My Speccy #01
02 февраля 2004

Demo scene - report Promus'ac demomati ParaDiGMus 2003.

<b>Demo scene</b> - report Promus'ac demomati ParaDiGMus 2003.

ParaDiGMus-2003. How it was:

I can give two useful Council:
First : Never try to organize demopati, For nazhivesh you adventure in all places at once!
second : Do not listen to others' advice and these are both in the first place!

Part One .

So, how everything was.
Passed ParaDiGMus-2002, entered a new, year 2003. Unnoticed somehow come. Well, think of it, once ran into a crowd of drunken teenagers. Is that all? And remember that in retirement?
Not in our opinion it does. We must do something ... Idea! And do not arrange for us to ParaDiGMus-2003? In fact, it's time!

Down with the boredom and melancholy -
It's us against the grain!

Develop rules, looking for new sponsors, remodel site. Agree about the premises and technology. Place an advertisement to the web.
Preparatory phase, ponimash.
And there was evening and the morning. Day-n-st.

Before the party. Day-n-th

There were no signs any problems, until the phone rang and Yunev Jura, the system College administrators are not told that the TV, where we were going to skip work ... broke!
We go with Dimedroll'om to college. After a lengthy battle with TV Dimedroll, not knowing what else you can take a joke went around of it, clapping her hands. Funny thing was After his shamanism TV ... earned!
Meet at the bus stop with a familiar sound engineer, agree that it will come to the party pen spinning. To my surprise, I hear that all the equipment of the auditorium pedkolledzha removed. Learn how you can get. Get a phone soundman college. Calling. Order! Technique will!
The preparation is connected NewArt. He writes for the viewer Speck, gives valuable comments on rules.
Make posters. But in the printer, where we were going to print them, at first unexpectedly over the cartridge, and then he broke down altogether. Find another printer. Posters are ready. Stick them in Serpukhov. The electronic version of sending u1tradimm'u / DLC for distribution in Moscow.

Before the party. Day-5 th. Deadline.

That's the deadline. Works something not a lot. No, they are already more than last year, but still not enough ...
Duty. From time to time looked into the box. Several new works, letters from participants and sponsors.

Before the party. Day-4-th

In the morning we meet with the D-Juice'om in the subway and go for the prizes. First - to Symantec. Choose from two opposite directions of movement indicated a native Muscovite, the only right one, get into the World Trade Center. We rise to the express elevator. Wow! Already captures the spirit! We take away the prizes.
Meet u1tradimm'om. It conveys the work DLC. Buy magazine "Hacker", find information about us. Admire the skill of dry 2poisonS help make an interesting sidebar.
Head for the "Open Systems". After a little trip to get places. There we were already waiting. Learning that we're not on the machine, the guys from the publisher perplexed whistle. Then, it seems that you problems!
After these words from D-Juice'a falls to the ground package. The problem has only just begun.
Once inside, and tried to lift half of what we had to pick up, we realized that car - is not a luxury but a means of transportation! Taking half of the journals, we headed back to the subway. Got into the banked on our weight trolley, bought from the driver's incomprehensible cards with magnetic stripe on the appointment of which D-Juice guessed the first, and went.
Here's subway turnstiles! Sorry for the turnstiles ... Do not blame them that we demopati.
Serpukhov! Hooray! From the bus we are on the machine meets Yunev Jura. Nor ever have thought possible feel just a happy person, traveling 300m. from stop to the college to car instead of having to go through them on foot.
Second half of the magazines the next day, pick up the Jura.
Meet Draky. Discuss the problem of connecting to a TV Speck.


I went to my computer, after peresvistyvaniya modem connects to your ISP. Check your mail. Something long accepted. I go through the web, watch the volume. Momma! What kind people in my mailbox 8 megs flooded?

Before the party. Day-3rd

Here I am on duty. Look in the drawer. Or am I dreaming or has 35 megs ...
The bell rang a service telephone prompts, that do not sleep.
Look what's inside. Cool! Complete works! That is another matter. Now to the party will is really interesting! It will be necessary to visit a couple of their Mouzon finish.
In the irc channel Draky throws coordinates person who has a Speck SECAM-coder. Called up with him, make an appointment.
Asked the chief of vidyushku to the party. He kindly agreed.

Before the party. Day-2-th

Morning. In the box for more than 50 megs. More work. Agree ... Holy smoke ... well pump faster! I'm late!
Running on the Cherkizovsky where we were supposed to meet with v0rtexZ'om. I take refuge, take out a piece of paper, hastily draw the inscription «ParaDiGMus» and this is strengthened to handle the collar jacket. Trying to find v0rtexZ'a. How can he look like? Walked several times platform. Found a guy who is half gestures explained to me that need to go exit, there should be the one I'm looking for.
However, the dumbfounded one of the passers-question "Did you not expect glavorga ParaDiGMus'a and none found, I went back to the middle platform. Conversation with this kid. It turned out that he, too, waiting for someone about our festival. Decided to wait together. After 15 minutes of waiting it turned out, what will he actually ... me!
Let's go together on Preobrazhenka where we were supposed to meet with Cr0aker'om.
Here we are on the spot. After a while we purposefully approaching people.
Recognize the voice: it Cr0aker. Friendly crowd moving to his home for Spectra, where we were warmly meet the parents, PC (of course, like any self-respecting sceners, without cap) and Sprinter. Shroud sprinter in polietilenovuyu film, take with you just in case nedosobranny The Pentagon, SECAM encoder and head for the subway.
We reached Savelovo where parting with v0rtexZ'om - he goes to work, and themselves go buy connectors. After wandering through a market in search of the necessary and drank a mug of kvas, go to the South, where we were already waiting for the torrential rain and Serpukhov bus.

