the veil
and tell who is doing what in our

1.SOI-finishing magazine.
2.Segal-pishit Gift'y and Intro.
3.Alex-appends Smagly-3.
4.Romzes-prepares a cool script.
5.BOB-develops the idea of ​​a good toy.

   That's all that I believe you need

   Today is Sunday and it's too late! AND
For this reason, I finish my article. If your opinions do not 
agree with mine or you would like to add my words, then 

 "Here was listed phone SOI and commercial information" SAILOR.

come to the market on Sundays near
School 26 with 7.30 to 11.00

06.10.1996 Edited by SOI.


      Commentary newspaper SKY NET:

   It is finished! SOI has sent his
text under the heading "Forum". So how do we
full democracy, we have published
full lyrics without editing editor SKY
NET. What would you dear reader have made themselves the right 
conclusion about the knowledge Russian language and spelling 
rules ubiquitous SOI. 

  In the next issue I will talk about the real reasons for my 
bad attitude to SOI. I think I have that right.

   The only thing I had to remove
is contained in the text of the commercial
information and phone SOI. Also, I removed
information on the BBS owned by SOI, which
DICTATOR helped me - all skinned!
Generally I'm low, vile, greedy absolutely ignorant and stupid 
fellow! (And I took chutzpah and otformotiroval text. 

   So what DEAR MISTER SOI read my
newspaper should carefully!

   Concerning errors in the text of the newspaper can
just say this, if you've seen on any keyboard I type text,
it just surprised. And the second editor of IS-DOS sometimes 
incorrectly formats the text. 

   And about the abilities of hacker SOI, I
better keep quiet. (I, too!!! Jamessoft).

   And I will add that several SOI
outdated information. On 09/10/1996 modems
have 8 people and three people izyavili
desire to acquire them, but over the sale of new versions of C. 
DOS 'A, I can say that the shell that I write - it's

user shell! And, as
investigation is not designed to provide BBS.


Other articles:

Contents - the contents of rooms.

News - Because of the difficulties encountered in the game "TIMECOP" probably well nevyydet general.

Advertising - Advertising-engine progress!

News games - TOP SKY NET on 05/10/1996 in Lugansk.

Top Secret - SAILOR hooked and finally digitazer wrote the script of the new games that will use the scanned image.

Urgent Room - Strike while the iron neothodya from the cashier ...

ZXNet - Active BBS network SKY NET.

Computer Review - on prices for the ZX Spectrum and IBM compatible computers.

Forum - On 10/09/1996 modems in Kaluga have 8 people and three people izyavili desire to acquire them.

Jokes - the best anecdote of the week.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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