Insanity #09
16 июня 2001

Spectrum Scene - Gas13, LaZy Bones and Vivid talk about the scene, scenery, and about yourself.

<b>Spectrum Scene</b> - Gas13, LaZy Bones and Vivid talk about the scene, scenery, and about yourself.
  $% GAS13, 2oo1

  Sceners ... Personally I have with these concepts immediately
associated verbal sparring on irc, which participants
were Blade and Relict. On the question first - "You do what?"
came the reply - "I sceners! :) In this phrase we Nik-O
heard paltsegnutie easy, because of what is often recalled
this case, denoting the word "sceners" people are basically
say (no offense Relict'u, which subsequently proved to be
belonging to a mystical scene).

  Well, seriously, the word "scene" as far as I know
refers to the computer underground, and includes not only did he
demo scene, but the crack 'warez scene ...

  Although, by and large define a clear framework - it is not
most important. The main thing for me is the underground of
what we are doing. We are their own masters, themselves
organizers, the participants themselves, etc.

  Spectrum scene. "

  In my opinion now, many people use this concept for
refer to persons involved in any kind of party. Ie it
Organizers, demo-, intro-, gfx-and music-compo, and all that
that revolves around it, and this: sites in the I-nete, 
newspapers, magazines.

  Hardly anyone associates this concept with gamemaking'om that
can certainly not true, but so has developed.

  The future of the scene ...

  I can say one thing. To make the scene live to the emergence 
of new encoders. Personally, I see a constant replenishment of 
the medium gfx 'music compo and no new faces in the demo. But 
without them, gfx ' music gradually lose its meaning. Say what 
you like, and the stage rests on demos that make encoders, 
which are all the same. A As we know, even those resistant 
peppers as ... (I do not want that he saw it) can we leave. Any 
hope I look on young coders, because they will keep the 
Spectrum scene, the and century! Grandparents, I hope, too, do 
not throw. 

  Monsters of the code, I appeal to you: "Keep on keepin 'scene
alive ", because the scene is strong strong coders!


    $% LaZy Bones ^ j77, 2001

    What is a scene?

    In my opinion, this is a community of people merging the 
one (or one) idea (ideas:). They have some common goal -

platform support (in this case - Speccy) and work on it
(As a hobby, because at Speke not make any money). People
know each other (or a one / two:). This type of large
hangouts:) living in their rulesam having their own
leaders (in the areas of code, graphics, music, swap, trade, 
design, organize, demomake etc ...) and obeying the 
conventional (outside scene - in the real world) the rules of 
conduct (see the cases with E97, CC999 etc ...). Because do not 
show what we are bad. 

    We have to live with all together. (You can, of course, 
being under degree, yell 'PC SUX !!!!', but no more:). And

in general, many of spektrumistov educated people, and not just
technically, that's necessary to show that we are not at the 
level of Village Gopnik. We are above them. (Is not it?) At 
Speke is scene, though not very big, and not very active.

   Does it exist on the Spectrum?

   There! Been and will be there! :) I like it when you can 
apply to absolutely anyone, and he will be ready to help any 
question (at least, are the majority). And, in my opinion, this 
is the real sceners (see below) 

    Does it have a future?

    She has a future. At least some, but there is. While we all 
live, lives and the scene. If individuals say that ZX (or

scene) is dead, for them he was dead. If they do not want it
sit, then let go (Exploder:). Whoever they are, let
are forested. F Satti, on yuh ... Needless to all other poison
air and ruin lives. If someone just had to leave
scene, then God bless him, is his right.

    Who are sceners?

    These are the people who belong to this crowd (this follows 
from determine the scene:).

    The phrase 'Spectrum scene. "

    It is especially nostalgic for the days when
Speke sat on CBS, PSG, PGS and other monsters:) When I was
just started juzat ZX-48, when he tried to learn assembler Z80,
read ZX-Revue (how cool was then!). Had a bunch of free
time to study the ZX and writing on it prog ...

    Now the scene is associated with a large crowd of friends
people hanging out where you know you can help it, if that
(A place for the night, bitiem someone's brazen faces, 
describing a string bend or toys with the writing of it, will 
help razbratsya novice coders / muzikeram / gfxeram etc ... :). 
C after drinking bouts, passing peacefully (greets to

Craz ^ TNL: You promised to the summer to come here:), just 
with people with which one can sit and pobazarit about this and 
that, without tedious scenes whipping themselves left heel in 
the right breast, that he knows more than anyone else (Craz, 
OLN, it is a hint). 

