ZXNet эхоконференция «zx.talking»

тема: [FWD] Полные pезyльтаты CAFe'99

от: Wladimir Bulchukey
кому: All
дата: 07 Sep 1999
Пpивет All!

=== Cut ===

From: Pavel Vladimiroff
Subject: CAFe'99. Official results ver1.0.
Date: 06 Sep 1999
X-Comment-To: All
Organization: /*Amiga*/ /*Division*/
Newsgroups: fido7.demo.design

Computer Art Festival 1999 demoparty

28-29 august, Kazan, Russia

official results

compiled by
Vitaly/PAVIT corporation
Lasoft/Excess team
pasha/Excess team/PAVIT corporation


-- [ Amiga/PC ] ------------------------------------------------------------

Demo compo

Place Score Entry Title Author

64k intro compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 - 1 THE GLASS HYPNOTIC Andrey Elmen

4k intro compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 7,776 1 3Dpoinson MaGiC
2 5,567 3 dhc Damage Hackerz Crew
3 3,343 2 SALMANDERS Ceobq

1k intro compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 6,619 3 Fly Vitaly/PAVIT corporation
2 6,253 2 Green Sinus ][ GraX/Rkb
3 5,532 4 Ice-Water Marina/PAVIT corporation
4 4,451 5 Suns Alex Kladov/Technology insys
5 1,984 1 Cruzetta Denis Astahov/ANDESA Soft Int.

Multichannel music compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 7,338 15 Shores of happiness Megus/Brainwave Tracks
2 6,954 14 Dreamfill vibes EA/Antares
3 6,560 1 As A Morning Star Fil/OutSiderS team
4 6,353 5 Fat Cat Wants Tasty Fish Manwe/SandS
5 6,187 12 Shades Xanth/AdelaidA
6 5,865 10 drugs`n`paradise Maxwell/Technology insys
7 5,461 11 Fishmania`99 Maxwell/Technology insys
8 5,292 4 Try Again DJ'Em
9 5,285 6 Jaxston George/Technology insys
10 5,136 7 Trance forever Lasoft/Excess team
11 5,125 8 Now it's time Maxi G.C./AdelaidA
12 5,107 13 Too Old To Change Acid Twister & Hugo/Neonray
13 4,936 2 Blazy Romeras
14 4,671 3 Ukrainian song Hadg & Alex Olnev/Depressive
dq - 9 in and out mr.Nut/Delta Hackers Group

4 channel music compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
dq 6,611 2 I'm going to the dream... EA/Antares
2 6,044 4 Green Dancing Gorilla Manwe/SandS
3 5,671 8 Still Water Wolf & Messir/Dream Force
4 5,522 5 Hypervibster Maxi G.C./AdelaidA
5 5,238 3 Dust Wolf & Messir/Dream Force
6 5,134 7 Sexual Agression 2 Manwe/SandS
7 4,910 6 Jaunty Variations Maxi G.C./AdelaidA
8 4,686 1 Alien's Attack XPEh/LooKER hOUSE production

Hand-drawn graphic compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 8,222 4 Risen FiL/Antares
2 7,213 5 My Plane Ilnar Ahmerov
3 7,0 3 Claudia FiL/Antares
4 5,825 1 Ave Brea Mad Lizard/Chaos Energy Group
5 5,310 8 Wet Girl Mad Lizard/Chaos Energy Group
6 5,233 7 Is this a freedom Nazgul/Chaos Energy Group
7 4,7 6 Comix style hero ... Shaggy Nik/Chaos Energy Group
8 4,225 2 Aliens' planet Crasher/jUSt-X

Render graphic compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 6,208 1 vegetarian Andy'Ba/Chaos Energy Group
dq 5,791 8 Shutdown John/Technology insys
3 5,194 7 Wolf Shark/HellBender Group
4 5,104 10 Sunset Voland/Chaos Energy Group
5 4,432 2 Pyramide iCE DraGon/HellBender Group
dq 4,402 9 Skullwave John/Technology insys
7 4,328 6 UnPlug Maxi G.C./AdelaidA
8 4,223 5 Logo Marina Marina/PAVIT corporation
dq 4,179 12 Underground John/Technology insys
10 3,820 4 LGR_Lamp L-Graph
dq - 3 Impulse Denis Makarets/DYNAMiTE
dq - 11 Sweet Denis Makarets/DYNAMiTE

ASCII graphics compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 4,975 2 star wars for life slash/Chaos Energy Group
2 4,536 3 urod. fee slash/Chaos Energy Group
3 4,162 1 slizenyak Mr.Byte/Chaos Energy Group
4 3,833 5 wild beast zer0ix/Chaos Energy Group
5 3,25 4 autoportrait zer0ix/Chaos Energy Group

ANSI graphics compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 6,829 1 ANSI Chaos 2 Virtual/Scene
2 5,853 5 FLoWER Crasher/jUSt-X
3 5,585 3 ANSI Chaos'999! Virtual/Scene
4 5,675 6 psycho's bbs logo 1 Mr.Byte/Chaos Energy Group
5 5,525 7 psycho's bbs logo 3 Mr.Byte/Chaos Energy Group
6 5,195 4 LoVE Crasher/jUSt-X
7 3,073 2 BK_RULEZ Stas Korovin/SK corporation

Animation compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 2,626 1 Dance Dr.Razum
2 2,328 3 Rocket Fil/OutSiderS team
3 2,149 2 UFO DJ Air

Wild compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 8,161 3 Playing on the teeths MAV/Brainwave
2 7,360 2 Rap (song) Fil/OutSiderS team
3 5,540 1 Animation Dr.Razum
4 4,945 4 Music (Industrial style) Timur Batyrshin

ASCII graphics logo compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 5.52 3 CAFe'99 logo slash/Chaos Energy Group
2 5.01 4 CAFe'99 logo Zombie Lead/Bamboo/GrungeSoft
3 4.75 2 CAFe'99 logo DiZz/Energy Group
4 4.2 1 CAFe'99 logo pasha/Excess team/PAVIT corp.

Coca-Cola drinking compo

Place Time Entry Title Author
1 4,02 - Iron Jones Jones/Excess team
2 4,17 - Iron Konex Konex/Antares

-- [ BK ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

Demo compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 7,492 1 Cat Stas Korovin/SK corporation
2 7,417 2 Ray Maxi G.C./AdelaidA

4k intro compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 6,836 3 Welcome ZL Soft
2 5,377 4 RED BIRD Stas Korovin/SK corporation
3 4,890 2 POORGUY! Lasoft/Excess team
4 4,266 1 FX ADAM

-- [ ZX-Spectrum ] ---------------------------------------------------------

Demo compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 6,119 3 Devotion Antares
2 5,746 2 VIDA ZK System/Excess team
3 3,626 1 666 Panther/Excess team

4k intro compo

Place Score Entry Title Author
1 8,253 3 MARAZM Virtual & Tigrr/Brainwave
2 8,164 5 C2H5OH 2/2 SerzhSoft
3 7,579 1 Malady Megus/Brainwave
4 4,294 4 Greed Extreme
5 4,191 2 Space Invaders Panther/Excess team
6 4,044 6 XYZ Hacker GRI/Excess team

-- [ Thanks ] --------------------------------------------------------------

Manwe/SandS Maxi G.C./AdelaidA Xanth/AdelaidA SK corporation
Shaggy Nik/ByteFall Group/Chaos Energy Group Nazgul/Chaos Energy Group

=== Cut ===

С yважением, Wladimi

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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