Nicron #59
23 октября 1997

Interview - an interview with Dionysus Georgis, Director General of the Movement 'F'.

<b>Interview</b> - an interview with Dionysus Georgis, Director General of the Movement 'F'.
  B1Dom imagination and luck

          201Dvizhenie 'F':
    401razgovor after the concert


  To some extent, happened to be a week ago in this
lovely old mansion in the backwaters of the Garden Ring
Metro Mayakovskaya, I'm told the last issue of the past there
rock concert of "waste", hoping perhaps for some
interest in music fans. But, once in the auditorium
'Movement' F '", quickly realized that it was not just a club or
amateur tusovka interest. Throughout the action, which lasted
about two hours, I felt a certain spirit, reflected in the
faces of the participants and spectators, and the atmosphere of 
the room, even on the walls. Continuously removing the video 
camera belonging to Anton Golyshev concert, I was at the time 
the statements, the guys already determined that try to find 
someone from the leaders Movement, and how to Enlight-e, with a 
tape recorder at the ready rushed in a maze of intricate 
corridors of the second floor of the building ... 

  Fortunately, at that time attended the Director-General
'Movement' F '", and we are happy to chat.

WB: Good day! My name is Vladimir, Vladimir Bulchukey;
Virtual Newspaper "NICRON". It is distributed worldwide
over computer networks. The guys from "Waste" for inviting me
here today to participate and attend. I liked it
and wanted to know in detail, what it is - the Movement 'F' -
Social protection of children and their environment? "You are 
at it ... 

D: I am the Director General of the Movement 'F' ". A
Strictly speaking, the founder of the Movement 'F' "is Svetlana
Solomonovna Levitin.

WB: And you, just as the name?

A: Dionysos Georgis. I am relatively new in the Movement 'F' ", 
and a lot done for him Svetlana Solomonovna. In essence,

Her house is a fantasy. Somewhere in 1990, she succeeded 
against those events associated with the Communist Party, with 
the struggle of democrats and communists, "Pull" here is a 
place for working with children, adolescents, with youth, and 
since then it has collected here are different youth groups, 
initiatives, including "difficult" children, she helps the 
Helsinki Group. Passes many interesting, different meetings.

  Director of the Movement was very sociable, and humanly
easy conversationalist. We stood in the stairwell, as
It was in those moments the most quiet place where you can
recorded on tape. The hall has raged tusovka; by then
it ran through the people - bearded men and young teens with
Dionysus exchanged some brief remarks.
Felt that everything here is their own, and "CEO"
does not represent any harsh boss.

WB: I really liked the kind of self-organization of
what is happening. I see no special protection, all done
itself. It so happened from the beginning, or it is also merit
Organizers of the Movement?

D: I think it is a spirit of informal parties, which
here is preserved and maintained, because, although "Movement
'F' "and is a registered structure, but
This is the full understanding that in a different way and can 
not communicate understand our contemporary young people. I 
myself attribute already ... Well, I may have left from that 
age and I understand that may be, to me, at my age, in his 
younger years, not quite was self-actualization. This I now 
understand and something trying to "catch up" in its 
development. I understand that Svetlana Solomonovna, which is 
already over sixty - for her, perhaps it another problem is 
very serious, and she was very worried about young people and 
trying to find some way to connect them in social life. In 
particular, here in the Movement 'F' ", operates the School of 
hackers. " I know that is usually under the "hackers" involve 
people who hack into the network, pull through computer network 
money, the program is opened to violate copyrights, and so on 
and so forth. Here the "School of hackers" operates on a 
completely opposite foundations: these guys trying somehow to 
resurrect the original understanding of the meaning of hacking 
how highly people-vans in the area Computer Science. And they 
want it their art support including intellectual property 
rights, and protect, including the different firms, from not 
very skilled attackers. And in my school they teach kids

computer literacy. A variety of children, including
"Losers." This is one example of what is going on
a regular basis here in the Movement 'F' ". In addition, there
why such a free atmosphere and everything is going to 
self-organization - In fact, here there are several youth 
groups, fairly long-standing and having a good long time,

well-established interaction, at least inside. Some of these
guys I know came from Pushkin Square, there was some
action, and they carried her there, a youth solidarity with
On the one hand, part of the creative young people who are here 
in their recently launched "potlatch" - is the distribution of 
books in good hands. "

WB: I was already enlightened, and I already know this word ... 

