KrNews #14
22 сентября 2000

Mosaic - O emulsion, the firm Scorpio and rectify the "FAST FORMAT"-a.

<b>Mosaic</b> - O emulsion, the firm Scorpio and rectify the


  Emuls must die ...

  UUU, schaz I start to kill someone (as
used to say, Flint, "kill a lamer
hit with a crowbar in your ear "). Emuli can, and weight
writing, just you, lamer blunt, they are not able to determine. 
I, too, though do not know how, but no damage to life for 
normal people. In short, you at least occasionally newspapers 
pochityvayte, damn it. Yeah, but these fucking teams LD A, I 
and LD A, R. Already TWO! newspapers (KrNews and BornDead) 
published an article about that in the CMOS (CMOS) version of 
the Z80 (modern Z80), this error CORRECTED! And if you have an 
old 4 MHz percent, and sit on it. A new, incidentally, is also 
available (in St. Petersburg, for example). And they put Nemo 
in KAY'i. And if you are interested, they are up to 20 MHz.

  But in general, not particularly, then your prog
I need. If they have such lamersky
test emulsion, then they are certainly not less lamerskie ...

Company Scorpion again ...


   Wow I did not want to touch this topic
(I have a lot of abuse for it), but apparently
need to clarify some things because
I still people complain Zonova. It is time to realize that it 
for you to put it mildly, does not care. And his words and

obligations can and forgotten.

   In summary disposition is: Zonov dumped
on the PC, and the firm now operates Scorpio
exclusively on melkomyagkie. In the
dissidents were two: Larchenko and
Lasers. Well, MOA does not rock the boat, and a freebie
doing nothing is not going to hang down in
echo and nete, sometimes at leisure kodit something nid on the 
remains of enthusiasm. But Lasers Sergei sweat for the entire 
Spekovsky department and it is unknown how much of it yet will 
endure. Because money does not brings (except that his salary, 
with maintenance companies), and the area is

hoo (Speck did not HRC, and then require soldering irons, 
oscilloscopes, Latry, lots of details, wires, etc.). Although 
it is due he Spekovskaya equipment was still established 
(albeit black and white) on CC'999 ... 

   And while it's not mine, or say, Nemo,
speculation. I was in St. Petersburg (in cc'999) and
seen everything with my own eyes. Larchenko directly
and said (albeit with the caveat "unofficial", so as not to get 
on the cap) that, apparently, about the fall of 1999 will be

officially announced that the firm
SCORPIO goes with the Spectrum.

   Now, however, begs the question:
Why not declared? It's very simple, and
Nemo spoke about this a lot earlier (see correspondence in 
ZXHard): Zonov kept for the reputation of "Spectrum" firms that

is it good publicity among
PC-mulyatorschikov showing a recent
Interest in ZX-stage, amid a boom in
Internet and even in the mi-zhurnalschikah where
Speck is a pioneer, a kind of
domestic "Altair" (naturally,
already dead). And they all have soooo
nostalgia, as many want to cry. Of course
well, they do not care what the reputation of Zonova
(Especially lately) on the real
Spectrum-x, they had not bought Speck, and mi ...

   And on the real Spectrum company begins a policy of sending 
the coordinates xy #. Ie mylitis, you say, poremontirovat a 
Scorpio, and you and answer that type of shop covered herself,

shopkeeper came out to smoke, and, incidentally, not
if you want to buy PCs, that's the price
You. Prices eseseno, several times higher
human understanding (especially for
Settlements 386sx/dx, SIMM-30 256/1024k ...).

   last edition: 16/05/2k

      FIX: "FAST FORMAT"-a

 (C) Kolesnikov aka SKL-KEEPER

  Appeared in my recent program that
appear interesting (sent
respected ZE PAGAN). Why appear? Yes, because on my Scorpio she 
did not go :-( Wrong poll mouse, so I have it loaded and

"Hanging" is not responding to the keyboard. A
Judging by what I saw on the screen,
program with an intriguing name FAST
FORMAT, developed Vladimiron Cheprasova from Dnepropetrovsk, 
lets you format a floppy disk in the system TR-DOS, and in the 
IS-DOS, and MS-DOS (360, 720 and 800 kB), and even in the CP-M!

  It's a shame I was ... Well, I do not have this "devaysa, and 
perhaps never will be, so what I am, and not a man, or what?" 

  Incidentally, a similar situation in my
was with the ZX-WINDOWS 1.4 ...

  And I decided to try it to spice up ...
This is what I want to dedicate his note.

  So, using the shadow of his monitor, "Scorpio", I found out 
that disable the mouse can be very simply.

She queried command CALL # 9BE5, and
is this team at # 9C61.
It is worth to us to score zero, these three bytes, and
done! The mouse is disabled and can
use the keyboard to select options and run ...

  Now, specific recommendations to those
who faced the same desperate situation as I am. (Otherwise, why 
would I was hosting a foreign program?).

  With GLOBAL COMMANDERa 1.31i or
otherwise cut the file FASTFORM
two - the length of 1 sector and 27 sectors. The first - a 
BASIC-loader, and the second is packed with the program HRUST 
1.0 code block. Unpack it can be elementarily simple way 
through the magnificent (I can not hide his admiration for this 
program!) BEST VIEW 2.9. After file will be written to your 
working disk, disk doctor tweak the starting address of this 
block on kodovodo # 8000 (32768).

  Now you have to score three bytes with zeros
Address # 9C61 (40033), so we
instead of the command CALL # 9BE5 put in the program three 
times NOP. Find these most bytes are very comfortable with 
CONVER COMMANDER-a version 4.50 and above (where in disk doctor 
is a very useful option to search a sequence of bytes).

  The time has come again to pack already changed our code 
block. To do this, download HRUST 1.0, select the cursor that 
Repack the file and it set the following parameters: 

  -32768 Block address, or a cat.


  Where packing -32768.

  Decompressor -32000.

  Auto -32768.

  Interrupts are enabled.

  The last thing you should do it again
"Glue" the first file with a length of one sector and only just 
packed us file length 27 sectors (by the way, its length

After our changes and packaging is reduced by 1 byte). This can 
be done in order same GC 1.31i or REAL COMMANDER-om, or

More than anything, what do you like :-)

  That's it! Now is not the absence of a mouse
stain of your existence :-)

  A few words in conclusion about this
program. Great prog, speed formatting - incredible (faster than 
me not come across the formatter). What is interesting

tried to format in IS-DOSe -
process went fine, disk is formatted, and it was already 
established device sector in 3200 with the name of the disk - 
IS-DOS! Checking doctor showed that the format was great! In 
MS-DOSe and CP-M did not format because nothing to check :-( 

  One last thing: if you want to talk on topics svappinga and 
coding, contact me at: 

         355042, Stavropol,

         ul.Dovatortsev 53 / 2, Apt. 8

  I will try not to disappoint you.

Other articles:

INTRO - With the onset of summer.

NEWS - On the updates on the game market: "Point", "Clickmania", "Tower Pod", "Dizzy A", "Adventurer".

Interview - PARADOX'2k: VTS, Kasik, Dimon, Serzhsoft, Gluk, Warlock, Disabler, Snake, Semen.

Discussions - ZX Spectrum (childhood). Memoirs of a

Letter - News from the Cannibal from the Hot Key.

Paradox - Paradox 2000 through the eyes of witnesses.

Iron - lock port # 1FFD.

Players - the passing game Dizzy'A.

Glance - On the PC and not only ...

Novella - a secret book in 1912 (closing of the project).

Mosaic - O emulsion, the firm Scorpio and rectify the "FAST FORMAT"-a.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Outro - The authors and editorial contacts.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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