Deja Vu #07
31 декабря 1997


AY-Track: (C) MR.Z / Mitchell House / HWC

Author: Alexander Bazhenov / Ze Pagan



      ----- ---

   Hey-y-y-a-a! I mean, hello to all gamers! Her mother said 
her son: do not buy you his computer, and then become the 
editor! Hmm ... What am I doing? Okay, joking aside, right now 
zachnu survey, the What is more. And before that I want is what

say. How evil tongues were not buried
old Spectrum - anything they did not work!
Grim forecast of sudden death COOL this computer was not 
justified, and New 1999 Speccy went pretty confident with our 
heads held high. And generally, it is ridiculous to talk about 
the death of the platform, under which is written a decent 
volume and quality software ...

Game: Admiral (demo version)
Author: ICE Group
Year: 1998

   Just recently I came, thanks to the guys from Triumph, a 
demo version of this igruhi. Well, what about her you can tell 
... All you've probably played "Battleship".

 √ a

  √ g
@ √ m
`√ and
A √ p
a √ a

  √ l
p √ 1
 √ l

  √ l
@ √ l
`√ l
A √ n
and √ n

  √ l
p √ l
 √ l

  √ l
@ √ l
`√ l
A √ n
and √ n

  √ l
p √ l

   So, this is another variation on a theme
Battle Ship. You can play with computer and
to anyone using ... modem! Also in
game introduces support for the remarkable devaysa - General 
Sound. Judging by the amount of disk space, this support is 
already in the demo. Unfortunately, this fact I check failed 
because the I am deprived of this device. 

   When you finally decided on whether there is
you have a modem and General Sound, offers
arrange on their own field of various ships
types, from ordinary tanker (or ferry)
to super-modern cruiser. And, of course, a few minutes, naval 
base, etc. 

 √ a

  √ g
@ √ m
`√ and
A √ p
ap √ a
 with √ n
√ 2 pm
r √ n
 x √ x
@ U √ l
`H √ l
Ash √ l
aUl √ l
 b √ l
algebra √ l
e √ l
 st √ l
@ I √ n
`E √ l
Ae √ l
aЄ √ l
 є √ l
rЇ √ l

   The meaning of the game is that you (alternately with the 
computer (player)) must defeat the enemy fleet, which bears the 
bold idea to create something like this and with you. But you 
do not give it a chance, isn't that so? Enemy ships are hidden 
from close your eyes for the black community, so that strikes 
will be applied at random. And if your ship is above the rank 
of enemy ships, the flag in your hands. Well, if lower, the i'm 
sorry ... Incidentally, in the demos I have not noticed any 
response action by the computer? In connection with the

than the enemy fleet was me in sadistically
destroyed in ten minutes: (A further interest in the game I 
immediately extinguished. Is that and it was intended ..?

Game: Homer Simpson in Russia
Author: Mr.Gluk 'Company
Year: 1998

¡The √ h
 ¢ √ o
@ ° √ m
`∙ √ e
A · √ r
and √ √ 1
 № √ l
p ¤ √ l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A № l
and № l

  № l
p № l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A № l
and № l

  № l
p № l

   Ye-e-e-s! And here's another cool igruha! Most recently, I 
was just a demo version, which I wanted to observe. But

thanks to the Great and Terrible Leader
Samara Hacker:) we have a full version of this game. In 
contrast to the demos held for fifteen minutes and

was only 15% of the game, here you'll definitely
will have to consider, and possibly more than one day!
Incidentally, just this fact and suggests some fears. I do not 
know about you, but personally I do not sit at her wheel, even 
a day! This 're not legendary ELITE:)! I believe that

the authors had to include shipping
state of the game. No, not on the throughout
games, but at least depending on the percentage
passage. For example, was 30-40% - was able to record and etc. 
Goes only about three of shipment. Or use

codes can be ... But to return, in fact,
to the game. After the initial boot a test of your hardware. If 
RAM you 128kb, then something in the game you will not hear - 
namely, voice otsifrovok. Their you will not hear even with 
256kb or more, but the "Left" comp. I am lucky to have my comp 
"right":). Thus, the game itself. 