Q: So no surprise that everything happens
self-organized, easy people to this was quite ready.

  It was evident that a special richness apartment Movement 'F' 
"is not could boast. The hall where the concert was held, was a

just a large room of the former communal apartment, 
unfurnished, with only a small number of seats for spectators. 
The scene was not; musicians performed straight, so to speak, 
on the floor, and the audience Many were also on the floor. But 
no one was offended, because everyone here had their own and 
they were all young, in spite of their beards and even light 
gray hair in some. Girls were little; guys "Waste" was right - 
the concert gathered in the main guys.

  When the majority of visitors (by the way, many of them were
simply invited and were, like me, there for the first time) out 
of print for home, I managed in a more relaxed atmosphere to 
look into computer class. The room then there really was such a

small, whether it was so crowded with machinery, but to me,
in-general, there seemed a bit crowded. But - in a cramped, but 
not in insult! Two adults "hackers" looked intently at the 
screen Monitor ... Elektronika MC 6105 (black and white 
"bluebells" which are well known spektrumistam) connected to

computers ... "Iskra-1030" (IBM PC / XT). Conical shell
many of the same monitors saturated interior room. Only in
corner dejectedly shining blue bar "Norton" 286-I ... But I
said housing and mini-tower, not yet executed in a unit;
Someone, apparently independently gathered more powerful 
"pisyuki. I not going to sneer about what he saw! Importantly,

that was all, it's all in place and operating, and on
for children from poor families, as we have already managed to 
tell The Director-General of the Movement of Dionysus Georgis.

WB: What does the letter "F"?

A: "F" - this is a purely associative letter, which covers a 
number of Meaning: the fortune and fantasy, and anything that 
under her You can think of.

WB: I first thought was that this "Freedom" - freedom. But
look, the letter "F" stands for more in Russian.

A: Yes. It is clear that children do - the main task
'Movement' F '". This is to help children, poor children. So, 
rather probably, "F" - yet more means "Fortune" and friends -

"Friends", "Friendship", the friendship. Friendship and mutual 
support. Plans in-all, quite a lot. Of course, everything 
depends on the instability of this place, since 1990 this place

Move 'F' "is" the bird rights. " That is, authorities do not
may agree among themselves about to issue a warrant
on this premise, and there postoyannnaya threat that here
inspire someone else. Although a period of seven years, thanks
in large part to the efforts of Svetlana Solomonovna, can this 
room defend it under the kids. Generally, if you look at the 
overall the situation of children in Russia, if production fell 
by 2-3 times, the area reserved for work with children and young

people, including their own initiatives, we will see
that the number of these areas, the number of people working in 
this area declined, probably more than a dozen times.

  The bitter truth Dionysus not need any
evidence. Kindergartens, transformed into "The Office" (one
so I constantly contemplate on Kutuzov Avenue, when
official business travel to the Department of Education 
District), House Pioneers converted into the same or in stores 
... And the children - on the streets, deprived of their clubs, 
circles, sections, or that disappeared, or not affordable ...

  Islands of selflessness and kindness like 'Movement' F '"eke 
out existence, but they are still there, and no shortage of 
willing come to them long ago or had never been repaired

premises ... In Movement 'F' "although the former communal 
apartment on the second floor of a historic, beautiful building 
and I saw in the clubs ... shelter, and also officially 
registered. It in a club playing drums Andrew, who became the 
will of my fantasy protagonist game "Adventure in the subway." 
And it was under heavy concrete vaults shelters were recorded on

amateur equipment tape album, "Wandering
Orchestra - Strolling band on the road, "" Fire "," Twelfth
day of melted cloud. "Remember the name of the metro stations 
in the game? I did not invent anything, everything was ...

WB: I worked at the school for 15 years and feel the same. Tell 
me Please, the media are paying attention to you?

You are told what is now telling me?

A: Yes, I am told. I know that came up, in my view, the channel 
MTK to hackers. Came more journalists from the Agency for Social

information. It is as if in my lifetime, because I can not 
answer over the next few months, starting somewhere in July.

