ZXNet эхоконференция «zxnet.pc»

тема: (3/4) DEC WARS!

от: Kirill Frolov
кому: All
дата: 26 Jun 2002
* Forwarded by Kirill Frolov (500:812/1.507)
* From : Ilya V. Vasilyev, 2:5020/287 (26 Jun 02 02:21)
* To : All
* Subj : (3/4) DEC WARS!
Hi, All!

26 Jun 02 02:20, Ilya V. Vasilyev (2:5020/287) wrote to All:

> === Begin: decwars3.txt === <

The Milliamp Falcon hurtles on through system space...

Con Solo finished checking the various control and status registers, finally
convinced himself that they had lost the Bus Signals as they passed the
terminator. As he returned from the I/O page, he smelled smoke.
Solo wasn't concerned--the Bookie always got a little hot under the collar
when he was losing at chess. In fact, RS232 had just executed a particularly
clever MOV that had blocked the Bookie's data paths. The Bookie, who had
been setting the odds on the game, was caught holding all the cards. A
little strange for a chess game...

Across the room, Luke was too busy practicing bit-slice technique to notice
the commotion.

"On a word boundary, Luke," said PDP-1. "Don't just hack at it. Remember,
the Bytesaber is the weapon of the Red-eye Night. It is used to trim
offensive lines of code. Excess handwaving won't get you anywhere.
Listen for the Carrier."

Luke turned back to the drone, which was humming quietly in the air next to
him. This time Luke's actions complemented the drone's attacks perfectly.

Con Solo, being an unimaginative hacker, was not impressed. "Forget this
bit-slicing stuff. Give me a good ROM blaster any day."

"~~j~~hhji~~," said Kenobi, with no clear inflection. He fell silent for a
few seconds, and reasserted his control.

"What happened?" asked Luke.

"Strange," said PDP-1. "I felt a momentary glitch in the Carrier. It's
equalized now."

"We're coming up on user space," called Solo from the CSR. As they
cruised safely through stack frames, the emerged in the new context only
to be bombarded by freeblocks.

"What the..." gasped Solo. The screen showed clearly:
/usr/alderaan: not found
"It's the right inode, but it's been cleared! Twoie, where's the nearest

"3 to 5 there's one..." the Bookie started to say, but was interrupted by
a bright flash off to the left.

"Administrative TTY fighters!" shouted Solo. "A whole DZ of them! Where
are they coming from?"

"Can't be far from the host system," said Kenobi. "They all have direct EIA

As Solo began to give chase, the ship lurched suddenly. Luke noticed the
link count was at 3 and climbing rapidly.

"This is no regular file," murmured Kenobi. "Look at the ODS directory
structure ahead! They seem to have us in a tractor feed."

"There's no way we'll unlink in time," said Solo. "We're going in."

When we last left Luke, the Milliamp Falcon was being pulled down to the
open collector of the Administrative Are-Em Star Workstation. Dec Vadic
surveys the relic as Administrative Flunkies search for passengers...

"LS scan shows no one aboard, sir," was the report. Vadic was unconvinced.

"Send a fully equipped Ncheck squad on board," he said. "I want every
inode checked out." He turned around (secondary channel) and stalked off.

On board the Milliamp Falcon, .Luke was puzzled. "They just walked in,
looked around and walked off," he said. "Why didn't they see us?"

.Con smiled. "An old munchkin trick," he explained. "See that period in
front of your name?"

.Luke spun around, just in time to see the decimal point. "Where'd that
come from?" he asked.

"Spare decimal points lying around from the last time I fixed the floating
point accelerator," said .Con. "Handy for smuggling blocks accross file
system boundaries, but I never thought I'd have to use them on myself.
They aren't going to be fooled for long, though. We'd better figure a way
outa here."

"Hold on," said Con. "It says we have `new mail.' Is that an error?"

"%SYS-W-NORMAL, Normal, successful completion," said PDP-1. "Doesn't
look like it. I've found the inode for the Milliamp Falcon. It's locked
in kernel data space. I'll have to slip in and patch the reference count,
alone." He disappeared through a nearby entry point.

Meanwhile, RS232 found a serial port and logged in. His bell started
ringing loudly. "He keeps saying, `She's on line, she's on line

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Похожие статьи:
Part 3 - Games instructions.
Железо - схема УКВ-ЧМ радиостанции.
Список BBS - Список работающий BBS.
Ассемблер - Запись чисел, пересылка числа в регистр, запись числа в регистровую пару, скролирование экрана, установка вывода на экран, очистка экрана.
Защита ВГ93 - Продлим жизнь ВГ'шкам.

В этот день...   29 апреля