ZX Format #04
14 июня 1996

a rest - Nemo tells the story of VirtualETnoy reality in Russia.

<b>a rest</b> - Nemo tells the story of VirtualETnoy reality in Russia.


    "Hello dear Captain Nemo! Very interested
I Your KAY-256 ...

  I am generally interested HOME
COMPUTERs. I wrote a case with
KEYBOARD, fees and details of
details on the computer SPARC-128
(Moscow firm) ... Yet been sent, until collected (all hurry
Foolish - payal without liquid flux) ... The result - 'chord
Phi-minor 'as I call it.

  Does not work, and no one can
make him work. In my opinion, even the company itself, encoded 
in his scheme to "oak board "...

  On IBM-486 computer with software and all the "bells and 
whistles" do not dial means and for 20 years of work on this I 
do not see other way but SPECCY, including KAY-256, I think,

best. I swear, no fawning, as he tried to develop something 
similar, but - alas ... I'm not an engineer, a 

 I also liked SPECCY-128
at BMC (Kochkanarskaya development,
Yekaterinburg parish). But
they are already "exhausted" with their devices - nothing new 
can be sent. In the end, not RK-86 is engaged! DELIRIUM ...

  Why do I need a PC? Zachem, zachem,
on-and-a-do! But seriously, the
interested in working with MIDI and editing (publication
books) in two languages: Russian
and English (Russification of

  What should be on you? DP scheme to
1.Rasshirenie do1Mb RAM-20Mb
2.Poodklyuchenie more
ROM Library
3.Podklyuchenie cartridges from DENDY and other 8-bit consoles
4.Podklyuchenie any VU (through
K580VV55, K580VV51, DAC, ADC and
etc.), as the "interface-II" and "Interface-I".
5.Mozhno whether to KAY-256 plug
hard drive?

And finally, how much will it cost
set up fee KAY-256, if
You send it by mail? And your
conditions ...

  Riveted corners of duralumin
enclosure for PC-type TOWER ... Should suffice for any PC, as
KAY, and IBM. Oboshyu duralumin sheets. BP until the TS-180
"Riveted". Scheme developed.
Also developed a scheme (on paper), EMC (two parts: the "teeth" 
or keyboard and the "brains" or base

unit) and homemade printer (for
base p / m Yatran one slide ...), which is partially assembled
mechanically, as well as generic programming - console
settings in the "diplomacy."

  See no other way than
Yoga (which began with
1977), to avoid all
mud and the dreary Soviet
Post-Soviet life ... Tired
fatal: it is often not even want to move, but not that I was
to do anything ... Likely to leave this boring bodily
shell and go to Nirvana. But
"Term" (on Earth) should serve
honestly. As the saying goes: "To be free - with a clear 
conscience!" Gee-gee! Joke! But in every joke there of a joke 

  I am 46 years old. The combination of Eastern and Western 
horoscopes, as I have, is: "Not funny!

He is not to make jokes ... "

                 Sincerely, N "



(C) Nemo, 1996


   "As far as the subject
    Comrade, are thinking only

    mind, and, moreover, need
    model, but which (at

    Or so they thought the mind)

    not be given in

    experience, attempts to think of them

    (After all, should they be

    imaginable) will give us here

    excellent criterion

    what we consider a modified

    method of thinking, namely,

    that we are a priori (originally,

    As posylki.-author)

    come to know about things only that

    invested in them by ourselves. "

  Kant.I.1964. "Critique of Pure
Reason. "Sochineniya.T.3." virtual reality ". M.Mysl.799

   "We applied mathematics

    nenazoyliva. Not prove

    any new theories, we

    just use some

    mathematical structures as

    images through which the connector
    asnyaem interest to us

    <...> Problem. Since forced
    Ny we do, because

    understanding is always given Th
    sharp images, and familiar to us

    Images taken from

    sensory interaction with the

    the world around us, exhausted
    fell to its semantic
    potential. Relying on them,

    it is difficult to say anything


  Nakhimov VV "Spostannost consciousness." M Publishing 
Prometheus Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named Lenin, 1989 
(now surviving mathematician and mystic

School of Kolmogorov, the scope of current interests: semantic

  Hello, dear N.

