City #32
04 октября 1999

Smiley - a collection of text emoticons.

<b>Smiley</b> - a collection of text emoticons.
    Smiley ************* ****************

(C) V. Kazakov

  Begin to print transcripts of some emoticons
which gave at the time of PCI Soft ONLINE # 11.
Seeds, as they say, fell in fertile soil.
But not all. Continues to wreak ... - {)

:-) Your basic smile. Used to express
      tion of sarcasm or joking assertion mark
      excitation, because we can not hear the intonation


;-) Winking smile. Flirtatious and / or cap
      kasticheskaya smile. Rather means: ~ do not beat
      those me for what I just said ~.

:-( A grim smile. You did not like the last

      statement or you upset about anything.

:-I Independent smile. Better than the previous one, but

      not as good as a happy smile.

: - "Harmful, sudden a malicious smile. Worse

      What :-)

>: - "It's really terrible comment.

> -> Winking devil and the combination. Very

      lewd remark.

: - [Vampire.

:-E vampire with a protruding tooth.

:-F vampire with a broken and protruding teeth.

: -7 Disgusting / distorted result.

: -* Ate something sour.

: - @ Screaming.

: - # In handcuffs. Silently ... silently

: - 'Tongue-tied. Was speechless.

:-Q smoker.

: -? Smokes a pipe.

:-P Sticking out tongue.

:-S incoherent statement.

:-D laughing out loud.

:-X lips are sealed.

:-C was quite bad!

: - / Skeptical.

:-O Oh-oh.

: -9 Licking his / her lips.

:-O Do not cry! (Silence in the hours of sleep), and


: - 'Spits.

: -1 And: -! Normal.

: - $ Mouth is closed the lock.

: -% Banker.

:-Q Trying to touch tongue nose.

:-A same, but on the other side.

:-E disappointed.

:-T is an ambiguous smile.

:-I half-smile.

: -] Blockhead.

: - [Neulybayuschiysya idiot.

: -} Chapped lips. Beard.

: - {Independent smile with a mustache.

:-J left (doubtful) smile.

:-D Left jeered the reader smile.

:-K hit me.

: - Nereshitelnaya smile.

:-| Indifference.

: - 

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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