Polesse #4.5
30 марта 1999

On the topic of the day - The Balkan Crisis: A look at the problem. Air raids ...

<b>On the topic of the day</b> - The Balkan Crisis: A look at the problem.
 Air raids ...
                         Topic of the day



   Already nearly a week there is a war in Yugoslavia. Ruling 
circles United States and its allies in the North Atlantic 
alliance NATO, committed the barbaric act of aggression against 
a sovereign state, grossly correction with all principles of 
international law. Killed civilians, destroyed buildings and 
infrastructure, systematically destroyed the historical and 
cultural values. Against a small Balkan state united

its military power more than a dozen countries. On Serbian 
towns and villages cleared the latest "Tomahawk" and 
"Saydvindery" equipped with ammunition, "the bulk of 
explosion." Every night in Belgrade, Pristina and other towns 
of sound signals to the air anxiety. Hundreds of thousands of 
refugees, Serbs and Albanians forced to flee their homes and 
seek refuge in neighboring countries. 

   Does not make sense to go back to the origins of armed
conflict in Kosovo. About this more than enough talk Russian 
and Belarusian media. For very curious, I recommend reading the 
book, Vuk Draskovic (now deputy prime minister of Serbia) - The 
Russian consul, which was published in 1986. Kosovo national 
question deeply rooted in history and similar problems still

never resolved by force of arms, but only by long and
complex negotiation processes. The ruling circles in the West 
are well aware, and therefore, to justify their aggression, the 
use of hackneyed statement about "the need to prevent a 
humanitarian disaster." 

   The Balkan peninsula is a great strategic and 
military-political significance, especially for the West, 
already long-dawn on a tidbit. Back in the 40-ies, W. Churchill

Balkans called "soft underbelly of Europe". Whoever owns the 
Balkans - has all the trump cards in the hands of the political 
game. Anciently This area was subjected to the invasion of 
various conquerors. Almost half a century, the Turks held sway 
here, after they came Italian and German fascists. 
Freedom-loving people of Yugoslavia constantly had to fight the 

   A special role has always played in Russia. The two 
Russian-Turkish war on Serbia, has finally found a long-awaited 
independence. Therefore, the unity of our peoples has a not 
only a national-ethnic, and historical basis. In the years of 
Hitler's occupation of the whole country rose to guerrilla 
warfare, culminating in a full release. 

   After the war, Yugoslavia became a policy of rapprochement
with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries,
and although the country was not in the Warsaw Pact, it did not 
prevent establish close and friendly relations between our 

   Kosovo - has always been a patient subject to Yugoslavia. 
Historically it turned out that most of the territory of the 
Serbian land originally was inhabited by Kosovar Albanians - 
the Kosovars. Using the deterioration of relations between the 
USSR and Albania, the West has become tseenapravlenno pursue a 
policy of separatism in Kosovo, aimed at the dismemberment of 
Yugoslavia in Kosovo and the establishment of a puppet regime.

   After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world indeed has 
become unipolar. Nothing now prevented the United States and 
its allies to provoke a civil war in the Balkans, first in 
Bosnia and now in Kosovo. 

   This time, the Yankees dropped the mask, showed the 
progressive humanity truly rotten grin their brutal "democracy."

America is eager to dominate the world - an absolute and 
indisputable hegemony in the world economic and military 
policies. From now on, any, not a strong country and conducting 
free and an independent policy and does not recognize the 
dictates of the United States may, at any while being attacked. 
Washington - is "only" instrument of political pressure, which 
works to intimidate other countries (to other nepovadno was).

   The main reason - the desire of U.S. imperialism to impose 
its diktat world, to make everyone dance to the American tune. 
Other members of NATO - no more than puppets in the hands of 
Washington and sexual maniac in the White House. They 
submissively to execute any order deBilla Clinton, fearing that 
maybe tomorrow will come, and it is their turn. 