  Other way to answer your
muddled letter, except as a direct commentary
As the story progresses, not
Viewing: So at first.

 With regard to the expulsion of an empty
board and a set of parts. This is the most simple and safe
way to get from the client
money. Clearly, if you collect yourself, and responsibility for 
the result lies entirely for you. Firm should not be blamed,

as she is not obliged to know everything
ways and options to an erroneous
assembly. Them, approximately, three orders of magnitude 
greater than workable solutions. Immoral can called himself the 
way the proposals when it is obvious that the ten

expelled sets earns
only one or two. The expulsion of
customized board your chances
increase to about 60-70%.
And in a minimal configuration, ie without the drive and the 
housing (as well as printer, HDD, MOUSE etc.) are simply board 
will work in 95% of cases. 

  Now for BMC - hardly a
promising area. Scheme
static, transparent, Non-Repair. BMC is justified for
producer, starting with
2.5 x 10 3 units / year. This, at
least ten-fold covers
all available Spectrum-Hard-market with all its variegated and 
exotic tastes. 

  MIDI-interface trudnorealizuem
by KAY-256, as corresponding
hardware interface support
AY8910 involved in a
printer. Therefore, proprietary software,
if it exists, and you are his
pull out a (for which no one can
guarantee), it will not work. That
As for text editing
and publication of books, then this please, you can use
TLW text editor with the printer driver by KAY-256, supplied to 
the system diskette. The printer must be EPSONCENTRONICS, then 
connect reduced to desoldering connector

(Hose). IBM-printer will work with a simple junction
connectors. Printout is also possible
directives L <...> operators
Basic-128. Position to significantly expand, if you
will use the package IsDos:
You can fold the texts on the disc
IBM format, and receive, as a result of the laser (inkjet)
printer quality originals.

 Now for the DP schemes.
If the firm will send you only
scheme, the history of Sparc-128
risk of repeating. Help you
will be very difficult, expensive, and
likely to be impossible. Now
the points.

1.RAM up to 1-20 Mb. Such an array
memory would be inappropriate even for
486 computer. To Spectrum
the amount of RAM it makes sense to 1 Mb (and
it is controversial, and is currently impractical, it is rather
only the prospect of further
development, primarily related to the software and entering the 
OS IsDos. KAY256 will focus on IsDos. 

2.Biblioteka ROM.
Impractical. This problem
easier to solve (again, if
is running) through the drive.

3. Connecting cartridges DANDY.
In order to put the cartridge in the Spectrum, is necessary
architecture to Spectrum
(Assuming that such a monster
created) included as
subset architecture DENDY,
that, in principle, impossible. Do
a cross between a bulldog with a rhinoceros
meaningless. Architecture
Spectrum'a DENDY and do not intersect at all. System commands 
are different types of graphics - vector and block different 
interfaces user are different. This,

in fact, raised in one
recent releases INFORKOM'a. Insert the cartridge into DENDY, and
DENDY, as the periphery,
connected to KAY-256 in principle
may again refer to the INFORKOM'u. But this is a serious 
problem to cope with a lover is not realistic. (One on the need 
to create a level of 50-100 kb assembler). The plans are not 
firm includes the creation of such periphery,

- There are more urgent tasks,
- Although such a possibility
considered in early 1995, but was recognized as unrealistic
because of the huge capital-and the alleged incompatibility of 
income and expenses. 

4. With regard to connecting UW,
then KAY-256 compares favorably with
all the host of available computer platforms Spectrum. In 
addition to what is published in Radio amateurs (1994g.n11) 
reported that the board-issued Spalax (planes) for 
self-assembly periphery, since the beginning of 1995. 

