Joint #01
31 января 2006

Articles - Musicians make their beautiful patterns.

<b>Articles</b> - Musicians make their beautiful patterns.
Make your patterns are beautiful
by n1k-o

Thus, the musicians, this infa may be useful to you and only you
:) Soon it might come in handy already 'mature' musicians
probably just for the aesthetic pleasure of contemplation of his
tracks (there is;) Practically, it is convenient in that
your tracks will weigh a few tens of bytes less.

I did a regular table volume, thus, became
may result in volume in the sample and the volume in the 
pattern of harmonious combination of not using every once in a 
pattern too much piling up the volume. In other words - give all

volume to a common denominator, changing the volume only in the 
sample, sometimes it is easier to make a few 'fading' samples,

rather than every time to change values ​​in the pattern, this 
way, spoke alone coder (see 'TB';)

in the process it looks like there is a fragment,
which one Semple used 'F' and 'A' volume or
there is a loud samples, which are constantly muted, the data
cases for the convenience can all be subsumed under a single 
volume 'F', but when the track is already written, and all 
'played' remake samples, can cause some difficulty, ie, 
changing values Volume on the ear, risking a mistake in 
choosing the volume in samples 1 or 2 values:) In this case it 
may be useful table volume, which should be used as a 'debugger'

to sample or convert their volume:)



   : 1:11111111 .......

   : 2:222211111111 ... ; Alco, correct me

   : 3:3322222111111 .. And if I'm in something wrong:)

   : 4:44333322221111. ; Table is valid for pt3.x

   : 5:55444333222111.

   : 6:66554443322211.

   : 7:77665544332211.

   : 8:877665544332211

   : 9:988776554432211
 s: A: a99877655433211
 a: B: baa987765443211
 m: C: cbaa98766543221
 p: D: dcbaa9876543321
 l: E: edcba9877654321
 e: F: fedcba987654321



Favor of this table, for example, I have written sample 'x', in
where the sound was too loud and always me
muted, say, the volume 'C', as a result, the channel I
-Excess-volume 'C', after which it is necessary to put
current for the channel volume, say, 'F'. Mutes
volume in the sample 'x' to the volume level 'C' and in the 
channel now You can not put the extra volume of 'C':)

For example, the volume of the sample 'x' I have this:

F, E, D, C, B, A - to me it should be lowered to the level of 
volume 'C' in channel.

Consider the table: the volume of 'F' in the sample, at 
gomkosti 'C' in channel = volume 'C' - this is the desired 
volume, rest process is the same for all volume levels; 'E' = 
'B'; 'D' = 'A'; 'C' = A '; 'B' = '9 ';' A '= '8'.

Now, musicians, rather Forget everything that I've written here,
alone because stupidity:) Write everything as written in the 
past, think only about music, technique remember at the moment

'Fixing' the track, if anyone at all, there exist

Other articles:

JDC - Live: the reasons for the biennial zaderdzhki release.

Joint - Hot smoke burned my throat.

Demoscene - Forever May report: report Factor6 with the Slovak party.

Demoscene - an overview of music from the Slovak party of 5 of Forever C-jeff and Megus.

Demoscene - report Ellvis'a with virtually hangouts Phacon 2004 meeting.

Demoscene - a story about zOOm'a Cheskogom party ShuCon'2004.

Demoscene - Report from Chaos Constructions 2004 from C-jeff'a.

Demoscene - Chaos Constructions 2004 eyes Atarishnika Drx from Germany: "The artist or you're a musician, but without the encoder you are nobody?"

Demoscene - overview charts with Chaos Constructions 2004 from Diver/4D.

Demoscene - an overview of music from Chaos Constructions 2004 from Key-Jee.

Interviews - Interview with Alexei Astafiev (Alex Raider / Flash Inc.)

Interviews - Interview with the legendary musician Mikhail Belousov (Amadeous Voxon / Flash Inc.)

Interviews - An Interview with Jordan / Exodus, the author of excellent demos "Dies Irae", "Real Action".

Interviews - An interview with musician TDM/K3L.

Articles - 2 years beyond the demoscene: Key-Jee thoughts on developments at the scene had taken place over the past two years.

Articles - a musical group, AY-Riders.

Articles - ZX Graphics: A look from the Atarishnika Exocet.

Articles - The history of Italian Spectrum software scene in Italy.

Articles - The operating system on the Spectrum. What is it?

Articles - Musicians make their beautiful patterns.

Articles - talk about the stage, c-jeff VS elfh: "in the 2000's every week there are new releases, a press, and now some floss ..."

Articles - Chipmeyking as art minimum or "My opinion about the AY-music. "

Artique - astsiarta crafts and literature movement in the Spectrum.

Artique - ascii art, and "There was a problem - asci-art was not perceived as art" ...

Artique - Schafft: about why the flaw, inattention, and sometimes even negative relation to ascii-art to Spectrum'e.

Artique - a pseudo-tutorial on drawing ascii pseudo-graphics.

Artique - Tips for beginners and experienced artists: how to use extravagant methods to achieve outstanding success in ascii and ansi art.

Artique - Kejser_Soze: about why the flaw, inattention, and sometimes even negative relation to ascii-art to Spectrum'e.

Artique - "missing strokes" reflection Kejser_Soze.

Charts - a survey of Joint: who is the best programmer, musician and artist at the Spectrum.

Charts - comment kq / skrju to rezultatatm poll "Who is the best" on the Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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