Key #01
30 мая 2003

Creative - what works on the Spectrum - a means to raise the creative activity.

<b>Creative</b> - what works on the Spectrum - a means to raise the creative activity.
               Waiting for the Muse ...

        This text is addressed primarily to people
creative, whether it's coders, artists, and muzakery
etc. .. This is - almost a treatise, which culminated
is a "recipe for inspiration." Presented in a more or
less simple and somewhere fun form, so as not to

        It's no secret that work -
thing is very subjective. And the inspiration that
pushes the performance art (the so-called "Muse") -
do spontaneous thing. However, in reality, all
more running than you think.

        Creative process (to hell with the philosophy and
ranting about the higher matter) - a banal
chemical reaction that occurs in the brain under
governance something there still the same (and perhaps
not). But it's not about that. The thing is that
External factors can also affect the reaction,
toward both positive and vice versa.

        It is here that begins to clear and common

        Softmeykerstva problem (that is creative
to create software) hangs over the cataract on the eye
platform is not the first year. And among all its
creating a cause and "non-creative" state

        Symptoms of this syndrome: indifference to
assembler, lethargy, apathy (laziness is shorter). From the 
inside soul kind of like the urge to sit down and break 
something pokodit. But what? Sit behind a computer and generally

there is no hunting even run his fingers on the
keyboard. Want to eat something sweet (!
- Notice? That is sweet!), For example -
biscuit and cream (! - proteins + Vitamin C)
PIROZHENKO and lie on the couch and nap (! -
fatigue?), or watch telly.

        So, ladies and gentlemen, here, all signs and
evident. Status of this stems from the fact that
the body lacks certain substances from this
it is even more attenuated.

        It is no secret that for normal brain
require glucose. This is expressed in the will of the sweet.
Ditto for the general welfare of the organism (and
brain in particular) need vitamins.

        And what vitamins and other substances in
prosperity for the organism can be, with our without
that is not quite healthy life? What do we eat?
Is there a lot of vitamins? A love of booze
(Which in the appendage of everything, and brains fat
gradually "fills")? What air we breathe?
Live something we did in the cities ...

        That's why it works, if rapid and
takes place, it is only from the fact that either myself
make me, torturing, or simply a strong body
how the devil knows knows what Kamenyuki, or to comply with
nutrition and may even fizkulturkoy
sometimes spoil or alcohol is not particularly something
hobbies. But those who do so - units. In
basically the same all live and act according to no one

        However, after all, a fast increase
creative activity - dofigischa. Including
assistants. And they are tuned (itself

        1. Enhancing creativity through
consumption of certain nutrients.

        Glucose. Original source of any brain
activities. Contained in sugar (other
situations, say the pharmacy is sold in capsules).
Tea with a high sugar content (and even with
lemon) - quick way to increase brain
activity - or rather, return it to normal

        Iodine. With a lack of this component in general
say, people are becoming yodiotami. Man iodine
receives the same from the air, but in our country
some regions (for example - in the Urals) iodine in the air
Yoke. And it can be artificially obtained havaya
sea ​​cabbage. Although pricey pleasure
I tell you. They say that in the stores is sometimes salt
iodinated sold. In pharmacies - drug
"Iodine-Go (but I have not personally tried it).

        Vitamins. This stuff you can pick up,
eating fruits, vegetables, greens (not to be confused with
"Grass" or dollars!), Berries. Can be
pharmacy buy all sorts of balls and their uses.

        Phosphorus. Good item. And for the brain and
lighting problem in the dark. Contained
its a lot of fish. In particular - in a river.
Therefore, love creative people are very fond of dried
vobla or bream, but a beer! Although about beer can
was not to stutter. All the more so when one considers
that "beer" with% more than 2 - it's not beer, and ruff. AND
Let the sucking bottle someone who disagrees with me.

        2. Enhancing creativity through
inhalation of certain substances.

        Urban air polluted by exhaust fumes
cars and people sitting in them, as well as -
factories and other industrial enterprises.
Therefore, to breathe them - cannot, and some other. Remember
a country boy, spent her life in
northern Siberian taiga and the outback for the first time
arrived in the city. His first words
city, was: "Choking ..." This, incidentally, was his
the last word. But you do not think anything
terrible has happened. He just grabbed the
throat with one hand behind suitcases - and the other at top 
speed his head fell off the train backwards,

where he disappeared. Never saw him again ... In the city

        But seriously - in the woods a little air
what is pure and fresh, rich in oxygen, but also
ionized (for conifers). A
ionized air to the brain - it's just
godsend. Remember, though, "the chandelier Chizhevskogo. AND
Do not believe that only she can ionize the air.
In nature, too, have the same "chandeliers" and are steeper.

        At one time, one of my friends coder
a geologist, "split" over whether
as a process of coding is in the taiga. " "Hurrah" -
says only companies do not have, algorithmization - pure
on paper. But very intense.

        Not always, though, turns out to come
nature, but also combine it with the coding. However,
progulochki daily at bedtime in the same
forest-park zone (the main point here - so that pine or
Trees growing in it) to organize themselves easily, and
the benefits of this will be the incomparable. And if at all
"Break" somewhere, so even a couple of days ...
And, more to do this every weekend, for example.
It's all practicable and feasible, it is only necessary to know
how to do it, but it's a separate issue.

        By the way, breathing in the forest air, the organism
begins to work harder. Increased appetite.
Metabolism even faster. So sometimes those
who did not realize it, have a headache due to
some partial starvation.

        3. Enhancing creativity through
certain actions.

        Physical exercises burn excess fat
warm up and disperse the blood. It is also good
acts on the brain. And indeed, when our then-
creativity (continued around the clock for the rest
computer), this case should be generally
everyday and binding. The severity of physical
load (whether it is running, wrestling, lifting heavy
things) should be chosen such that it
felt above the severity of everyday physical
loads (walking to the toilet for example, well into the store,
Well another - running to work), but not exhausting and not
cause injuries. Otherwise, for creative activity
the result will be negative.

        Having fun - well, too
tool to increase creativity. After
it is uplifting. And what else but
mood, promotes Sites Muses? But
alcohol does not help here, because there mood
jumps only at the beginning. And then - in connection with
hangover sharply. Even when
making such as "normalization" doses (one or two
bottle of beer for example) can be observed light
headache and heaviness in the same place and in the stomach).

        They say that having sex can get a lot
pleasure. "But I do not sceners (problems with women
and their summer residence there) to myself I know - after this 
case i do not want to sit down for an assembler, and a couple 
more times, or better yet - three ... And then, after all,

rest. But, again, the mood is also
ups, stress relieves, their advantages too, have

        Pleasure can be obtained from any
other hobbies other than computer
creativity. And they are - lots. The main thing is that they do 
not exhausting and do not create reasons for the decline

creative activity.

        That is, in principle, the whole set of basic
ways to enhance creativity. As
it's used - is a thing of yours. :)

Other articles:

Vsteplenie - "key" - Cultural and Civil newspaper for normal and intelligent people.

Creative - what works on the Spectrum - a means to raise the creative activity.

Questioning - The results of the survey on the status of the platform ZX-Spectrum in the former Soviet Union.

fork in the side - an immense ZX-press through the eyes of a normal man - World of showing off, lying and gryazepolevatelstva.

Memoirs - Braga in trekovski or abnormal ear.

voluntary surrender - Archon izveniyaetsya for the article "Studio STALL: the real look ".

Rekalama - ads and free offers.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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