5. Pilot batch controllers
HDD running IsDos will
released by the end of this May,
1996, the year, screw IDE (AT)
standard. System is able to carry up to 96 megabytes of 
information on hard drive.

  Now, on the order of deportation on
post cards KAY-256. Trade
is prepaid and only
Russia. This method is
the fact that the price of losing about 5%, the customer 
receives the product as quickly as possible. Deciding anything 
to buy, you must call the above number - it's expensive, but 
the phone responds and 22-24 Msc - leave the order-list of what 
you need and your contact details (postal address details). 
Next, transfer money to reports from St. Petersburg coordinates 
(in this case useful to have on hand a pen and

sheet of paper). Next, transfer money by wire transfer
(Namely the telegraph, the postal
translation will be scrolled in
White stone about three weeks). You have ordered goods will be 
sent within 10 days of receipt of money. 

  For the CIS countries the situation is complicated by the 
local banknotes. In this case the only possible surprise. More 
exotic way - this is an instruction to pay your good friend who 
lives in Russia. As he receive from you the equivalent of

compensation (jam products
crafts, nurse
children in the summer or debt relief) this firm is not 
interested. And one more advice. Do not neglect to use 
intermediaries. In People ineradicable belief

that the manufacturer always all
cheaper. The mere fact of working with
specific customer costs money, and it is included in the price.
The mediator, if he was in
able to consolidate a group of
users and make a bulk order, can offer
lower price. Now all
firms, ranging from AvtoVAZ
ending your obedient servant,
trying to wean the nation from this
misconceptions, and establish such
way as regular sales.

  Perhaps you have experience
implementation of trade deals
otherwise (very interesting,
you've docked with Russia
by Sparc'u).

  Duralumin corners. Metal case strange effect on
drive. You point grounding
're looking for about a month, and
No one can vouch that you
find her. With regard to TS-180,
it is the right decision. Than
more power transformer
the fewer the problems with analog

  Machine "magnetron". For sure
it works via the serial port. So that all the work for
You are still ahead. Standard for
Spectrum is Centronics.
In addition, when working is the noise, and who knows how to
This will treat neighbors. What is a universal programmer, 
remote nastoryki in "diplomacy" bad imagine, so leave it 
without comment. 

  About Yoga. For oriental
characterized by loss of motivation
certain stages.

  Description: Yoga is a Sanskrit
translated as "path", and
thorny path, "the narrow gate."
If you use a Darwinian
model of the world, then you can talk about yoga as a compacted,
extremely rapid evolution
individual, which no longer determine the rate of
evolution of the phylum to which it belongs.

  By the way, Darwinian evolution - it's fresh pomace for 
European mentalities more general theory of Teilhard de Chardin 
Jesuit English origin, who lived in India. His work long 
awaited publication of because of one particular

a vow of this order, namely
prohibiting publication of its members
(Under pain of excommunication), if they
receive information (results) and diverge from the official
view sinklita, whether it is
even revelation. In the terminology
Huizinga, who is trying to generalize the experience of 
different cultures, it is game components, sublimation

some subconscious needs of the human person
(More precisely defined in the philosophy of the school and is 
determined sanhya as a "game purusha), not pursuing utilitarian 
purposes. This is roughly the same as the sport for the 
European worldview. 

  By the way, one of the founders of the company "Apple", namely
Steve Jobs, received initiations
(Initialization, the European) in the
India. The first work on the theory
information were made mathematician-priest Paul Florensky in 
the USSR, although he has not received the formal results, You 
can talk about its priority in front of Claude Shannon. Daniel

Andreev saw him in "zatomis"
Russian culture. Rene Descartes
was a Jesuit, and the apparatus of formal logic run-scholastics 
in theological debate. Further, finding an inherent 
mathematical constructions style, they became known as Boolean 
algebra. It is curious that counting the devils on the tip of 
the needle in the scholastic writings of the 16 th

century can be adequately described by
language Prolog.