 № h

  № o
@ № m
`№ e
A № r
and number 2

  № l
p № l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A № l
ap № l
 with № l
rt № l
p № l
 x № l
@ U № l
`H № l
Ash № l
aUl № l
 b № l
algebra № l

   Normal, dizzy'obraznaya hodilka where
to achieve the result you want to apply
corresponding subject. The graphics are cool and drawn Muzychka 
good! View from above. Items are scattered at random, however,

What surprised - because Russia:). I played
two hours and passed 34% to no longer be
time (this would be where the shipment is not stopped)!
And start all over again, I'm sorry, I was
very oblomno: (That's what I found out. To repair all the broken
(Bridge, TV, etc.) need a hammer and spanner
key. The key is you can get from a locksmith,
which sits in the sewer manholes,
pre-feed him sausages. No
frightening hungry beast locksmith:) met his grandfather and 
talking with him, you will understand that the idiots in this 
world has enough. Dodderer requires you to some

blintsov which he allegedly gave to you when your mother has 
played in daughters and mothers. Do neche, and obeying the 
imagination of authors, go to get the damn blintsy. Take a pan 
and nazharte this fart blintsov, let him choke! Having blintsy, 
you will learn with astonishment from the capricious 
marazmatik, that ethno wrong! But, grumbled, their grandfather 
still takes and then sends the mail for pension! Wandering 
around in search of mail come across various gizmos needed. For 
example, a knife - they are great to chop down the bushes (of 
course, this is not its only purpose);

empty cans - quite suitable for milk,
for example, a floppy disk - with her you can (by post)
load terminal prog and send a message ... Bosons:) And do not 
forget to come for the answer! By the way, retiring without 
documents do not give it! In general, the puzzles enough and 
have to work his head. In general, the game a very good 
impression, especially when the authors were not alien to the 
sense of humor! 

Game: Boovie 2
Author: E.S.A. Team
Year: 1998

   This igruhu as the following, Cardinal
vytsepil on the Internet. Initially, she hung there in the form 
of tape version, but thanks efforts Daniel'a acquired disk 
image familiar to us:) Well, now we are pleased Poles. The game 
is made sufficiently high quality and especially not to find 
fault with anything. Meaning the game is as follows. With a 
magnet and bombs to solve puzzle-the puzzle in the maze, 
namely, to deliver to yield white stone. Magnet and a bomb can 
be used only once, so that

be extremely careful. Time is not limited, therefore, should 
not act hastily. After passing the next level, you get the 
code. In general, the game is quite entertaining and I 
recommend it to all! 

e № b
 w № o
@ I № o
`E № v
Ae № i
aЄ № e
 є № 2
rЇ № l
¡The № l
 ¢ № l
@ ° № l
`∙ № l
A · № l
and √ № l
 № № l
p ¤ № l
 ■ l

  ■ l
@ ■ l
`■ l
A ■ l
and ■ l

  ■ l
p ■ l

Game: Piggy
Author: E.S.A. Team
Year: 1997

   Another game from Poland. Represents
a rather mediocre dizzy'obraznuyu hodilku. Only here instead of 
Dizzy Pig, as the name suggests, a pig, in general ... All 
messages are, of course, in Polish: ((A Polish in Russia, as 
not known Rulez. Descriptions of the Break games I do not be, 
because it is not of particular interest. Apparently the pig to 
save his sick mother and get something like a drug ... 

 ■ p

  ■ i
@ ■ g
`■ g
A ■ y
and ■ l

  ■ l
p ■ l
 ■ l

  ■ l
@ ■ l
`■ l
A ■ l
and ■ l

  ■ l
p ■ l
 ■ l

  ■ l
@ ■ l
`■ l
A ■ l
ar ■ l
 with ■ l
rt ■ l

     To be continued ...