Video card is found, Speck with me. Fertilizing, getting a license in Serpukhov WindowsXP Limited Edition and come to college.
Well, let's start! Here vidyushka, here PIV. We Ceychas its plug and play!
But there it was. It did not work not only play, but even the plug! On the motherboard simply did not have AGP slots. Only the pad under it. Type, it will be necessary - he solder! Tried other available motherboards. In them - the back story: plug, but did not play.
Phoned everyone I could. Give birth to a fee right now, no one turns out. Went to Serpukhov shopping. In "Compass' e took charge on bail, another problem became less.

Before the party. Day-1 st

Today will hold a rehearsal!
I Dimedroll just in case they brought their components.
Since morning raced with Dimedroll'om shopping. Pencils, paper, disks, boxes discs, labels, cables, connectors, ferrite core for connecting Speck.
Oh, this core! Oblazali all Serpukhov, while Dimedroll accidentally noticed it on one card in a store.
Other members of the committee during that time have placed tables and chairs moved technique.
My computer is not clear why flatly refused to work on patipleys. Reinstalling the temporarily OSes saved the situation, and not even the first time.
It became clear that D-Juice on compassionate grounds can not attend the rehearsal and can come only 2 hours before the party.
That's lucky, so lucky!
Continues fussing with equipment. On the threshold of the auditorium appears some people. It came Cusick from Voronezh. On the same day from Belarus arrives Breeze.
Hooked SECAM - coder to Speck. Included Speck and TV. Cut in the channel search. Again! Two! Three ... and ... nothing good on the screen is not detected.
Two hours of the night. Finally home.
But I still wanted to finish his Mouzon ... But what there! Vaughn has one ready nezarelizhenny. Him, and set. Lights out!

Part Two .

Day party.
Come to college, we have been waiting for Cusick and Alone Coder, who had arrived in the morning from Ryazan.
Anatol arrives Olenin, sound engineer, who agreed to give us equipment. But, as found in his office was only a mixer, and speakers were locked in another room, the key to which no one appeared.
After unsuccessful attempts to pick up the key had to be at your own risk of breaking the door. So if me for this draw, you will witness: I candidly admitted!
Go to the full satisfaction, there is also the floors were svezhepokrashennymi. Think my plunge ...
They took the column, but they never destined to be finalized before the end of party.
On the day of the festival was inexplicably turned down our website at
Received an SMS from u1tradimm'a "I do not want to upset you, but your site does not opens. I sit in front of the error message. One gets the impression that some kind of evil simply does not want to party took place. Everything that can fail and break, break. Anything that can not fail and break down, buggy and breaks all the same!
I read the SMS. Nice to feel supported. Upset once. FIG him, with the site! All well now this nothing can be done.
Runs a little more time and D-Juice says that my comp finally laid. Wonder no longer necessary. It remains to be seen when the TV breaks down and collapses the roof. Comes cr0aker. Trying to run the spectrum.
Where is the sound engineer? He's promised to come! What should I do? D-Juice'u sit at desks? And who party to be? Who???
Oops ... Breeze!!! Well, of course, but that he organized and led the party! I went up to him, and not interested in his opinion, raduyu him that he will now lead a party. Dumbfounded heard, he had a long excuses, offering us to go the forest, but such otmaz was weak, because settlement, in which we live, and so is in the middle of the forest and, accordingly, the forest we go every day.
Fortunately, the problem goes away. Anatoly Ivanovich took crank itself.

That's the beginning of party ....

Television arrived. Spectators, participants gathered. In the mailbox again full of papers and letters. Here! Good news! RU-Center has registered this domain! Trying doprinyat work, tweaking that nedonastroeno, await those who come from far and no time to 11.00.
11.45. Breeze: I suggest to wait a little longer, certainly people are still coming. 11.50. Well all, a limit should be started. A little uncomfortable. Gathered after bison demoscene! Slightly stuttering weeks lack of sleep, I declare the beginning of the festival. STS said opening word.
Trying to run the spec. Speck does not lend itself. Lets PC Graphics.
Appear more work. Wow, of course. But the forces already on the wane. Their only enough, to enjoy their appearance and say something, what exactly - I do not remember. Creativity at minus infinity.
Continue to attempt to run the Spec. Speck does not lend itself. Put the PC Music.

Adjournment .