  In general, Europeans are trying to
follow the Eastern spiritual
Practices are usually faced with problems of stabilization
psyche in the border states
consciousness. As the western
culture has a weak metaphysical layer, and impure thoughts
(No stage and Niyama
well), many find themselves in a madhouse.

  Description: A good analogy
emerging situation is an example of break the sound barrier 
plane. If the design does not possess a number of specific

features, then a sudden change in properties of the medium
when the speed of sound,
all the energy motors and the kinetic energy of the material 
body, accumulated to overcome it, goes to razruschenie glider. 
Outwardly, it looks like explosion, as the processes evolve 

  In the East, really, yogis leave the flesh, but only idiots do
it is forever. (This sometimes leads to the oddities associated 
with the identity around). Although, of course, that's right

each person. Ghosh, the eminence grise of Indian culture
20-th century, it is they, not Nahatmoy Gandhi, have been 
developed the idea of ​​civil disobedience,

led to the liberation of India
from British rule -
miscellaneous mass of humanity
the ability of this kind is not earlier than 500 years.

  Spiritual development of soul, no matter how
Strangely enough, only possible in the body.
How do you treat a man
who throws all his
car, but still not locked? Imagine what he
get the bully, or a teenager who is unable to answer for their 
actions? Now with regard to nirvana. Not all areas are 
accessible, yet torn "Serebranaya thread.

  Explanation: "Serebranaya thread" -
evangelical term. In general,
If a topological formation, which has no metric
Nature. Author, at least not known to exist
metrics, which can be described. And in some related fields, it 
has a finite physical parameters. In particular, when you 
sleep, your rest body "hangs over you for, approximately, 
0.5m-hand height and associated with the body of a thread with 
a diameter of approximately 0.3 meters. This is the case,

when a strange expression, "I lay in bed, literally reflects 
the situation. Break the thread refers to a physical death as 
the body and the person, understood as

individual. Some
entity (the author would have dared
call them people) are able to manage the elastic threads to
such an extent that they stanovyattsya
accessible worlds, which are common
people do not even suspect. When
daimetr this thread to become
infinitesimal. (Infinitely
small - the mathematical term
intuitively understood as a
process, not a constant, in this case, the transfer process
information, accompanied by a thinning of the thread.)
 Therefore, you do not necessarily
linger in the area that you are so attractive now
you nazyvaetet Nirvana
(Chica Bardot - Tibet), is
More Honid Bardot and Sidpa Bardot
much better not to fall.
 Explanation: In the Christian tradition, who are pretty 
emasculated, - Ie after the third Ecumenical Council, when 
studies Origen were considered heresy -

they appear as the Day of Judgement
and hell. In the Indian tradition is
of karmic delusions.

  I do not want to upset you, but
ahead of the karmic wheel. Only
few have managed to avoid it.
According to research by the brothers
Strugatsky not pretend to
completeness in their work entitled paraphrase Zen koan,
garding of the safety of these has to
Currently only 432 individuals.
Along the way, I note that the term
"Garding of the safety" for me bessoderzhatelen, all other 
researchers such entities appear as "strangers."

  It is curious that the path of yoga (the path
way - in Russian, the second differential status of the essence 
of motivation - Math.) is always a way warrior. The classic 
example - Vivekananda, Kshatriya (warrior caste in India). If 
you practice repose of the soul in Nirvana, nowhere more you 
will not let him. Will move along a closed contour, which is 
known to produce zero work in a potential field which power 
consumption, it would not obaldalo. 

  Generally in such cases it is useful
resorting to such entities as
Dzhordzhed (Tibetan Tradition)
aka Jibreel (Islamic tradition). (Phonetics name, as you see, 
is constant to within language group - and this is


  Explanation: Some phonemes
work as sacred (sacrum
- Sacred, Lat.) Operators.
The practice of using them in detail in Tantrism, in Orthodoxy, 
this theme is explored once again Florensky. By along the way, 
note that not all scholars consider him a Christian in general, 
and Orthodox in particular. In his study did not find the 
Christological chapters, the lack of which odnaznachno

evidenced. Author
sees nothing wrong with
that man could overcome mezhkonfessialnye frame. According to 
the testimony of Rozanov, the way religion (religio - 
communication, relationships, Lat.) Florenski was a mystery to 
him. Ramakrishna (A real person) was

consistently Buddhist, Christian and Muslim - the order in this 
case is irrelevant. In general, the subtle sense of the 
conventions and mankirovanie their characteristic odious 
figures. Seraph Sarov, the great Hesychasts (yogi

for indian), mastered the technique of levitation, in his 
declining years "Pushes" the church services on

that there are hints in the Lives.

