31 января 2000 |
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AD&D - описания монстров AD&D (часть третья).

┌───────────┐ │Монстрятник│ │ (часть 3) │▒ └───────────┘▒░ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ Продолжение. Начало в номерах 24,25. Приведенный ниже текст является частью большого описания монстров AD&D. Данный текст предназначен прежде всего любителям и профессионалам AD&D. Т.к. текст ну-у очень большой (приблизительно около двух Мб), то естественно, что закидывать в га- зету нам приходится его частями. На резон- ный вопрос: "Почему бы этот текст не вы- пустить отдельными дисками?" могу ответить лишь одно: из-за боязни, что диски могут "затеряться в пути", чего не скажешь о га- зете, которую легко можно передать через друзей, Фидо или Интернет. Также возможны нарекания, что текст на английском языке. Однако по моему мнению прошли те времена, когда для компьютерщика можно было знать один язык. Так что либо учите английски, либо ищите друзей которые знают английс- кий. Также перевод очень затруднен из-за его художественности, кто пробовал перево- дить хоть какой-то текст с помощью ПЦшных переводчиков тот меня поймет. Вот и все. Желаю приятного прочтения и спокойных снов по ночам. Со всеми вопросами обращаться по адрессу 69123 г.Запорожье, ул. Хортицкое шоссе 18/29. Телефон 43-98-60, 49-62-02 (Александр). Baatezu Pit Fiend CLIMATE/TERRAIN: The Nine Hells FREQUENCY: Very rare ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Carnivore INTELLIGENCE: Genius (17-18) TREASURE: G, W ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOR CLASS: -5 MOVEMENT: 15, Fl 24 (C) HIT DICE: 13 THAC0: 7 NO. OF ATTACKS: 6 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4x2/1-6x2/2-12/2-8 or weapon SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fear, poison, tail cons- triction SPECIAL DEFENSES: Regeneration, +3 or bet- ter weapons to hit MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% SIZE: L (12' tall) MORALE: Fearless (19-20) XP VALUE: 57,500 Black Abishai CLIMATE/TERRAIN: The Nine Hells FREQUENCY: Common ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Carnivore INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil NO. APPEARING: 2-20 ARMOR CLASS: 5 MOVEMENT: 9, Fl 12 (C) HIT DICE: 4+1 THAC0: 17 NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4/2-5 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison, dive SPECIAL DEFENSES: Regeneration, +1 or bet- ter weapons to hit MAGIC RESISTANCE: 30% SIZE: L (8' tall) MORALE: Average (8-10) XP VALUE: 21,500 Green Abishai CLIMATE/TERRAIN: The Nine Hells FREQUENCY: Common ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Carnivore INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil NO. APPEARING: 2-8 ARMOR CLASS: 3 MOVEMENT: 9, Fl 12 (C) HIT DICE: 5+2 THAC0: 15 NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4/2-5 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison, dive SPECIAL DEFENSES: Regeneration, +1 or bet- ter weapons to hit MAGIC RESISTANCE: 30% SIZE: L (7' tall) MORALE: Average (8-10) XP VALUE: 23,500 Red Abishai CLIMATE/TERRAIN: The Nine Hells FREQUENCY: Common ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Carnivore INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: 1 MOVEMENT: 9, Fl 12 (C) HIT DICE: 6+3 THAC0: 13 NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4/2-5 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison, dive SPECIAL DEFENSES: Regeneration, +1 or bet- ter weapons to hit MAGIC RESISTANCE: 30% SIZE: M (6' tall) MORALE: Steady (11-12) XP VALUE: 25,500 General: The baatezu are the primary inha- bitants of the Nine Hells. They are a strong, evil tempered race held together by an equally strong organization. The ba- atezu live in a rigid caste system where authority is derived from power and stati- on. The baatezu wish to fulfill their anci- ent quest to destroy the tanar'ri, their blood enemies. The baatezu also know that by infiltrating humans and entering their world they will gain power over the ta- nar'ri. Toward this end they constantly strive to dominate the Prime Material pla- ne and its natives. The baatezu are divided into three gro- ups: greater, lesser, and least. Below are listed a few: Greater baatezu│Lesser baatezu amnizu │abishai cornugon │barbazu gelugon │erinyes │least baatezu pit fiend │hamatula │nupperibo │osyluth │spinagon In addition, there are the lemures, the common "foot soldiers" of the baatezu at the very bottom in station. Combat: All baatezu except for lemures, nupperibo, and spinagon are able to per- form the following magical abilities, once per