Nicron #47
14 августа 1997

Stories - Male. Wife. Mistress.

<b>Stories</b> - Male. Wife. Mistress.
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                    HUSBAND. WIFE. Mistress
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             HUSBAND. WIFE. Mistress

          Is this eternal triangle?

We celebrated birthday of my husband Victor. He turned 46
years. However, he himself was not among us. He said that 
because of Urgent work will come only late in the evening. 
Relatives and friends drank to his health and for the fact that 
he as an architect received many favorable orders. I thought to 
myself: "Lord, let at least one!" Meanwhile, Victor had not 
been a single order, where he could reveal himself completely. 
For me it success was not so important, but I saw his pet peeve

recent years, such a situation. Two weeks after the date of
Birth, on Saturday, I experienced the most horrible day of my 
life. One of my colleagues invited her husband to her: they 
were, according to Victor, to discuss something important. And 
I went with my long-standing girlfriend in a movie. After the 
session I was waiting for her at the exit (girlfriend does 
could not break away from pre-posters). Suddenly I thrown into 
a fever: cinema briskly walked past the white-haired man in a 
pizhonistoy leather jacket and jeans under his hand he held an 
elegant girl. The girl was in a short coat, which now are

almost all of its peers. Coat opened to the envy
slender legs, of course, in lycra. Her long red hair
scattered on the go. Her face I could not see, but look at her
satellite. It was my Victor. To his colleagues baby was to
Unfortunately, too young. Of course, this could be a student,
the practice of passing on to Viktor. But here's what she was 
doing with him on Saturday? ..

At first I wanted to immediately go up to them and say something
polite, smart and sarcastic. But my legs stiffened, and to
approached her throat lump. By inertia, I still hoped to be,
Maybe this girl - only daughter of someone from friends
by Victor tossed to the center by car. In this second
she laughed: so reckless and so a child
touching ... She hung with both hands on the elbow of my 
husband and put her head on his shoulder. He gently stroked her 

At home, I took elenium and went to bed. A couple of hours
through the dull ache in my heart I heard the door slam:
came to Victor. In his hands when he entered the room, glossy
wrapper sparkled a box of chocolates. "Cherry Chocolate"
my favorite. No, it definitely still tormented conscience. "For
You, madam, "- jokingly said the newly-born womanizer.

The following days were hell for me. I did not tell her husband 
about his discovery. Outwardly, all we had remained as before.

The difference was only one thing: I started spying. Never 
before in all twenty years of our life with him has not tested 
his pockets! Now, oh! - Now everything has changed. The image 
of a red-haired girl do not leave me never. If the phone rang 
and on the other end intensely silent, I knew that it was her. 
And nothing could do with them. Every morning woke up in a cold 
sweat. Once, when Victor was taking a shower, I found on his 
desk address book. Usually, he always carried it with him. I 
opened it. On Thursday were scheduled three business meetings, 
and more the bottom was written: "at 18.00 with a K." Lele ". 
This is a" K "was the only reduction on the entire page. I do 
not understand - like, but in six pm on Thursday, I had a 
secure position near the café Lel. After waiting half an hour, 
I saw a familiar coat. Girl darted into the cafe. Today it 
seemed to me more beautiful. Victor was probably already there. 
After some time - I do not remember how many passed, said only 
that it was already dark - they went together. He smoked, 
sometimes letting it drag on and. 

Now I no longer had any illusions. I decided
throw her husband scandal, packed his bags and leave home. 
Where? Yes at least to a friend! And this girl slapped hefty 
slaps, that she felt that this destroys the family, which

There are already twenty years!

... It all started when I was sick and lay a second week at 
home: I was to maintain peace in his left meniscus in order to 
avoid operation. I was terribly bored. And once there was a

phone call. It was some girl who was mistaken
number. I called for help all his charm to
conversation with her, please and persuade her to call me
often. The disease is more in telephone conversations with
Katya. And then I wanted to see her, and I invited her to
movies. She was even prettier than I could ever imagine.

We began to see often. I'm used to the role of a caring father. 
Was nice guide to life a young girl. She was only

twenty. I am flattered that she listens to me at all: up to
choice of stockings. With it, I felt young again. A later
for some time realized that the father's role in our 
relationship with Cathay is not consistent, because in love ...

