IzhNews #09
05 сентября 2000

Nonsese - the procedure and a description of the algorithm the effect of the Flame (Fire).

<b>Nonsese</b> - the procedure and a description of the algorithm the effect of the Flame (Fire).

                                   If the encoder to cut the 

                                   If the legs cut off, too,

                                   This encoder will die ... of 

                                   Because kodit can not!
(C) PIXel / BrC

  People, like can you? Just look at what's going on! If the 
Esme is something for novice coders, it is necessary

something like: "The registers are 8-and 16-and
bit ... teams are divided into groups .. and
etc ". All this, of course, is good, but after
It usually does not follow. Therefore,
beginner loads, for example, DoD, and sees
is it that immediately loses all hope
write something beautiful. Today I try to explain how light the 
fire, I will chew the algorithm for its creation.

  Well, here we go:

               ORG 25000


  Ah, yes, exactly, should be first come,
how it would work and how to simulate
fire. Well, do this:

  1.B buffer create an array whose elements define the 
intensity of the glow of the fire element (eg, artibuta, chunk 
or pixel).

  2.Pechataem the same array.

  3.Izmenyaem array elements according to certain rules.

  4.pauza if necessary.

  5.perehodim to step 2.

  The rules change the array in each case their (they may 
depend on pechatalki buffer to the screen). Elemental Fire 
follow these rules: 

  Buffer element (x, y) takes the value
equal to half the sum of its (x, y) values ​​and
value of the element below it (x,
y +1). Ie: M [x, y]: = (M [x, y] + M [x, y +1]) / 2
if these two elements are equal, then the first set to zero:

  if M [x, y] = M [x, y +1] then M [x, y]: = 0;

  M [x, y]: = (M [x, y] + M [x, y +1]) / 2;

  The bottom line of the array elements hammered sluchaimymi 
numbers within the (max / 2; max), for example:

    Source buffer: The received buffer:
 0 ----------------> x 0 -----------------> x
 |................ |.......... 2 ......
 |.......... 5 ..... | .. 13 ...... 2 ......
 | .. 27 ...... 5 ..... | .. 13 .. 1 ... 3 ......
 |...... 3 ... 2 ..... |..... 443 .........
 |..... Xxx ........ |..... XXX .........
 y y
Oddly enough, but we get the effect of a burning fire or flame, 
that the same thing. If all is clear, then continue, if not,

then read from the start guide
Programming on BASIC'e.

  For simplicity, we represent a buffer in
of attributes # 5b00. Buffer zasun
to address allow # c000, but it will take as
you probably guessed, exactly 768 32

  Clean buffer, which is:

               LD hl, # c000

               LD de, # c001

               LD (hl), L

               LD bc, 768 32


  Now we over it subverted:
flame LD ix, # c000 +32; [0,1]

               LD de, # c000; [0, 0]

               LD bc, 768; length
begin LD a, (DE); take

               CP (ix); compare

               JR nz, loop1; not equal

               XOR a; zeroes, if equal
loop1 ADD a, (ix);

               SRL a;> M [x, y]: = (M [x, y] + M [x, y +1]) / 2

               LD (de), A; /

               INC ix; next

               INC de; / element

               DEC bc;

               LD a, B;

               OR c;

               JR nz, begin; if not all, further

               CALL print; print on screen

               CALL pr_key; poll button;)

               LD de, # c000;

               LD a, R;

               AND% 00011111;

               LD h, A;

               LD a, R;

               LD l, A;

               LD de, # c000 +768; type the last line

               LD bc, 32; x'ov We have 32
rnd LD a, R;

               OR (hl); Generate a random number
rang AND 31; to not more max

               LD (de), A; suem in the last row

               INC hl; next item

               INC de; / last line

               DJNZ rnd; until you run out of only X

               JR flame; and all from the beginning.

print LD hl, # c000; just

               LD de, # 5800; throw

               LD bc, 768; in

               LDIR; attributes

               RET; and back.

pr_key LD bc, # 7ffe; there lives SPACE

               IN a; a IN (C), A

               BIT 0, a; most zero bits.

