Born Dead #06
17 февраля 1999

News from the Field - V. Mednonogov the Black Crows 2.

<b>News from the Field</b> - V. Mednonogov the Black Crows 2.
                        BLACK RAVEN - 2

No brakes and the most modern poulyarny gamemacker - COPPER
FEET. Has already fired two, albeit very rough, demos on Black
Raven 2. On them you can get a full picture and the
aircraft, which appeared in the game and the very "pseudo"
three-dimensional image.

(C) Vyacheslav Mednonogov (21.01.99)

    It looks like it is approaching the final stage (there is
due to the creation of levels). After changing the algorithm of 
movement and introduction of aircraft (these 2 things brought a 
lot of headaches) alteration of CHV1-> CHV2 went much fun:) In 
fact, remains to insert the new spell to replace the old. Most 
of the I took not one StarCraft'a, but from Allods - At least 
they bring more diversity to the game and relatively weak in

lower levels of unit acquires new and unexpected quality ..
Undergo alteration algorithm intelligence enemies - because of 
new spells, and because of the introduction of transport ships 
for the transport units. Some interesting things I spied in 
StarCraft'e (Eg, always attack the weakest and others)

    The maximum number of buildings and units remained unchanged
(Except that the captives are now no more than 5i). The maximum 
number of projectiles / blasts - doubled (foresee battles 

    Are considerably refined ability to manage the units.
Now you can choose not one but two groups of units (switching
between the groups - "W"), as well as to recruit a group of 
separate only ground or air heroes (the key "I"). Almost all

units now endowed with a new function as a patrol.
At the request of the workers, well-done slow game (game
slows down and control the game - no). "Retarder" is made with
a large margin to be able to play in the turbo (even

    Support GS-512, as previously mentioned, made X-Trade '
Mike Blum. According to unconfirmed reports, they have all 
necessary I effects and music for the chip level .. So the 
chance to hear GS is (but do not give any guarantees!)

    All game graphics, AY-music animation, I already have,
so there's no problem. While not all interlevel picture is,
but judging from the experience of CHV1, their production will 
need 3-4 days :))

    Because of all innovations and the emergence of aviation 
with the shadows of the total program speed will slow down by 
about 10%: (I think, not very scary, especially if there is a 

    Price (wholesale) for CHV2 until tentatively selected 2.2 $
v. 3.5 $ for CHV1 (I hate this crisis!). Minimum lot
6 pieces. Perhaps it will be possible when purchasing a larger 
decrease party or if I can find 5.25 in cheaper (at 3.5 "it is 
precisely will not be reduced). (Note to traders: my bratelnik 
two year went to Finland, so that you do not accidentally place 
an interpretation in him:). Naturally, the orders will be 
accepted only after release of the game and running a test 
batch in St. Petersburg .. 

    Demonstrations to throw before the game, probably not 
anymore (Due to threats and blackmail by one of the members of 
the group Chaos). Do not want to then feel guilty that their 
hands though somehow helped hackers, and, consequently, the 
notorious paul'u. Maybe after the game will do a demo for 
emulyatorschikov (No promises yet:)

    Specific time frame does not stipulate the output - when it 
is ready I will inform .. I try to do quickly, but at the 
expense of Quality not want to drive .. By the way, I want to 
get feedback on the work of Mouse acceleration in Deme 0.00 
(until too late:) 

Other articles:

Games - Parsing adventyury: Twilight: Land of Shadows.

Unbeliver - Samara - Moscow - Vladimir - Carpet ...

News from the Field - V. Mednonogov the Black Crows 2.

Entry - an error in the fifth issue of the newspaper.

Spite of the day - At a party going? Artcomp'99, Chaos Constructions'99, Funtop'99.

Memoirs - Magic Soft in facts and figures.

World Amiga - Amiga eyes RRA: Basic privileged commands on the Amiga (Part 2).

News - Video drive to the Spectrum - The Gate. Walker, GfxCon, Worms.

Review - Overview of new products: Kolobok Zoom II, White Eagle: unknown companion, Twilight: The Land of Shadows, Quadrax, The Gate, Deja Vu # 7, Twin World, CSC-2: Deja Vu, CBSpeccy v0.19b.

Application - by strong bourgeois demo Lazarus.

Advertising - CD-ROM with a huge archive of programs for the ZX-Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Genz - credits: the authors of the paper.

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