round, at will: advanced illusion, animate dead, charm person, infravision, know alignment (always active), suggesti- on, and teleport without error. Baatezu are affected by the following attack forms: Attack │Damage │Attack │Damage acid │full │cold │half* electricity │full │fire (dragon,│none* (lightning) │ │magical) │ gas │half │iron weapon │none** magic missile│full │poison │none silver weapon│full***│ │ *the gelugon suffers half damage from fire and none from cold. **unless affected by normal weapons. ***greater baatezu suffer half damage from silver weapons. Pit Fiend: The most terrible baatezu of the Nine Hells, pit fiends appear to be giant, winged humanoids, very much like gargoyles in appearance, with huge wings that wrap around their bodies for defense. Pit fiend's fangs are large and drip with a vile, green liquid. Their bodies are red and scaly, often emitting flames when they are angered or excited. In the rare situa- tions they choose to communicate, they use telepathy. Combat: In physical combat, the pit fiend is capable of dealing out tremendous pu- nishment, using its incredible 18/00 Strength (+6 damage adjustment). They can attack six times in a single round, divi- ding attacks against six different oppo- nents. They can attack with two hard, sca- ly wing buffets for 1-4 points of damage per hit. Their powerful claws do 1-6 po- ints of damage per successful attack. The bite of a pit fiend is dreadful indeed, causing any creature bitten to take 2-12 points of damage and receive a lethal dose of poison. A saving throw vs. poison is required or the victim dies in 1-4 rounds. The bite also infects the victim with a disease. Pit fiends can also attack with their tail every round, inflicting 2-8 points of damage per hit. The tail can then hold and constrict the victim for 2-8 points of da- mage per round until the victim makes a successful Strength check to break free. Pit fiends can also carry jagged-toothed clubs which inflict 7-12 points of damage per hit (this replaces one claw attack). Once per round a pit fiend can use one of the following spell-like powers, plus those available to all baatezu: detect ma- gic, detect invisibility, fireball, hold person, improved invisibility, polymorph self, produce flame, pyrotechnics, and wall of fire. They can, once per year, cast a wish spell. They may always gate in two lesser or one greater baatezu with a 100% chance of success, performing this action once per round. Once per day, a pit fiend can use a symbol of pain - the victim must sa- ve vs. rod, staff or wand or suffer a -4 penalty on attack dice, and a -2 penalty to Dexterity for 2-20 rounds. Pit fiends regenerate 2 hit points per round and radiate a fear aura in a 20-foot radius (save vs. rod, staff, or wand at a -3 penalty or flee in panic for 1-10 ro- unds). Habitat/Society: Pit fiends are the lords of the Nine Hells. They are the baatezu of the greatest power and the highest stati- on. Pit fiends are found throughout the various layers of the Nine Hells, but are very rare on the upper layers. Wherever they are found, these mighty lords hold a position of great authority and power. They sometimes command vast le- gions consisting of dozens of complete ar- mies, leading them into battle against the tanar'ri. These huge forces are terrifying to behold, and any non-native of the lower planes, of less than 10 Hit Dice, who sees them, flees in panic for 1-3 days. Those of 10 Hit Dice or more must make a saving throw vs. rod, staff, or wand or flee in panic for 1-12 turns. Ecology: Pit fiends are spawned from the powerful gelugons of the Nine Hells' eighth layer. When those icy fiends are found worthy they are cast into the Pit of Flame for 1,001 days after which they emerge as pit fiends. Abishai: Abishai are common on the first and second layers of the Nine Hells, appe- aring much like gothic gargoyles. They are thin and reptilian with long, prehensile tails and great wings. There are three va- rieties of abishai. They are, in ascending order of station, black, green, and red. Abishai communicate with telepathy. Combat: In battle, the abishai strikes with formidable claws, inflicting 1-4 po- ints of damage per successful hit. It can also lash out with its flexible tail for 2-5 points of damage. Hidden in the end of an abishai's tail is a small stinger that injects poison on a successful hit, requi- ring a saving throw vs. poison (failure results in death). Abishai can fly into the air and dive at enemies, striking with both claws. Their attack roll is made with a +2 bonus. A successful hit inflicts double damage. In addition to