Bonus #19
05 февраля 2000 |
Hit - Neftekamsky hee-hee-hit-parade pop!
Neftekamsky chi-chi-pop hit parade! (Issue neposledny ...) One, two, three, four, five, begin to hit Parade! (Tv.m-ty!) And like last time, I'll start with the sad. Well, again, again you dear audiophiles do not have guessed all the fifth turn ... What to do with you? Shoot, what? ... Ok! We will try to do without bloodshed. And will continue to review. At this time we hit top five has changed so much so How much has the pop scene for two weeks, that is, no an inch or a meter, or the fuck knows what else ... In general, go ahead, guess the artist and his song, and the responses send to our address listed somewhere below. The first one all correct guesses and the first to send it to us the answers we necessarily awarded the prize: The next edition of our gazetku "bonus"! Go for it! You have until February 20. And today we have here is a bunch of fives: The honorable, the first place today in our parade, the legend US-British stage under the very odd Nickname'om: British alcohol. Oddity is the fact that for Russian gourmet liquor British spirit was, is and would be: "Royal" or "Smirnoff". And here ... Sings the same vacancies Artists pretty simple song about a Baby on one more time. No further I remember painfully stale drawn from the British ... Second place in our independent chi-hit parade Credits: Chief editor of "Bonus" - Ruslan Garipov Information support: "SinklerKlub" Text Visualizer (Online) by Oldman Disk boot, the compressor of the text by KSA Software Creators of "bonus": Rustam Yakup, Ruslan Garipov Special thanks to all the readers of the previous 18 numbers. Address: Mailing address: 452950 g.Neftekamsk, Lenina 76 square 8 (Ruslan) Phone: 8 (34713) 52-681 (from 18:00 to 22:00 GMT) Ruslan; 50-245 (on weekends) Marat Ziganshin. E-mail's: - Ruslanich of ECStudio / SC; - Marat of E. C. Studio (Izhevsk). D-mail: (on tr-dos 3.04 fast disk format). Copyright: All rights for distribution and printing of the newspaper "Bonus" prenadlezhat publishing house "ECStudio". Illegal and Unauthorized copying is encouraged cash Prizes in the amount of the cost of the newspaper "Bonus". Copyrights (c) 2000 by Publishing House "ECStudio" / S. Club That's All
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