               RET nz; type one SP is not pressed.

               POP de; if pressed, then

               RET; return to XAS.

 That is, in principle, and all source code, but many may not 
like the fact that in the present flames are blue, green, 
purple items. This, of course, we can fix what we, in fact, are 
going to do. To begin with we'll decide what atrubuty in the 
fire must be present. We consider them growing:

(I will use the abbreviation: pXiY where Xtsvet paper'a, 
Y-color ink'a) 

   # 00 = p0i0 =% 00000000

   # 01 = p0i2 =% 00000010

   # 02 = p0i6 =% 00000110

   # 03 = p0i7 =% 00000111

   # 04 = p2i0 = ...

   # 05 = ...


   # 0e = p7i6

   # 0f = p7i7
I think you understand the principle: to be present only in 
black, red, yellow and white. Hence, from our pechatalki

require prints in the attributes are not themselves values ​​of 
the elements, and corresponding to these attribute value. Now 
replace the line  rang

by: rang AND 15; because values ​​of 15,
Call print and on the Call pr_buff.

pr_buff LD de, buff; beginning of the buffer.

               LD hl, # 5800; to print.

               LD bc, 768; many items.
pr_b0 PUSH bc; before I forget:).

               LD a, (DE); take to discern.

               AND # 0f; us a stranger (a> 15) do not.

               PUSH hl; see pr_b0.

               LD hl, cnv_tab; beginning of the attribute table

               LD b, 0, which is written, what

               LD c, A; value of any attribute

               ADD hl, BC; matches.

               LD a, (HL); taken from plates

               POP hl; recall HL

               LD (hl), A; zafigachim where it is necessary:)

               POP bc; hopping Tama uzho elements?

               INC hl; more - more!

               INC de; bigger and better! :)

               DEC bc; remained at less than one.

               LD a, B;

               OR c;> all or what?

               JR nz, pr_b0; / if not all, or how.

               RET; all so all I am not guilty.
; 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f; plate values ​​for you.
# 000206071012161730323637383a3e3f; relevant attributes.

   That's it. Like, nothing complicated - article does not even 
require a profound knowledge of mathematics (although they do 
not harm the encoder). All source code written in XAS'e, and 
therefore may present specific syntax and others, such as:

   # 0123456789abcdef
must be understood as:

   DB # 01, # 23, # 45, # 67, # 89, # AB, # CD, # EF
In general, for writing small programs and
algorithms, this assembler is better suited
most (though perhaps not better STORM'a). He
is a compromise between STORM'om and
ALASM'om (version 4.2). Do you make 3D-rotator -
due in Georgia STORM, write the operating system -
Welcome to ALASM. Now, if a
ALASM'u attach XAS'ovy or STORM'ovy
editor, you get ASSEMBLER dreams, and
I think not only my own. Well, okay,
Th me something in the wrong direction skidded. Quite
I can not hear any reviews: (probably in vain I
then try and Nonsense ... you can close a chapter. Going to 
tell you better how I am a kindergarten (when I was little) 
kids burned hand magnifying glass (focusing luch on the skin), 
etc. :) Again, do not go there ... Well, looks like today

all I knew about the fire, I told him.

   P.S. forgot to say one more formula:
M [x, y]: = (M [x-1, y +1] + M [x, y +1] + M [x +1, y +1] + M 
[x, y]) / 4 

   Now everything!

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Adventure - Guide adventyurnym games (Part 3).

Nonsese - the procedure and a description of the algorithm the effect of the Flame (Fire).

Tsvet.met. - Analysis Vozmozhnst expand color capacity Spectrum: Flash Colour and prototype circuits Gigascreen.

Present - the application of the newspaper: Grand Prix Simulator 2, Pusher6.02, scheme Flash Colour.

engine - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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