the powers possessed by all baatezu, an abishai can perform the following magical powers, one at a time, once per round: change self, command, pro- duce flame, pyrotechnics, and scare. They can also attempt to gate 2-12 lemures (60% chance of success, once per day) or 1-3 abishai (30% chance of success, once per day). All abishai are susceptible to damage from holy water. If a vial is splashed on it, an abishai suffers 2-8 points of dama- ge. All abishai regenerate 1 hit point per melee round unless the damage was done by holy water or a holy magical weapon. Habitat/Society: Abishai are voracious and evil. They delight in tormenting those few natives of the Nine Hells that are lower in power. Abishai are fond of using change self and charm person to tempt mortals bold enough to travel to the Nine Hells. Ecology: The abishai comprise the main bo- dy of many large, evil armies battling against the tanar'ri and intruders against the Nine Hells. In some cases, a red abis- hai may have proven himself worthy enough to command a force of lemures. If it is successful in this endeavor, the red abis- hai may be promoted to a higher form of baatezu. Bat Common CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any land FREQUENCY: Common ORGANIZATION: Swarm ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night DIET: Omnivore INTELLIGENCE: Animal (1) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral NO. APPEARING: 1-100 ARMOR CLASS: 8 MOVEMENT: 1, Fl 24 (B) HIT DICE: 1-2 hp THAC0: 20 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE: T (1') MORALE: Unreliable (2-5) XP VALUE: 15 Large CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any land FREQUENCY: Uncommon ORGANIZATION: Flock ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night DIET: Omnivore INTELLIGENCE: Animal (1) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral NO. APPEARING: 3-18 ARMOR CLASS: 8 MOVEMENT: 3, Fl 18 (C) HIT DICE: 1d4 hp or 1 THAC0: 19 or 20 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d2 or 1d4 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE: M (5'-6') MORALE: Unsteady (5-7) XP VALUE: 35 Huge CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Warm caves FREQUENCY: Rare ORGANIZATION: Flock ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night DIET: Omnivore INTELLIGENCE: Low (5-7) TREASURE: C (in lair) ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil NO. APPEARING: 1-8 (1-30 in lair) ARMOR CLASS: 7 (see below) MOVEMENT: 3, Fl 15 (C) HIT DICE: 4-6 THAC0: 17 (4 HD) 15 (5-6 HD) NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d4 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE: H (12'-16') MORALE: Steady (11-12) XP VALUE: 420(4 HD) 650 (5 HD) 975 (6 HD) Azmyth CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any land FREQUENCY: Rare ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Omnivore INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: 2 MOVEMENT: 3, Fl 24 (A) HIT DICE: 2 THAC0: 19 NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1/1-2 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Magic use SPECIAL DEFENSES: Magic use MAGIC RESISTANCE: 40% SIZE: S (3') MORALE: Elite (14) XP VALUE: 650 Night Hunter CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any land FREQUENCY: Uncommon ORGANIZATION: Pack ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night/any DIET: Carnivore INTELLIGENCE: Average to High (8-14) TREASURE: M, O, Z ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil NO. APPEARING: 1-12 ARMOR CLASS: 6 (see below) MOVEMENT: 2, Fl 18 (A) HIT DICE: 2+2 THAC0: 19 NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-2/1-2/1-6 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE: M (7') MORALE: Steady (11) XP VALUE: 175 Sinister CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any land FREQUENCY: Rare ORGANIZATION: Band ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Omnivore INTELLIGENCE: Average to Except.