Journalists come. The challenge is probably that
need some kind of an organized campaign in the media
information not only on the Move 'F' ", but in general the 
problem Children and young people, because when it goes 
discordantly, then the effect is lost.

WB: Tell me please, and education authorities
interest, attention is paid to? I mean the level of RONO
and above?

A: To a certain degree of support for retention of this area
'Movement' F '"is carried out thanks to the assistance
municipality as here we are working with "difficult"
the guys from the neighborhood.

WB: It's a district?

W: Municipal Government "Tver, Central District.
Prefect Muzykantskiy. I know that Muzykantskiy contributed to 
the preservation of this place under "motion of 'F'", but I 
also know that An organization such as Moskomimuschestvo, which 
is not subject to their decisions Muzykantskiy, inhibits the 
release of this room for work with children.

WB: I also worked in the Central Division ...

Q: And so now we have planned a number of shares in this room
In particular, there will be some interest in the
artists. This will be either next Sunday or through the
Sunday. After one week, likely on Monday
In my opinion, the 27-th, there will be a public report of child
arts organization the Grand Soros. This organization
won the Grand Soros for a year and would like to report. Draft
titled "Development of children and youth environmental
movement in Moscow. "She would like to invite to this report all
friends, all participants in this project, and representatives 
of various funds, including the Soros Foundation, and 
journalists. Since we start from the idea of ​​openness and 
transparency, as the cost money, especially on children. It 
should be known to all. All have a right to know about it, how 
people use these tools. 

WB: Reporting, of course, is understandable.

Q: And that, perhaps, what does our state! It
does not inform, especially its taxpayers, about how
it uses the funds collected. By the way, so it taxes
can not collect the fine. Community organizations in
This plan shows some examples, create a precedent, say
so. Maybe the state also will learn.

WB: To open input here?

A: This may come any people.

WB: People come here or maybe here "lead" is already

A: Probably, and so and so. Because that work with 
disadvantaged children and young people ... Youth - rather 
sprawling concept; for some it might end in his twenties, for 
others it extended up to thirty ... All depends on the person of

particular situation. Especially poverty, because such people 
often are unable, even with qualifications, to get a

work. Nevertheless, they may have some creative
intentions and desire to fulfill your potential, albeit not in 
the making money, but to realize some dream. That

This "Movement 'F'" can help.

WB: One of the activities you have is
computer science, computer education. It's for kids, right?

A: Yes, yes!

WB: Free?

A: Yes.

WB: That is, people come and do this computer
class ... I myself also have direct relevance to
computers and informatics. I am coordinator of the Moscow
Telecommunications network ZXNet (095). Network has access to
Internet. Do you have Internet access?

A: Some of our hackers have access to the Internet with its
work, someone is at home.

WB: So, the contact of interest is possible. Well, thank you! I
an idea ... And you can come to you?

A: Yes, we have a phone, two phones: 200-39-45 and 200-39-55.
This is the local phone. Because people come here mainly
after work one night only there people here - at
Wednesdays, I know for sure, and I think on Saturdays. Better 
first call.

  ... Someone may say: "Well, were talking about some
youth club, eka prodigy!. "Pro" some "?" So there is
and others? Yes. As long as there is. But they are becoming 
fewer. A therefore, we must tell. We must sound the alarm. We

spektrumisty, too, are not rich financially. By the way, and we
becomes smaller. Though on the other, mainly, reasons. But
we are strong, their brotherhood. And we have a lot to learn, 
and we have something to borrow from the spiritual strengths of 
the poor of this world Let there be a phrase exactly as told.

  A conversation with Dionysus Georgis gradually shifted to
theme, which I would call a fashionable buzzword in our "Hidden 

(Hidden Part):

WB: We are in August of 1998 - I work at the school in 1991, it 
too Central District, corner of Chef and New Arbat streets - on

widespread enthusiasm holds the International Festival
Computer Art. Not like "Fantasy," which is advertised
December at the Palace of Youth - then the monsters, the 
world's strongest this. We also carry on a platform 
ZX-Spectrum. Have not heard? 

