ZX Live #02

Entry - the reasons for registration papers.

<b>Entry</b> - the reasons for registration papers.
    Hello, dear Speccy users. Sinus / ZGR again with you. I 
write this text at the request of BLAYDa / ZGR, because he had 
a broken computer, and he can not do everything himself. So now 
would be a small digression and then osnotsnoy text.

               -= Lyrical digression =
    When BLAYD gave me the lyrics, I first read them, and
second understood as "Vilik And MAGUCH Rusca EZYK":). Ie Lyrics
have been with a lot of mistakes. I do not pretend to the role 
of the linguist, but Such errors do not accept. So, BLAYD, I'm 
sorry too, but I had "Source" your text "slightly" adjusted. 
Well now, actually ...

                     -= Let's go! =
    So, you have to drive diskoverte sticking with straight 
from the tin number ZX-LIVE # 2, and you're reading this text. 
And that's good, then you still did not score on the Speccy, 
and you are interested in watching the new bend. 

    You could not help but notice that the third edition comes 
with a This viyuverom (CODMAN # 2, ZX-LIVE # 1, ZX-LIVE # 2), 
and it is still remained hatskersky font and not very ruleznogo 
42 characters in line. I bring you good news - and will not 
tolerate it can not. 

    The two topics, that gave me BLAYD (R & D, humor), add 
another a "CODING", where I'll be unharness about any koderskie 

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
    Then I'll tell you sad news. Issue ZX-MAGAZINE # 8
zatygivaetsya for some time. And all because KILNULIS
All texts :(((((((((( there have been more than 1000 sectors ...

    But ready to fly kodersky stock. And all thanks to back-
copying. So do not neglect it useful.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------


   Main coding, Some text, main fucking: Sinus / ZGR

   Main texts, Idea: BLAYD / ZGR

   Moral 'Mortall support: Hirurg / ZGR

   Music: Davos / HS / CPU

   M <-for fun. Gfx: Dark (just Dark).

         + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

         + + + + + + + + + + + +

         + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

         + + + + + + + + + +

         + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    Be sure to read about Artificial Intelligence, you know
a lot. Humor can improve mood. And finally
My Speccy crackdown on pro and pro Coding in particular.

   Read and enjoy!!!

    Read and enjoy!!!

     Read and enjoy!!!

      Read and enjoy!!!

       Read and enjoy!!!

        Read and enjoy!!!

         Read and enjoy!!!

          Read and enjoy!!!

           Read and enjoy!!!

            Read and enjoy!!!

             Read and enjoy!!!


Other articles:

Entry - the reasons for registration papers.

Fantasy - What is iskusstvennyy pazum?

Humor - To start papochku anecdotes.

Programming - Synchronization effects in demos at the interruption.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   28 April