(8-16) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil NO. APPEARING: 1d6 ARMOR CLASS: 3 MOVEMENT: 2, Fl 21 (A) HIT DICE: 4+4 THAC0: 17 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-5 or 3-12 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Magic use SPECIAL DEFENSES: Energy field MAGIC RESISTANCE: 70% SIZE: L (9') MORALE: Champion (15-16) XP VALUE: 2,000 Bats are common animals in many parts of the world. While ordinary bats are an- noying but harmless, larger varieties can be quite deadly. With almost 2,000 diffe- rent species of bats known, one can find wingspans from less than two inches across to 15 feet or more. The small body of the ordinary bat resembles a mouse, while the wings are formed from extra skin stretched across its fore limbs. The larger bats are scaled up but otherwise similar in appea- rance. Despite the common belief that bats are blind, nearly all known species have rat- her good eyesight. In the dark, however, they do not rely on their visual acuity, but navigate instead by echo-location. By emitting a high-pitched squeal and liste- ning for it to bounce back to them, they can "see" their surroundings by this natu- ral form of sonar. Combat: Ordinary bats attack only if cor- nered and left with no other option. If startled, bats tend to become frightened and confused. This causes them to swarm around and often fly into things. The ty- pical bat swarm ends up putting out torc- hes (1% chance per bat encountered per ro- und), confusing spell casting (Wisdom roll required to cast spells), inhibiting com- batants' ability to wield weapons (by a -2 THAC0 penalty), and otherwise getting in the way. Under ideal flying conditions, a bat's Armor Class rating rises from 8 to 4. Habitat/Society: While bats are found al- most anywhere, they prefer warm and humid climes. Some species hibernate during the cold season and a few are know to migrate. Bats live in caves, dark buildings, or damp crevices, hanging by their toes du- ring the day, and leaving at dusk to feed during the night. In large, isolated ca- verns there may be thousands of bats. Ecology: Most bats eat fruit or insects, though some include small animals or fish in their diets. The rare vampire bat tra- vels at night to drink the warm blood of living mammals, but its victims are rarely humans or demihumans. Care must be taken not to confuse the vampire bat with the true vampire in this regard. Rot grubs and carrion crawlers are among the few creatures known to live in the gu- ano on the floor of large bat-infested ca- verns, making any expeditions into such caves dangerous indeed. If the noxious odor from the guano is not enough to sub- due the hardiest of adventurers (a single Constitution check to stay conscious), these crawling denizens are. Large Bat These creatures are large versions of the carnivorous variety of the ordinary bat with 3-foot-long bodies and 5- to 6-fo- ot-long wingspans. They dwell in dark ca- verns, usually underground, and depend on their sonar in flight to compensate for their poor eyesight. Only 10% of giant bats are of the more powerful 1 Hit Die variety. Extremely maneuverable in flight, large bats gain an Armor Class bonus of +3 when an opponent with a Dexterity of 13 or less fires a missile weapon at it. The creature must land (usually on its victim) to at- tack with its bite. The typical example of this species inflicts 1d2 points of damage with its teeth while the larger does 1d4 points of damage. Anyone bitten by a large bat has a 1% chance per point of damage done to contract rabies. When rabies is contracted, there is a 1d4+6 day incubation period. Once this pe- riod has ended, the victim has 10 days to live. The victim cannot drink or eat anyt- hing and is overly irritable. Anything from loud noises to being awakened at night can set the victim off (the DM de- termines the temper triggers). If temper flares, the victim must roll a Wisdom check. If the check fails, the rabid per- son attacks until he is killed or knocked unconscious. When a character contracts rabies, he or she dies from the inflicti- on, unless cured by a wish, alter reality, limited wish, cure disease, or similar spell. Huge Bat (Mobat) Mobats prefer warm-blooded prey that they bite to death with their fangs. They have a dim and evil intelligence that gives them a desire for shiny objects. Because the typical mobat has a wingspan of 12 to 16 feet, they must have large areas to serve as flight runways. Because Mobats' flight is so rapid and silent, their victims suffer a -3 penalty to their surprise rolls. They can also gi- ve a piercing screech that causes such great pain that victims seek to cover the- ir ears rather than fight, unless a saving throw versus paralyzation is successful. This screech is always used if the prey resists and it is effective in a 20-foot radius about the mobat. Note that mobile mobats have an Armor Class of 2. Under crowded flying conditions, their Armor Class suffers and raises to 7. When not in flight, mobats have an Armor Class of 10. Azmyth Azmyths live on flowers, small plants, and insects. They are solitary wanderers, tho- ugh they do have "favorite haunts" to which they return. They often form part- nerships with humanoids for mutual bene- fit, sometimes