City #38
29 декабря 1999

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 29).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full disassembler ROM (part 29).
    ************* **************** LIKBEZ

(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

                And as for those

              WHO WANTS TO BE A


Address 6427. Puts the number 3 at 23,766.
6427 LD A, 3

      LD (23766), A


Address 6433. Download / verification file and upload / write 
sector file. Input: Set 23801, 23824, 23767, 23771, in the HL - 
address of the boot in DE - address of the file on the disk, B 
- number of sectors to load. 6433 CALL 1394; you download or 
Veri                     fication?

      JR Z, 6445, and if so, the execution of operations

                    all files

      PUSH AF; saving flag operation

      CALL 6804; address calculation sector


      POP AF; restoration of the flag operation

      CP 255; reading sector file?
6445 PUSH AF

      CALL Z, 6492, and if yes, then read a sector or

                    file operations

      POP AF

      JR Z, 6455, and completion of loading or Veri

      JP 7757, otherwise record the sector and a return
6455 LD A, (23766) to download the whole file?

      CP 3
No need to do this! Better way:
LD A, (23824)
and PEEK will work properly. Will not boot
debris after the loaded sector. After all, if 23,766
is 0, then the low byte of length is always equal to 0 and
6470 will not work.

      CALL Z, 6470, and if so, download, or Very
                    cation of the end of file

      LD HL, (23641) mark the end of the program


      DEC HL

      LD (HL), 128

      RET; Returns

Address 6470. Download or verification of the end of the file.
Set 23796, 23771 and 23801.
6470 LD A, (23801), verification?

      CP 255

      JP NZ, 12,254, and if not, then loading the end


      LD A, (23771) file is the sector with no OS

      OR A

      RET Z; if so, return

      LD C, A; take longer than the remainder

      LD B, 1, 1 sector

      LD DE, (23796), the current place of disk

      JR 6506, verification of the end of the file and the 
possibility                     Gates

Address 6492. Download / verification file and upload the 
sector file. Set 23801, DE put in the address file on the disk, 
HL - address of the file in memory, B - file length in sectors. 
Used also addresses 6506 to verify the specified number of 
bytes (all for 6492, except for 23,801 plus to B - Number of 
bytes). 6492 LD A, (23801), verification?

      CP 255

      JP NZ, 7741, and if not, then download the sectors

                    and return

      LD (23796), DE; remember the address of the file on disk

      LD C, 0, sector 256 bytes
6506 LD A, B; verifitsiruem 0 sectors?

      OR A

      RET Z; if so, return

      LD (23767), HL; saving a file into memory addresses

      LD (23769), DE; saving the file to address discrete
6516 PUSH BC; preservation of the number of sectors

      LD B, 1, 1 sector load

      LD DE, (23769) from the current disk space

      LD HL, 23845; to clipboard

      CALL 7741; boot sector

      LD HL, (23796) address of the next sector


      LD (23769), HL

      POP BC; restoration of seconds

      LD HL, (23767) take the address of the file in memory

      LD DE, 23845; sector address in the buffer
6542 LD A, (DE); comparison of their

      CP (HL)

      JR NZ, 6557, if the mismatch, then the VERIFY


      INC HL; next byte

      INC DE

      DEC C

      JR NZ, 6542, repeat until the end

      LD (23767), HL; install the following address

      DJNZ 6516; repeat until the end

      RET; Returns
6557 LD HL, 10091; mail messages VERIFY ERROR

      LD A, 13; error code - 13

      JP 7242; error handling

              to be continued ...

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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