I went to the mirror. My forty years, looked at me out of there.
His face was so sad that I felt myself dreadfully sorry.
Ran her finger along the wrinkles around the eyes. Yes, nothing 
in my life so often laughed at. Well, now this is no more. For 
the first time for all years of asking myself, did the same 
long-aged and simply did not notice that! And suddenly, when I 
realized the inevitability of this sad fact, to me it's an 
unusual calm. I recovered from the initial shock and are now 
ready to even understand husband. Probably, he just came a 
difficult age. I ceased to want to make a scene and go home. 
And yet I tried to talk about it.

After a pause for a moment, he lit a cigarette, then said, not 
looking at me: "I guess that you know everything, but did not 
say anything because that both of us it is absolutely not 
concerned. Understand the whole story pretty funny. Baby 
fascinated me and looks at me with undisguised admiration. I 
owe her a little support. Topics more than she does in the 
province and not yet accustomed to Moscow. But our relationship 
with you has got nothing to do with it, and I I do not 
understand why you're doing such eyes. " 

Of course, I knew that periodic small adventures husbands
are unlikely to actually harm the family. But this time I
It seemed that the red-haired girl began to become
my husband something more than a temporary girlfriend. Not
ruled out that he liked the role of Pygmalion. But it was
dangerous: then it is unlikely he would want to part with his
Galatea. We had no children. Probably his father's feelings
required exit. I understand everything, but she loved her 
husband and did not want him lose.

Scandals, I would not have made. Have to wait and
to ignore the existence of this girl. But I
was to find out what it is. I had
study of his enemy, should have been at least once
look into her eyes.

... In one of our meetings, I said that I want
dance. And Victor, imagine, invited me into the night
disco. It was rather funny to see such a place
solid man, but in general we may rejoice in the glory. AND
a lot of drinking. Then he took me to the hostel and asked for
a cup of coffee. Before the coffee that night it never came. I 
became his mistress, and from that moment felt entirely

owned by Victor. I believe the hours until our next
Goodbye. I live only for him. When can I with Viktor
spend the whole evening, it is absolutely happy. However, I 
understand that his wife means to him something that never does 
not itself I can give him. I realized this after they have 
visited home. Of course, the best thing I can do is leave

Victor alone, but my, how can I leave him?.

At the end of the week we were supposed to come visit. I 
suggested to my husband call at the same time and his 
red-haired friend. Naturally, he thought I was crazy. 
Gradually, however, agreed. And she standing before me in the 
hallway. Her name was Katya: remarkably young, surprisingly 
fresh. Modest dress. A good figure. She certainly very 
charming, and yet nothing more. That Victor found in it? She 
looked at me with sad cow eyes. I can imagine how uncomfortable 
it in this situation. 

I began to feel that the girl is not for me
real danger. And if I am mistaken? I have no strength to it all
endure. Sometimes the thought comes to divorce. In fact, this
just a thought: I could never part with Viktor
voluntarily. Connects us too much. We began our
life together, taking a small room, and the first furniture
consisted of boxes and cartons. When Victor was
difficulties with work, he always felt my support. I believe
in it. When he was again nothing came of it, we are together
tried to find other opportunities. Perhaps I am too much
they managed. But then it seemed to me that he needs this
manual. We were happy. I, as I could, tried to help
him in his work. Every job he has discussed with me. Each
his victory was our victory, and each of its defeat - our
defeat. And at one time it all turned out to be questionable. I
headache, which could bring my husband in this beautiful, but
what a little girl. He may like it
hair and her figure, but she is not able to return him twenty
years of his life. These twenty years that we were with him -
the only thing that I oppose her youth, but it
a lot. Of course, he could have lived another twenty years and
Katya. But I think that our time will win. After all, once
fascinating adventure will be forced to turn to
routine, and the foundation for its continuation would 
collapse. Sooner or late, I know if the right ...

Other articles:

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BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Humor - Firm of Binkona "urgently needed.

Stories - Male. Wife. Mistress.

Humor - anecdotes.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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