    I myself, judging from my thoughts, sceners. But I still
try to adhere to generally accepted rules (Evangilie of MMA and
Arty:), and therefore a scenery do not think (especially if
take into account the fact that I'm in TUSUR, takes away all my
free time), nor do I think our whole stsenovoy

    I take this opportunity to move the ad:) our homepage (and
why we did it then?) and irc channel.

    Here's the address:

    irc servers:

    channel: # j77

                             . . .

    $% Vivid ^ Brainwave ^ XPJ, 2oo1

... Q: What scene?

... A: In my understanding of scene - is a spiritual matter,

    combines a number of representatives

    Humanity (scenery). The influence of the scene at these 

    expressed their desire to make a spiritual and / or

    material contribution to the development stage. Instead, 
they can 

    to gain recognition and / or material gains from other

    scenery. In this questionnaire, means computer


... Q: Is there a scene on the Spectrum?

... A: Yes, although currently it is experiencing the most

    best of times. This is due to the inevitable lag

    architecture of the Spectrum of the ever-evolving

    architecture of modern personal computers (pc and

    macintosh), because of what the influx of new people on the 

    virtually absent, and the outflow of so-called old


... Q: Who are sceners?

... A: Representatives of humanity that make a positive 

    the development of scenes. In the case of the demo scene is 

    artists, musicians, organizers, distributors,

    users, gamers, programmers. While there sceners,

    Scene of ZX is alive!

... Q: What causes word association Spectrum scene?

... A: These words, I have been extremely controversial and

    rambling association. Then some Noonzen with

    outstretched fingers that another fierce demo

    downhole Mouzon, gorgeous hand-drawn picture

    then the next demo party, often carried out just sucks.

... Q: Is there a future for the Spectrum scene?

... A: I would like to entertain thoughts of eternal life

    Spectrum scenes, but nothing lasts forever in this world.

    Sooner or later the moment will come when the Spectrum will 

    just another page in the book of memories. Scene

    can only exist thanks to the activity of scenery.


Other articles:

Introduction - A few words of the copyright.

Stsenohronizm - O stsenovyh facts, announcements: a new strategy game, Jackals, a new literary magazine hodozhesvenny "Fantadrom," continued the game about Homer Sipson, the completion of the Crime Santa Claus: Deja Vu, new toy from Slip'a - Super Bomberman 2, Thimble.

Forever2e3 SE report - Report of Pol ^ Phantasy (in English).

ASCii'2001 party report - Report on De (pi) mopati in Izhevsk and official results.

ASCii'2001 gfx review - Overview of the graphics from Ice'Di ^ 3umf.

Nuotrauka'tm 2001 - As it was, and could be: a report about the virtual party.

Nuotrauka'tm 2001 results - The results of the component.

Complex Compo'99 West / East - Gasman argument about the Russian and Western demoscene sravninie results Complex Compo.

Cancer in Feces - Review of the new issue of the journal Barnaul Funeral # 2.

Scream # 1 e-zine - feedback about the new Stsenovom journal.

Scream Contributin - Kristoph talks about what to write in "The Scream".

Evolution of Gfx Compo - Diver ^ 4d graphics on the stage at the Spectrum.

About KrNews13 - "what's missing scene today?" pressing issues and solutions.

St.Petersburg ZX Net - "Spectrum ZX - Honor and conscience of our epoch" (petseshnika admiration of the progress on the Spectrum).

Find the Phuture - Blade and his view of the scene.

Architecture ZX - The Spectrum of the future.

Power of Sound Web Team - Himik talks about his most updated Spectrum resource throughout the Russian Internet!

Spectrum Scene - Gas13, LaZy Bones and Vivid talk about the scene, scenery, and about yourself.

Spectrum Scene - Sinn talks about how and why on the Spectrum took demoscene and it generally is.

Scream Crew and the Scene - "Creativity at the Spectrum - the art and ever understand this all "- considerations Screamer'a about demoscene on the Spectrum.

Scenergy and CCoo1 - Digital Reality and Progress left Spectrum, Random prepares regular Chaos Constructions, Raver continues to show off, and the magazine Scenergey into a site.

Spectrum Scene - Cyberjack, dEUS and key-jee - Perm sceners about demoscene: "All that we have the right to call the scene, died and rotted."

Phantasy my love - Raver ^ PHT in his style.

with the bat on the world - application note to help the beginners, the ministers of pen and ink (about what are the kinds of articles and how to write correctly).

Test yourself - Identification stsenovogo EGO.

Scene on the Web - Review stsenovyh portals.

Lost in the 3d - Final stsenovaya article.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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