D: Spectrum I heard and saw the cassette version, but that's 
about opportunity to work in the networks I am very poorly 

WB: The machine is living, and maybe there would also be some
glimmers of interest? While I say this purely informational.

A: Maybe we could do something to help.

WB: We have very good professionals on the Internet, they can
would provide some help to you in developing your access to the 
network, and with your hand, someone from your own, maybe old 
"difficult" teenagers (only need a few people) would provide us

help at the Festival - as a duty, vigilantes? This
just one day.

A: Yes, yes.

WB: That would be tying up a friendship, dating in general
interest in computers, and, perhaps unfortunately, the general
"Interest" in K. .. poverty, because we have this platform,
ZX-Spectrum, - "platform of the poor" ...

WB: ... That you have written, "Cook Street, School 91" ...

A: There's a holiday Old elm ...

WB: Yes, and there we are engaged, and our guys out there 
landscaped territory.

A festival will take place at the school 91. Guys come from all 
over world.

Q: And on what tools you'll spend this bulletin board?

WB: At enthusiasm. Premises available to schools. I went to
headteacher and honestly told me what happened in St. 
Petersburg. Asked Hall for one day. Agreed. And the equipment - 
all its own, we have a network of several hundred people, are 
bringing their equipment, connect and order is guaranteed. We 
have a same self-regulating system, "Anarchy in the best sense 
of the word" then there is an organization that does not 
require administrative pressure, and which at the same time 
everything is in order. Where people can beer :-) have a drink, 
but nothing broken, do not make a muck of. 

  ... Since I touched upon FunTop98, separately Seen: yes, for
of the sponsors of the party we do not need. Premise
equipment and people available. But if donors become available, 
it will be possible organize at least the prize money. Of 
course, even without possible, and Enlight is proved (for it to 
Enlight none offense), but as they say, and suddenly? Material 
support would not prevent developers and software and hardware, 
and the winners, can, and would not say bitter words, as E'97: 
"It was Our most recent work on the Spectrum "...

A: People will gather in different cities, they must be somehow
arrange ... Or hope that he is somewhere ...

WB: We have the same communication network throughout the 
world. Everyone will know when come, what are the rules. People 
will go to the "Finish". I think, and your kids-computer 
scientists, generally the guys can have it too interesting. May 
be possible and mutually help each other somehow. 

(More Hidden part):

D: I even think that ... From my personal suggestion is: I would
suggest you try to write under a deal in the grand project.
I personally have experience in writing such things. I am ready 
to help you and your children in such a design. That is, it can 
be number of classes, general design, in principle ...

WB: I am a little not understand the term "grand project".

A: The Grand - is the financial support provided by different
funds for various initiatives.

WB: I'm afraid that the Spectrum - not the platform, under 
which will allocate funds venerable bosses. This, 
unfortunately, the fact is Platform enthusiasts.

W: And they generally provide for enthusiasts. If the network 
will some products made by children or young people, for

They are already some result.

WB: Probably need to talk to someone from your computer geeks.

A: It should speak to me. And my personal interest is
in the preparation of people who could write intelligently 
projects. In including grand. Now part of Moscow Government can

finance ...

WB: Maybe it makes sense to get in touch with our school? We've 
also cooperation with the Soros Foundation in different 
directions education. I'm not competent, but I can keep you from

specialists. I'll tell you that there is "Movement 'F'". K
mutual benefit of children and adolescents, as they say, and 
your ours.

Thanks again! It was very nice to meet you!

  ... I am far from thinking "take the bull by the horns and 
impose Dionysus any commitments, especially far from the idea 
to fall into euphoria. Meeting with the Movement 'F' "was 
largely random, but it is often accidental overturn

world. As to that, and in another direction. Was just wondering
chat with an interesting conversationalist. And readers 
NICRON-in elsewhere, I hope it was interesting to dive into life

just one day just one of the Moscow group in all the same
remarkable Moscow home, warmed by the warmth of hearts of his
youth, young adults and most are already residents for whom
Money - pelf, and holier than friendship there is nothing.

Other articles:

Entry - poems and maintenance facilities.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Interview - an interview with Dionysus Georgis, Director General of the Movement 'F'.

Miscellaneous - Samples ehokonferentsii FIDO about the festival Enlight'97.

Search - search for game programs.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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