Key #01
30 мая 2003

voluntary surrender - Archon izveniyaetsya for the article "Studio STALL: the real look ".

<b>voluntary surrender</b> - Archon izveniyaetsya for the article

    I could no longer bear the soul of this heavy
sin. I want all to repent and ask for
forgiveness from those to whom deliberately
created evil.


              Voluntary surrender.

    Oh, and I nakosyachil ... What have I done? As I
Now I live? How will look into the eyes of those
who were once my friends and people I
lost ...

    The newspaper Plutonium-18 was published
little article titled "Studio STALL: the real
view ". The author of it was me. I stuffed it whole
week - in the evenings. I cooked it so that to
the text is not so easy to undermine it. I
makes it so that it exploded like a bomb.
I relied, that those who read it,
formed a negative opinion about the creative
grouping Studio STALL, and by STALL'ovtsam I
intended to shit.

    Damn, I still doubted because, when the Lynx
(Glavred Plutoniuma) asked me - "Well,
publish? "So in me is trying not
prevent this terrible mistake. But I said
"Yes", and made the mistake deliberately.

    In this article, that neither the line - either
exaggeration or abuse, or
frank rut, or just trying to figure out
relationship to the public using the media. Well was
let's say some critics, but it simply does not
can be seen on the background of everything else negative. So
that I declare as an author: an article in Plutoniume-18
"Studio STALL: real look '- complete bullshit!
This is nonsense! But that is not enough.

    Guys I shat very much. Moreover,
I dug up their appearance and exhibited
his physical disability (in fact these guys
- Boys like boys, and not in their appearance
something terrible). Until the pile I have called them
"Desecrated platform ZX-Spectrum". No
they are not blemishes, on the contrary - they are its
Virtue! In those days, when other groups
sdyhali one after another, these guys at all
try - spanked bend and exercise For other
activity, so necessary for the platform - as

    I slandered them. I lied and invented about
They all garbage. It turns out - I used to hang noodles on
ears of those who then read this article. This is
more severe joint. Because now I like
zhurnalyuge - worthless. I do not work for truth and
on falsehood.

    But worst of all (and I realize this is the first
stage) that I used their creative
capacity for evil's sake. It is not simply cannot - it
is a sin.

    I acted as a moral monster, as the last
insignificance. As the last shit. Not
ask me - why I did it. Maybe
me and there were some neponyatki with the guys, but
press - is not the place to clarify the relationship
even more so - so.

    I myself hit the heel of the chest - they say I'm such an 
ardent spektrumist! And he went against their own. Yes

what the hell I spektrumist if I - is unclear
now ... Actually, I platform now
place. Sense from me anyway no no -
except as shit to spit, I by and large
do not know how.

    I sincerely apologize to all the Studio
STALL - those young men, whom I have the article
enumerated and spitting. Excuse me, Jack, Pasha
Stas, and another Jack.

    As well as apologize for their lies and
a provocation to all those spektrumistov who read
this article.

Other articles:

Vsteplenie - "key" - Cultural and Civil newspaper for normal and intelligent people.

Creative - what works on the Spectrum - a means to raise the creative activity.

Questioning - The results of the survey on the status of the platform ZX-Spectrum in the former Soviet Union.

fork in the side - an immense ZX-press through the eyes of a normal man - World of showing off, lying and gryazepolevatelstva.

Memoirs - Braga in trekovski or abnormal ear.

voluntary surrender - Archon izveniyaetsya for the article "Studio STALL: the real look ".

Rekalama - ads and free offers.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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