Game: Kolobok Zoom 2
Author: Fatality
Year: 1998

 √ k

  √ o
@ √ l
`√ o
A √ b
and √ o

  √ k
p √ 2
 √ l

  √ l
@ √ l
`√ l
A √ l
and √ l

  √ l
p √ l
 √ l

  √ l
@ √ l
`√ l
A √ l
and √ l

  √ l
p √ l

   And here's another domestic krutnyak! I swear, straight 
pride in tears looking at the creation of our gamers! After 
mogem same, and how! First of all I want to note a very cool 
graphics in the game. Bravo! Brasaetsya in the eyes of a high 
level of coding authors. And the background is. Played two

kolobok (more precisely, the bun and kolobchiha) on
clearing and suddenly itch kolobchihe do ... what would you 
think ... sex! Well desire is an understandable:) Not long 
thinking, they ran for the bush and they only have there

top of all outlines how remembered
(Not time!) Kolobchiha about AIDS.
Had a poor run for the rubber balls fuse. Not far from this
clearing a castle in which lived a gloomy
a villain named Shredder. By the way, I do not he
Is this Schroeder of the Turtles, eh? Here is a reptile, 
turtles first terrorized, and now and for koloboks took! In 
general, he rides that walks kolobchiha one and decided to to 
kidnap her. Kolobchiha great mind, apparently, did not differ 
and was caught easily apple! Resorts bun, calling her, waving a 
rubber product, but only sees helicopter, carrying away into 
the distance and hears only cry for help. Nefig do (as said

CAV), and we need to save kolobchihinu ass ...
The game reminds RAINBOW and consists of multiple 
screens-levels, teeming with servants Shredder'a. Shooting at 
anything that moves, you need to reach the end and save the 
beautiful Elizabeth, that is exactly name kolobchihu ...

 √ k

  √ o
@ √ l
`√ o
A √ b
ap √ o
 with √ k
√ 2 pm
r √ l
 x √ l
@ U √ l
`H √ l
Ash √ l
aUl √ l
 b √ l
algebra √ l
e √ l
 st √ l
@ I √ l
`E √ l
Ae √ l
aЄ √ l
 є √ l
rЇ √ l

Game: Black Raven 2
Author: Mednonogov B.
Year: 1998

   Stop! Stop! Halt! It's just a demo! And not even a demo, 
but, as stated Glory, prefabricated. What can I say ... Then

I promised Mednonogov, he performed in accuracy. I can say with 
confidence that there will be a masterpiece (as always:)) and 
Raven 2 without doubt will be game of the year!

¡The √ in
 ¢ √ a
@ ° √ p
`∙ √ a
A · √ n
and √ √ 1
 № √ l
p ¤ √ l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A number l
a number l.

  № l
p № l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A number l
a number l.

  № l
p № l

   While the "meat" can not play,
You can only see the playing field and poked Caps shift'om the 
characters and buildings. There is already some animations: 
planes fly, ventilation works and some other things happen. Of 
course, the glitches will be full, if you start hard at all 
knock, and it does not spoil the impression! Game plan was made 
in isometric projection, as in UFO1. In general, we expect 
Glory full version, the output of which, I think, far around 
the corner! 

 Number of

  Number of
@ № p
`№ of
A number n
and number 2

  № l
p № l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A number l
ap № l
 with the number l
RT № l
p № l
 x № l
@ U № l
`H № l
Ash № l
aUl № l
 b № l
algebra number l

            The END

a flag in your hands.
Well, if lower, the i'm sorry ... Incidentally, in the
demos I have not noticed any response
action by the computer? In connection with the
than the enemy fleet was me in sadistically
destroyed in ten minutes: (A further interest in the game I 
immediately extinguished. Is that and it was intended ..?