  Well, the last. "And in every
joke there is a part of joke. "Congratulations on finding. This 
worthy player in the beads. Specifics of work - meaning 
"jitter" - the subsystems lexical processor is available.

  Explanation: For the reader in passing, we note that such 
actually exists. Some idiots like its hardware

block with the help of some
herbs chirikarskoy valley, reaching the effect of aberration - 
the distortion in the perception of semantic translation level 
of the image of the intellect - the lexical processor this is 
one of its subsystems - in the discriminating ability. It set 
out from the position methodology sanhya school. If

so you want obdolbitsya, then use the methods of philosophical 
intoxication by reading the works of the Holy Fathers. If your 
mind not properly trinerovano,

- The effect will be similar - something
type of impact dust bag on the head. As the training 
accommodation will replace aberration, and kicks will be 
qualitatively different. This cheaper and more sanitary. For 
the hard-nosed in this case I recommend reading S. Grof, to 
know what involved.

  Certain circle of people understand this is quite unique.
(This is not a psychiatrist, these employees at MIA
Astral detoxification center.) author
prefer the formula "This is not
exactly what we need, or rather not what we should. "In the 
Orthodox tradition of making intelligent it sounds like "Do not 
TI, not Tu ..." "Do not TI, not Tu ..." In texts on

KAY-256 have similar
Information Keys - although
not so obvious - that and
took us to each other. Something
This is reminiscent of Ethernet.

  Conclusion: From mysticism to the mystification of one step. 
If you suddenly see how Count Cagliostro eats plugs, do not 
think it was his only joy

in life.

Other articles:

Toys - 48 irons (3 levels).

Toys - the passage of La abadia del crimen.

Toys - short story of the game "Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" (Level 1)

Programmers - learn BASIC (Part 4).

Programmers - Adapting programs for TR-DOS # 2.

Programmers - IMMORTAL # 2 (immortality in the games).

Programmers - music editors, which we choose.

Programmers - Guide to shadow service monitor Scorpion ZS 256.


IS-DOS - Category "IS-DOS - for beginners" No 4.

IS-DOS - users "No4:" Working with electronic drive among the IS-DOS ".

IS-DOS - information about the company ISKRASOFT.

Iron - Nemo responds to users' questions.

Iron - Message from the firm Nemo (about microprocessors Z84C0010PEC).

Premiere - Assembler, which we choose (a description of XAS).

Premiere - Program Description 'CONVER-Commander V 4.50 pro'.

Premiere - UFO-2. Devils pit.

Presentation - Novgorod Group Digital Reality about yourself.

Interview - Interview with Captain Nemo with comments Iskrasoft firm.

Interview - Nikolay Rodionov and ZX-Sectrum.

Interview - an interview with the developer of computer HOBBIT Dmitry Mikhailov.

a rest - HAL 9000

a rest - Nemo tells the story of VirtualETnoy reality in Russia.

Mailbox - letters from readers.

Mailbox - Translator.

Mailbox - "Empire Spectrum".

Miscellaneous - The introductory story to the game Paradise Lost (Lost Paradise).

Miscellaneous - Perspectives P / O: WARCRAFT

Miscellaneous - Amiga Club: Questions and Answers # 2.

Miscellaneous - Amiga Rulez or propoganda healthy lifestyle.

From Writers - a new issue and plans for the future.

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.4

Lottery - the first results of the first lottery.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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