   Progressive forces around the world are outraged perpetrated 
lawlessness. Around U.S. embassies and missions organized 
pickets, demonstrations and protest rallies. Moscow activists 
of the Liberal Democratic Party, under the personal supervision 
of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, is the first night of bombing the 
embassy organized the attack rotten eggs and bubbles of ink. 
Around Moscow, the campaign for records of volunteers in 
Yugoslavia. Russian State Duma NATO'vskuyu strongly condemned 
the aggression in the Balkans, in which it almost immediately 
supported Belarus and other countries, particularly India and 

   The fascist U.S. imperialism over the snout protrudes
from overseas. "Evil Empire" - this is the true name for this
state. U.S. and NATO assumed the role of world policeman and
Who will be the next target for aggression, we can say with
certainty. We! According to some reports, Belarus is
the ten most objectionable to the American regime of countries 
other than where we included Iraq, Yugoslavia, Iran, Cuba, 
North Korea. Iraq has been bombed, and continue to bomb. Where 
is our place in the this list - known only in Washington. If 
today we do not render assistance to the brotherly people of 
Yugoslavia - tomorrow there will be our turn and no one will 
come to our aid. 

   And what about our dear Russia? So far, all limited
just pathetic threats to NATO: "We will not allow," "we will 
not tolerate," etc. How long this miserable drunkard, a 
paralytic will more polluted the air in the Kremlin? If Yeltsin 
was a drop conscience, he would have already handed in his 
resignation. Scum USSR collapsed, those who committed the 
carnage in Chechnya (as we better Americans?), the fat hog, 
sitting as if nothing had happened on the Kremlin throne, and 
spreads his hands helplessly. Laugh! Borja sends the Adriatic 
Russian ships - make threatening gestures to Americans and if 
they did not heed - scatter them to our ships rotten eggs, who 
kindly otdolzhit Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Eggs should be assumed 
to grow dim at the presidential dacha? Fight we will - Russian 
mat! How to overlay them with a triple - all U.S. carriers with 
fear drown. 

   No, I did not get help from Russia Yugoslavia. Americans 
will not allow. We're now they're on a tight leash: a little 
derneshsya aside - that and look, threatening to lending from 
the IMF. Although, as we do not let - still be stolen! As 
without this in Mother Russia: a complete set - fools, bad 
roads and thieves. Army plundered own as yet no nuclear 
suitcase drunk, do not understand. 

   Yes, gone are the days when we could removing the shoe to hit
the podium and show presumptuous Yankees "gruel." Now,
standing humbly on my knees and beg for handouts from 
Komdessyu. It's a shame gosh ... :-(((

   Here's how to today's topical theme expressed our poet 
"pravdorub - Yuri Holyaznikov. 


              Spring came, days are warmer,

              We all came to life after a long winter,

              But with the spring and the trouble has arrived

              This trouble is that the enemies awake

              Recently, all was calm and quiet,

              Today in Europe nedetskiy "bazaar"

              U.S. and NATO bayonets bared,

              Decided to boast the power to show

              But what are you doing, stupid little people?

              Think about the children that delight the eye,

              The fact that such behavior is too much

              Would be unkind to you and for us

              Think about the good, simple man,

              Not a wild tribe, we also live

              With one foot in the twenty-first century, we,

              Where wars no really we do not expect

              Well, I hope that all right,

              That his poraskinuv brain

              Milosevic and Clinton dogovoryatsya

              Once again, we'll live in peace with you

              03/26/1999 X-Yurets

   Not so long ago, Moscow was an attempt to fire the U.S. 
Embassy rocket-propelled grenades. Grenades, however, were not 
released, but the gunfire was pretty spoiled facade. Two 
unknown daredevils in camouflage and masks, escaped in a white 
jeep in front of an astonished crowd, and law enforcement 
officers ... 

   Battles occur in the virtual world. According to the agency
Reuters, are currently registered with more than fifty of 
intrusion attempts in the secret files of the Pentagon and 
NATO'vskoy control the armed forces. At headquarters, the 
alliance argue that the Yugoslav Hacker has managed to run into 
theirs computer systems several viruses. Know ours!