forming loyal friendships in the process. Azmyths have been known to accompany creatures for their entire li- ves, and then accompany the creatures' offspring. The life span of azmyths are presently unknown but is believed to be over 100 years. They are not familiars as wizards understand the term; no direct control can be exercised over one, except by spells. Azmyths have crested heads and bearded chins, white, pupil-less eyes, and leathe- ry gray, mauve, or emerald green skin. They emit shrill squeaks of alarm or rage, and endearing, liquid chuckles of delight or amusement. They communicate by telepat- hy that has a range of 60 feet, and have infravision to 90 feet. They can know alignment three times per day, become in- visible (self only for six rounds or less, ending when the azmyth makes a successful attack) once per day, and create silence 15' radius, centered on themselves, once per day. In combat, the azmyth bites for 1 point of damage and stabs with its powerful ne- edle-sharp tails for 1d2 points. Twice per day, an azmyth can unleash a shocking grasp attack, transmitting 1d8+6 points of electrical damage through any direct phy- sical contact with another creature. This attack can be combined with a physical at- tack for cumulative damage. Night Hunter This species, know as dragazhar, is named after the adventurer who first domestica- ted one, long ago. Nocturnal on the surfa- ce, it is active anytime in the gloom of the underworld. It eats carrion if it must, but usually hunts small beasts. Des- perate dragazhar are known to attack li- vestock, drow, or humans. Night hunters swoop down to bite prey (1d4), rake with their wing claws (1d2 each), and slash (1d6) or stab (3d4) with their dexterous, triangular-shaped, razor sharp tails. They stalk their prey, flying low and dodging behind hillocks, ridges, trees, or stalactites, to attack from am- bush. They have infravision to a distance of 120 feet, but rarely surprise oppo- nents, since they emit echoing, loon-like screams when excited. Night hunter lairs usually contain over 30 creatures. They typically live in doub- le-ended caves, or above ground in tall, dense woods. Night hunters do not tarry to eat where they feel endangered, so their lairs often contain treasure fallen from prey carried there. Night hunters roost head-down when sleeping. They are velvet in hue, even to their claws, and have vio- let, orange, or red eyes. Sinister These mysterious jet-black creatures most closely resemble manta rays. They have no distinct heads and necks, and their power- fully-muscled wings do not show the promi- nent finger bones common to most bats. A natural ability of levitation allows them to hang motionless in midair. This unner- ving appearance and behavior has earned them their dark name, but sinisters are not evil. Above ground, they prefer to hunt at night, when their 160'-range inf- ravision is most effective. They eat car- rion if no other food is available, and regularly devour flowers and seed pods of all sorts. Sinisters are both resistant to magic and adept in its use. In addition to their pinpoint, precision levitation, they are surrounded at all times by a naturally-ge- nerated 5-foot-deep energy field akin to a wall of force. This field affords no pro- tection against spells or melee attacks, but missile attacks are stopped utterly; normal missiles are turned away, and such effects as magic missile and Melf's acid arrow are absorbed harmlessly. In additi- on, all sinisters can cast one hold mons- ter (as the spell) once per day. They usu- ally save this for escaping from creatures more powerful than themselves, but may use it when hunting, if ravenous. Curiously, though they are always silent (communicating only with others of its kind via 20-foot-range limited telepathy), sinisters love music-both vocal and ins- trumental. Many a bard making music at a wilderness campfire has found him or her- self surrounded by a silent circle of flo- ating sinisters. Unless they are directly attacked, the sinisters will not molest the bard in any way, but may follow the source of the music, gathering night after night to form a rather daunting audience. Sinisters are usually encountered in small groups and are thought to have a long life span. Their social habits and mating rituals are unknown. Banshee CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any FREQUENCY: Very rare ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night DIET: Nil INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional (15-16) TREASURE: (D) ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: 