Nicron #130
19 января 2006

Feedback - contact the publisher.

<b>Feedback</b> - contact the publisher.

Dear holders of resources to distribute the newspaper Nicron!
Send us the coordinates of the contact address and your URL, 
etc. will be posted here!

The first friendly reference 2005:
ZX Download page,

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              Nicron issue:

    Alex -unpublished-/MDF-Hacker - Honorary Founder
            and the first editor in chief

   Vladimir Bulchukey / Wlodek Black - Acting Chief Editor
     technical editor, special correspondent

   Painters and decorators:

   Alexander Filyanov / Pheel / Phantasy

   Eugene Golyakov / Spencer Winset / Diamond group.

   Author envelope: Dmitry Nesmachniy / Merlin / Diamond group

   Author Intro: George Valnin / GPV.


    Fido: 2:5020 / 2065.462, Wladimir Bulchukey
     ZXNet: 500:95 / 462, Wladimir Bulchukey

      Phone: (8-095) 462-89-02, Vladimir Bulchukey
    Mail: 107241 Moscow, Schelkovskoye Highway 31, Apt. 7.

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  Computer Nicron newspaper distributed free on

  electronic communications networks, through custom and BBS

  any other technical means. Commercial

  distribution is not allowed and encouraged.

  When reprinting information, please give a link to


  All rooms Nicron on Virtual TR-DOS - the largest

         TR-DOS archive in the Internet:

  Every weekday Nicron placed in ehokonferen
  tion ZX.SPECTRUM network Fidonet.

 ∙ Links Nicron comes with 03.10.96 ∙

Other articles:

Event - the continuation of report with mezhdunarodngo festival of computer art 'Chaos Constructions 2005'.

Event - unofficial results Chaos Constructions 2005.

Events - An interview with Andrei Logvinenko (FAyka) taken at the Chaos Constructions 2005.

Events - Chaos Constructions 2005: Festival "demos" - the masterpieces of artistic compromise.

Events - Global Forum spektrumistov. The history and the first anniversary.

Events - Spring demoscene: rules DiHalt2006.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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