Game: Homer Simpson in Russia
Author: Mr.Gluk 'Company
Year: 1998

¡The √ h
 ¢ √ o
@ ° √ m
`∙ √ e
A · √ r
and √ √ 1
 № √ l
p ¤ √ l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A № l
and № l

  № l
p № l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A № l
and № l

  № l
p № l

   Ye-e-e-s! And here's another cool igruha! Most recently, I 
was just a demo version, which I wanted to observe. But

thanks to the Great and Terrible Leader
Samara Hacker:) we have a full version of this game. In 
contrast to the demos held for fifteen minutes and

was only 15% of the game, here you'll definitely
will have to consider, and possibly more than one day!
Incidentally, just this fact and suggests some fears. I do not 
know about you, but personally I do not sit at her wheel, even 
a day! This 're not legendary ELITE:)! I believe that

the authors had to include shipping
state of the game. No, not on the throughout
games, but at least depending on the percentage
passage. For example, was 30-40% - was able to record and etc. 
Goes only about three of shipment. Or use

codes can be ... But to return, in fact,
to the game. After the initial boot a test of your hardware. If 
RAM you 128kb, then something in the game you will not hear - 
namely, voice otsifrovok. Their you will not hear even with 
256kb or more, but the "Left" comp. I am lucky to have my comp 
"right":). Thus, the game itself. 

 № h

  № o
@ № m
`№ e
A № r
and number 2

  № l
p № l
 № l

  № l
@ № l
`№ l
A № l
ap № l
 with № l
rt № l
p № l
 x № l
@ U № l
`H № l
Ash № l
aUl № l
 b № l
algebra № l

   Normal, dizzy'obraznaya hodilka where
to achieve the result you want to apply
corresponding subject. The graphics are cool and drawn Muzychka 
good! View from above. Items are scattered at random, however,

What surprised - because Russia:). I played
two hours and passed 34% to no longer be
time (this would be where the shipment is not stopped)!
And start all over again, I'm sorry, I was
very oblomno: (That's what I found out. To repair all the broken
(Bridge, TV, etc.) need a hammer and spanner
key. The key is you can get from a locksmith,
which sits in the sewer manholes,
pre-feed him sausages. No
frightening hungry beast locksmith:) met his grandfather and 
talking with him, you will understand that the idiots in this 
world has enough. Dodderer requires you to some

blintsov which he allegedly gave to you when your mother has 
played in daughters and mothers. Do neche, and obeying the 
imagination of authors, go to get the damn blintsy. Take a pan 
and nazharte this fart blintsov, let him choke! Having blintsy, 
you will learn with astonishment from the capricious 
marazmatik, that ethno wrong! But, grumbled, their grandfather 
still takes and then sends the mail for pension! Wandering 
around in search of mail come across various gizmos needed. For 
example, a knife - they are great to chop down the bushes (of 
course, this is not its only purpose);

empty cans - quite suitable for milk,
for example, a floppy disk - with her you can (by post)
load terminal prog and send a message ... Bosons:) And do not 
forget to come for the answer! By the way, retiring without 
documents do not give it! In general, the puzzles enough and 
have to work his head. In general, the game a very good 
impression, especially when the authors were not alien to the 
sense of humor! 

Game: Boovie 2
Author: E.S.A. Team
Year: 1998

   This igruhu as the following, Cardinal
vytsepil on the Internet. Initially, she hung there in the form 
of tape version, but thanks efforts Daniel'a acquired disk 
image familiar to us:) Well, now we are pleased Poles. The game 
is made sufficiently high quality and especially not to find 
fault with anything. Meaning the game is as follows. With a 
magnet and bombs to solve puzzle-the puzzle in the maze, 
namely, to deliver to yield white stone. Magnet and a bomb can 
be used only once, so that

be extremely careful. Time is not limited, therefore, should 
not act hastily. After passing the next level, you get the 
code. In general, the game is quite entertaining and I 
recommend it to all! 

