Nicron #50
28 августа 1997

Humor - Jeans Dzhordash.

<b>Humor</b> - Jeans Dzhordash.
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                     Jeans Dzhordash
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Jeans Joe-oh-oh-oh-oh-ordash .... Especially if you can not
brush your teeth after eating ... The left leg saves you from 
Cares. The right leg gives the smell of freshness. New Jeans 
Dzhordash without sugar! Clean - ChistoDzhordash! Do you have a 
headache? Maria advises Jeans Dzhordash! Okay, Jorda-and-a-ash! 
Arbitrator coughs? Now Sasha threw him Dzhordash Jeans! Once 
there was a firm Seldom. AND everything about her wore jeans 

In your jeans grew all of America! Can be up to you
The right leg gave the smell of freshness Abraham Lincoln or
Marilyn Monroe! Joe-oh-oh-oh-ordash! Consistently excellent
result! Welcome to the Land Dzhordash! Dzhordash for
real men! We will enjoy together! Let's stay together
smile! Here's Daddy! As you bought the regular Chinese
jeans? Mom, Dzhordash! Jeans Dzhordash contain biological
additives, so necessary for the body of the child, so our
daughters will never be diaper rash, it is always dry! My mom
advised to use Dzhordash jeans and now I am feeling quite
with ease in any situation!

I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. For the past 400 
years, I wear Only Jeans Dzhordash. You never chustvovali strong

fatigue in the legs? Try Dzhordash! Only here! Dzhordash
Megadrayv with 32 pockets! All the flavors of France - in jeans
Dzhordash! It's e nuc of America! It's Dzhordash! It's Know 
Right! Only in these Jeans Dzhordash you have the right to eat

real milk chocolate Cadbury! Play with us and
Win! Jeans Dzhordash! Only a few bundles Dzhordash!
Jeans Dzhordash. Most Denim Jeans in the world. Emma Petrovna
, only one leg! Dzhordash! Just add water! Kohl
loves Dzhordash, Olga loves Dzhordash, Tolia loves Dzhordash, 
everyone loves DZHORDASH! Your Pussy I would buy Dzhordash! 
Moscow City The bank they are most cute.

Chicago, 1932. Repeal of the law on unworn jeans. Every 
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morning! Your first jeans were You tight. The latter quickly 
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Through a company party held Thousands of denim, especially 
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Jeans! Simply, we work for you! TV channel 2x2 is only 
Dzhordash Jeans! You have not yet made their choice? Make no 
mistake, Dzhordash - the only from which you can choose! Me and 
my dog ​​does not eat the cat's salami, We wear jeans Dzhordash!

Dunno short, buy what like and where you want.

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Humor - Jeans Dzhordash.

Graphics - picture-in ANSI graphics.

Humor - Night FIDO. Scenario.

Story - D00MER.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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