After the break the night comes from the magazine "Hacker" They would bring banners screeds. One hangs in the hall, another - on the college buildings. Strong wind. That banner, that located on the facade of the building, sometimes warping. We run correct.
Together with night'om there is another group of scenery.
Appears Bhead, brings to the prize fund two decks of cards with pictures of scenery.
As it turned out, Maxim Timonin brought with him a few old demos for Speck. Give him the floor, He shows a few demos on the emulator.
Attempts to run the spec does not stop for a minute. Speck does not lend itself.
Again lets PC Music, good work it had more than enough. I remember what I was Almost four years teaching native pedkolledzh ... Aha! Alternate activities! Playback tracks peremezhivaetsya show Spekovskih demos. So music is more easily comprehended.

One of the present suddenly produced a bottle of Martini and almost sucked me back to her. I did not expect. In the rules it is written: it is impossible! What should I do? Run into a bison? Although wet behind the ears, I do not consider myself, still do not want anyone to spoil the mood, and currently is including. Make a few comments. It does not help. Gradually begin to boil. But what, in the end all, the whole organizing committee as the ears stood up to it here Martini sucked?
That someone in the hall of pleasure to look at it? We have the nomination "drunkenness" is not stated!
Well, let it bison, well, let a lot of arrivals will be then to the web! Who approach us with wine comes, he from the wine and die! With these thoughts, ask him to leave the room.

Suitable D-Juice, said that to settle the question of the possibility of visiting party drunk state it needs to be removed from the duties of host.
I take the microphone, he continued to lead the party.

second break .

The microphone takes Cusick. Announces work.
Again trying to start Speck, Speck continues to stand firm. I say KASik'u: declare PC Music.
Music? No, I declare I can not better himself declare.
I take the microphone and, inquiring, and whether anyone else with a tomato, do hereby proclaim Music.
Delay no longer, show spekovskie work on emulators.
On the street a long time it was dark, all very tired, in the hall were the toughest. Inexhaustible PC Music never ends. What should I do? Yes, I did not beat writers, but makes a decision: play for one song from each of the remaining directories. Other way if it was not simple.
Finally, the nomination is over. Give the floor to DJ I-Kick, who brought with him an operating system BeOS, and themselves retire to count the votes.
Consider the average score, hands certificates and prizes to those who wait for this moment.

Restore order in the hall, clean tables, dump everything that is possible in laboratory informatics.
After 11 pm, finally gets home.
Will not want to go, barely moving his feet. And the hell I even got involved in this matter? Yes so that again? Yes, for anything! I'll go and take beer and sleep!
I go into the shop, expect to the seller. And suddenly the door opens and appears on the verge of D-Juice.
We go for Dimedroll'om. As a result, the streets appear Dimedroll, Mitchell, and nowhere has not gone Breeze.
A little stroll through the streets and going into the barbershop to JT, went home.

Part Three .

After the party. Day 1.
The alarm clock rings ... Damn ... We must stand up ... To go to college, put things in order ... How sleepy ...
The alarm clock rings .... Damn ... get up ... the motherboard in the "Compass" He promised to take back ... in fact ... but still want to sleep ...
The alarm clock rings .... Damn ... Damn ... Damn ... get up ... We must take back unused badge, for the used pay ... and who only came up with to get up in the morning ...
The alarm clock rings ... Yes, I get up, get up!!!
Come with Yuriko in college, putting in order laboratory and computer, with Denver'om mend the castle and repaint the floor.
Badge pass failed, as "Lawyer" on Sunday did not work.
The motherboard failed to pass, as the description and the driver of her Dimedroll mistakenly took with him.
The Internet is that it slazit? Comp just do not work. Yes, and figs with him! Checkmate megs in your address I always have time to read.
Or checks to count? Come on in their bath! Does it matter, what's the minus?

After the party. Day 2
Take away the driver, going to college. It turns out that local radio and newspaper already zapingovali phone college, trying to find out how we passed Festival. And the answer is "All on vacation" they are clearly not happy.
After telephone interviews and travels back home to Serpukhov.

After the party. Day of the third
Yes, I gather there ever comp? How long he will stand guts out?
Hey, where's my screwdriver?
Collect complex, more precisely, what is left of it. Include ... And lo! What's stopping you on the party something to work normally???
With trembling fingers dial, go to the forum and to my surprise do not show there is no flaming ....
Yes, there is criticism, but a normal, constructive.
Dimedroll places of work on our site, there are first reports.
Of course, the biggest park the inconsistencies and do not remain unnoticed, but the overall attitude to past positive pati!

Didenko, Dmitry / Pr0mus /

Other articles:

C World thread - Scorpion GMX or unused potentsial.

Demo scene - Black Cat introduces himself.

Demo scene - DJ I-Kick tells about himself.

Demo scene - report Promus'ac demomati ParaDiGMus 2003.

Review WEB - English-language resources on the ZX Spectrum.

Review WEB - Russian-language resources on the ZX Spectrum.

Press Review - Press review of new products in 2003-2004.

review software - and there-whether the AFM? Furthermore TASM'a and ALASM'a real assemblers and none at all?

review software - Overview of income for the Spectrum.

With the world on a thread - a story Spectrum clone ATM Turbo.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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