e № b
 w № o
@ I № o
`E № v
Ae № i
aЄ № e
 є № 2
rЇ № l
¡The № l
 ¢ № l
@ ° № l
`∙ № l
A · № l
and √ № l
 № № l
p ¤ № l
 ■ l

  ■ l
@ ■ l
`■ l
A ■ l
and ■ l

  ■ l
p ■ l

Game: Piggy
Author: E.S.A. Team
Year: 1997

   Another game from Poland. Represents
a rather mediocre dizzy'obraznuyu hodilku. Only here instead of 
Dizzy Pig, as the name suggests, a pig, in general ... All 
messages are, of course, in Polish: ((A Polish in Russia, as 
not known Rulez. Descriptions of the Break games I do not be, 
because it is not of particular interest. Apparently the pig to 
save his sick mother and get something like a drug ... 

 ■ p

  ■ i
@ ■ g
`■ g
A ■ y
and ■ l

  ■ l
p ■ l
 ■ l

  ■ l
@ ■ l
`■ l
A ■ l
and ■ l

  ■ l
p ■ l
 ■ l

  ■ l
@ ■ l
`■ l
A ■ l
ar ■ l
 with ■ l
rt ■ l

     To be continued ...

Other articles:

Aperativchik - On the control of the shell DEJA VU

Aperativchik - New Issue DEJA VU ...

Topic - The reality of the association AMAZING MAKING SOFT.

Topic - My Choice - PC.

Topic - Absentee virtual festival in Poland - Complex Compo.

Topic - Chronology of Spectrum in the USSR / CIS.

drop of solder - Reserves ZX-Spectrum.

drop of solder - Connecting the SMM to the ZX-Spectrum-y.

drop of solder - Wiring 1Mb pin SIMM to a computer such as the Pentagon.

drop of solder - More RAM: the cache.

drop of solder - The emulator ROMs for the computer ZX-Spectrum v1.0.

drop of solder - Finalization of the Pentagon to work with high-density disks.




SOFTWARE - Complete walkthrough "Mirror".

SOFTWARE - plans to build ELITE filled with graphics.

CODING - DITHERING - dithering as it is.

CODING - The printing of tektstovyh lines of BASIC.

CODING - Adapting programs to TR-DOS (load levels)

ANOTHER WORLD - PENTIUM II Xeon - high-speed version of the processor.

ANOTHER WORLD - wrangle (about the magazine AMIGA RULES).

ANOTHER WORLD - The case of Moscow Hacker.

Hall of Fame - Excerpts from a conversation on the second day of Fun Top-98: Alex (R), Kano, Boss, Mitchell, Daniel, Serzh.

Hall of Fame - An Interview with XPEh.

Hall of Fame - What is the creator of Tetris is engaged in MicroSoft.

Hall of Fame - Crime - a hit by Triumph: the history of the Spectrum in Chelyabinsk.

Hall of Fame - Presumption of innocence: the illegal distribution of the magazine.

Hall of Fame - Irish Stew (demos of programs).

Hall of Fame - VIRTUAL TR-DOS - what is it? (On the Internet site). News.

Hall of Fame - No comment.

Hall of Fame - On the intro and demah, etc., that you can not do cool.

Hall of Fame - On CD-ROM project from the city of Kemerovo.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Fun Russian radio.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Jokes about programmers.

Seven and 1 / 2 - VIRTUAL-but AMIG-LIMITED syndrome VI or Siberian nuggets: Adventures Kemerovo spektrumistov.

attempt at writing - An excerpt from the novel: Labyrinth of Reflections.

attempt at writing - Poems Bazhenova: pent, ponimaesh-sh-NIL ... reasons to rejoice a bit early October rain, cold ..., REMEMBER!, Loneliness, Waves splash over poop ... ozhdayas, we are here and die ... At perekretke two worlds.

attempt at writing - Notes by the Editor.

attempt at writing - The Nine Lives of Clare.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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