0 MOVEMENT: 15 HIT DICE: 7 THAC0: 13 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Death wail SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapon to hit MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% SIZE: M (5'-6' tall) MORALE: Elite (13) XP VALUE: 4,000 The banshee or groaning spirit, is the spirit of an evil female elf - a very rare thing indeed. Banshee hate the living, finding their presence painful, and seek to harm whomever they meet. Banshees appear as floating, luminous phantasms of their former selves. Their image glows brightly at night, but is transparent in sunlight (60% invisible). Most banshees are old and withered, but a few (10%) who died young retain their for- mer beauty. The hair of a groaning spirit is wild and unkempt. Her dress is usually tattered rags. Her face is a mask of pain and anguish, but hatred and ire burns brightly in her eyes. Banshees frequently cry out in pain - hence their name. Combat: Banshees are formidable opponents. The mere sight of one causes fear, unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is rolled. Those who fail must flee in terror for 10 rounds and are 50% likely to drop any items they were carrying in their hands. A banshee's most dreaded weapon is its wail or keen. Any creature within 30 feet of a groaning spirit when she keens must roll a saving throw vs. death magic. Those who fail die immediately, their faces con- torted in horror. Fortunately, groaning spirits can keen just once per day, and then only at night. The touch of a groa- ning spirit causes 1d8 points of damage. Banshees are noncorporeal and invulne- rable to weapons of less than +1 enchant- ment. In addition, groaning spirits are highly resistant to magic (50%). They are fully immune to charm, sleep, and hold spells and to cold- and electricity-based attacks. Holy water causes 2d4 points of damage if broken upon them. A dispel evil spell will kill a groaning spirit. A bans- hee is turned as a "special" undead. Banshees can sense the presence of li- ving creatures up to five miles away. Any creature that remains within five miles of a groaning spirit lair is sure to be at- tacked when night falls. The nature of this attack varies with the victim. Beasts and less threatening characters are killed via a touch. Adventurers or demihumans are attacked by keening. Creatures powerful enough to withstand the groaning spirit's keen are left alone. When attacking adventurers, the groaning spirit attacks at night with her wail. If any characters save successfully, she then retreats to her lair. Thereafter, each night, the groaning spirit returns to wail again. This routine is repeated until all of the victims are dead or have left the groaning spirit's domain, or until the groaning spirit is slain. Habitat/Society: Banshees loathe all li- ving things and thus make their homes in desolate countryside or ancient ruins. There they hide by day, when they cannot keen, and wander the surrounding country- side by night. The land encircling a groa- ning spirit's lair is strewn with the bo- nes of beasts who heard the groaning spi- rit's cry. Once a groaning spirit estab- lishes her lair she will remain there. The treasure of groaning spirits varies considerably and often reflects what they loved in life. Many hoard gold and fine gems. Other groaning spirits, particularly those that haunt their former homes, show finer tastes, preserving great works of art and sculptures, or powerful magical items. It is nearly impossible to distinguish the cry of a groaning spirit from that of a human or elf woman in pain. Many a knight gallant has mistaken the two so- unds, and then paid for the mistake with his life. Banshees are exceptionally in- telligent and speak numerous languages, including common, elvish, and other demi- human languages. Banshees occasionally use their destruc- tive powers to seek revenge against their former adversaries in life. Ecology: Banshees are a blight wherever they settle. They kill without discretion, and their only pleasure is the misfortune and misery of others. In addition to slaying both man and beast, a groaning spirit's keen has a powerful effect upon vegetation. Flowers and delicate plants wither and die and trees grow twisted and sickly, while hardier plants, thistles and the like, flourish. After a few years all that remains within five miles of a groa- ning spirit's lair is a desolate wilder- ness of warped trees and thorns mixed with the bones of those creatures that dared to cross into the groaning spirit's domain.
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