KrNews #05
24 июля 1998

Talents - The lyrics "If you want PyTsy.

<b>Talents</b> - The lyrics
       The lyrics!

 (C) VTS'97


If you want PyTsy,; iBm_pc
Come to me and asked:
"What's the thing about PC,
And some of it good? "

Not a second is not leaned too far
I will give you an answer immediately:
Coefficient piece de comp .. movy,, <. Pb.>;)
Calculator is not cheap!

Bend there, of course, is;
Their number Count less more exist.
The very few, sho they want -
Double Pentium 606

About assembler you forget:
Double Pentium - a new way!
Prog no longer crunch'i:
60 meters - the cry of the soul ... ; <. Help!.>

Well, if in a year
Brake suddenly begins soft,
Or your SVGA
Turn into MDA,

Say iNT'EL-Macrosoft:
"Poapgreydit need my computer!
After long time already know,
That upgrade - all your life $ -)! "
------------------------------------- Cut

Other articles:

INTRO - Passed "Programmer's Day".

Event - appeared out in the INTERNET.

BBS-File - log XTR-MODEM/BBS v156!

SCENERGY - Profile of the journal SCENERGY.

Playing - Tips for passing games: Escape to Harhan, Stalker.

Ferrum! - scheme modem KrVicomm v1.0.

Ferrum! - The scheme to remove the modem Vic tube.

Ferrum! - How to get a good connection with the BBS.

Coder - Quick procedure point.

Coder - The exchange of the two memory areas.

Coder - Procedures for rapid cell division and multiplication.

Authors - the authors.

INCOMING - Description of the features of the game DAEMON.

MUZAKING - Music skeleton.

KrZxNet - On KrZxNet addressing.

P-Net - Open the node and hub P-Net.

Letters - Feedback from readers of the newspaper.

Talents - The lyrics "If you want PyTsy.

Talents - Russian Radio 101.8 FM.

Talents - dough on a computer from BLAZ'a.

PS - Post Scriptum - about changes in this version of the shell.

NEW GAME - The presentation of the game MIRROR.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Feedback - contact the publisher.
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