Nicron #11
12 декабря 1996

Psychology - Dreams, Part One.

<b>Psychology</b> - Dreams, Part One.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Prepared by Olga Minaev.
Obrabotka in Word-MDF HACKER and MERCURY


So mysterious a thing as a dream, agitated people with those
the most since the first man saw his first dream. Still in
Old Testament mentions the profession an interpreter of dreams. 
Attempted to understand the dreams and the philosophers of 
ancient Greece. Even then, was clear: despite the fact that 
dreams are different from ours experiences of reality, yet they 
are born all the same from our soul - hence, we have something 
hidden from consciousness. Candidate Medical Sciences, 
psychotherapist Alexander field is assumed: the amazing and 
bizarre connection is that with us is

             Asleep and Awake

In the XIX century, scientists have concluded that in the human 
psyche there unconscious. However, until studies of Sigmund

Freud, no one knew what to do with it, as an unconscious
considered inaccessible to study. The book is Freud's 
"Interpretation dreams ", published in 1900, opened a new era in

psychotherapy, which from that moment on we can assume
training owing to its most efficient method -
psychoanalysis. Freud showed that the unconscious is available, 
and lead to him not even one, but several roads: clerical, 
reservations, Association, and again repeated elements of 
behavior. But it is about dreams, Freud referred to as the 
"royal road to unconscious. "

In his book, Freud identified three sources of dreams. Most
the obvious one - the physiological. For instance, if you're on 
the night drink plenty of tea (and maybe not just tea), it is 
even likely that you will dream desperate search for a toilet. 
Second Source - childhood experiences are usually displaced 
from the consciousness. In the dream, we are re-living our 
childhood physical and the trauma in dreams, we return to the 
places where we spent our childhood. The third source - the 
so-called fluorescent balance - the fragmentary memories of 
what happened during the day.

Characters smugglers analysis of dreams - the main part
psychoanalysis. Because the dream is that it is often
unacceptable to our consciousness. Although we must bear in 
mind that sleep is not completely free from censorship. In the 
dream, the protective mechanisms psyche is not completely 
disabled, but only weakened. And under action of this 
protection to many unconscious desires can not be slip into the 
open, and have transformed into images and symbols.

For example, Anna D. often dreamed as she climbs
escalator in the subway and down ... riding a coffin with her 
psychoanalyst. It is obvious that for Anna D. sessions of 
psychoanalysis, which she attended at that time were too 
painful. Negative attitude to psychoanalysis is really quite

possible. After all, it forces the client to recall traumatic
experiences. It is curious that in reality - that is, at the 
level of consciousness - Anna and had no idea to treat him 

The fall into sin from the second floor if you dream of 
breaking things into fragments - probably a symbol of 
aggression. If the dream repeated regularly, it can be assumed 
that you have there to something powerful aggression which, by 
virtue, for example, upbringing or morals in life you do not 
display. And in Some people - and their number is not so little 
- even suppressed aggression, what psychologists deem 
necessary. (Assume if taken by someone shelf in a train 
compartment comes another passenger with the same ticket, that 
someone implicitly concedes him to his seat.) However, often 
the characters are very individual. Therefore you should not 
rely on Horoscopes. A the same dream, the same way for 
different people may be different and mean. One drop in a dream 
due to the daily balance (he today, somewhere down) and another 
with a symbolic expression the desire to fall into sin. 
Analysis of dreams is complicated and requires time. Typically, 
one dream analyst devotes two - three meetings with the client. 
It would be naive to stick to their Friend analyst accidentally 
stumbled on it in the store (and Meanwhile, many well 
received!) with the question: "That's me today dreamed of my 
grandmother, what would it mean? "Somehow there is a perception 
that a good analyst should be read in his eyes. Although a true 
professional on the contrary does not jump to conclusions and 
tries as much as possible not to make any assumptions to avoid 
bias. In the rush to analyze dreams more to anything. 
Especially if the dream would come only once. 

For example, someone dreamed of knives and forks, not because 
of hidden aggression, but because the man was on the eve of a 
visit, and it made a lasting impression tableware. Not all that

dream has a symbolic meaning. (Learn more about symbolism
dreams, we will talk next time.)

Sweet Dream and forbidden fruits have dreams set of functions.
Chief among them - the implementation of instincts, aspirations 
and desires, which in reality we currently do not accept and 
never empty in consciousness. 18 percent of women have dreams 
about sexual intercourse with representative of their same sex. 
But in reality they have never permitted and thought about it. 
The fact that some women with explicit heterosexual orientation 
at some point in their lives indeed is there such a sexual 
attraction. It can stimulate fear men or the love of a friend. 
But since Anyway consciousness of most of these women of this 
attraction is not let in, considering it abnormal. Here it 
breaks through in dreams, surprising and even frightening. Even 
more frightening dreams about women rape, which saw up to 50 
percent of them. Often along with the fear comes in and sensual 
pleasure. One can not creep suspicion: was not masochism is to 
blame? But such Dreams are usually characterized by no means 
masochist, and women difficulties in sexual life, indecisive in 
dealing with Men. In these dreams are not manifested a desire 
to be raped, and the desire to obey and to shift

responsibility for having sex on a partner.

            Prepared by Olga Minaev.
                Obrabotka in Word-mdf hacker and Mercury

     At the request of readers repeat phone therapist
Alexander Poleeva: 936-65-21 (from 11.00 to 17.00).

                     (To be continued.)

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Iron - an overview of the microprocessor Zilog Z380, continued.

Programming - a course of study assembler Wlodek Black, continued.

Games - A citizen's go ... game: "Santa Claus".

Search - search for game programs.

Psychology - Dreams, Part One.

Radio - novice - scheme for the ZX.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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