                        Air raids

   Military alliance of NATO forces, bringing together 13 
countries, has several air bases in the vicinity of

Yugoslavia. It is above all the military bases in Italy, 
Greece, Germany, France and Britain. It was from there, the 
U.S. Vultures make their barbaric attacks. Bombing occur most 
often at night - afraid cowardly jackals Yugoslav air defenses, 
which have already demonstrated their combat capability. 
According to the Serbian armed forces, today day they managed 
to knock more than a dozen aircraft and several helicopters of 
the enemy. In Brussels (headquarters of NATO), naturally deny 
any hint of military losses. This is understandable, even If 
there are losses, NATO will never allow seepage such 
information to the press. After reports of casualties, raise 
public opinion in Western countries to massive anti-war 
speeches, as they have been during the Vietnam War. 
Incidentally, the original U.S. military casualties were 
declassified only after twelve years after the inglorious end 
the Vietnam adventure, although there is every reason to 
believe that much still remains shrouded in mystery ... 

   As it became recently known that the Yugoslav air force 
managed to bring down even the "stealth aircraft" F-117, better 
known as the Stealth. Fall of an American bomber and its 
fragments were photographed Serb party and presented as 
irrefutable proof. NATO leadership, blushing and panting, had 
the first time since the beginning of air strikes, to confirm 
the loss of his plane. Thus, it was flatly refuted the view of 
the alleged invulnerability F-117. Incidentally, two more U.S. 
aircraft lost during the Gulf War against Iraq.

   Air Force Serbia over the past period of time lost 8 
machines: their including two MiG-29 and four MiG-21 ".

   To get a rough idea of ​​the relationship
force the warring parties, I give our readers nizhepriveden
nuyu table, drawn from numerous domestic and foreign 

        Allies YUGOSLAVIA

Army 3700 100 thousand thousand ground troops
count samol. Air Force units. 7200 30 pcs. count samol. Air 
force count of Korab. Navy units. 500 6 pcs. count of Korab. 

30890 2200 Tanks Tanks
BMP and bronetransport. 70330 4855 bronetransport. and BMP
protivotank. 12100 270 protivotank system. system
artillery and mortars 60650 3065 artileriya and mortars
307 rocket launchers, 80 rocket launchers
Submarines 200 0 Submarines

   Note: Counting of NATO forces were not considered armed
Power U.S. and Canada, placed in the Americas accounted for 58% 
of Sun European countries. 

   Data are as of 1996.

   Well, have figured? The difference in power is
approximately 20:2. But if Yugoslavia had at-least one nuclear 
warhead, and no one would have never attacked this country. 
Yankee too cowardly for such a step. They can only bomb 
unprotected objects of 15 km. height, or risk becoming easy 
production of anti-aircraft missile system "Igla" taking 
targets at altitudes up to 3000 meters. In addition, a 
significant part of the armed forces of Yugoslavia, has a 
technique of sample 60-ies, while NATO troops have ultra-modern 
combat systems of the sixth generation.

   Aggression USA and NATO in the Balkans, includes three main
phase. 1). Bombing campaign of anti-
defense, electronic warfare, destruction of aircraft and command
points of the enemy (headquarters, communications centers). 
Carried out at by strategic bombers, B-52 "flying fortress"

"Aircraft invisible" Stealth: B-2 and F-117 fighter-bombers 
"F-15 Eagle" and "F-16 Falcon", of sophisticated F-18A, 
equipped with laser-guided missiles. The basic rate of this 
phase is the use of cruise missiles, Tomahawk and "Harpoon", 
launched from ships and submarines in the Adriatic. 

   In addition, provides for the use of multiple aircraft 
electronic warfare systems "AWACS". 

   As shown, even the first three days of bombing - Air Force 
NATO failed to bring down Serbia's means Defense and destroy 
the Yugoslav air force. Major bomb and rocket attacks occurred 
on false targets (bases, airfields, empty barracks), which 
Serbs have the foresight to show off, instead of the real 
forces. Yugoslavs cherish military equipment for ground war. 

   2) The second phase of the operation involves the transfer 
of bomb and missile strikes against civilian and industrial 
facilities, placing intended to undermine the defense and 
economic potential of Yugoslavia, to demoralize the civilian 
population. As we can see, this phase has already begun. The 
main strike force should be the notorious B-52 - a weapon of 
terror. Of course, that does not weaken and the bombing of 
military targets, because so far they have not brought an any 
significant result. 

   3) The third phase - ground fighting. Political and
NATO's military bosses try to avoid this turn of events
at any price, because In this case, not to avoid massive losses
manpower and equipment, which already can not hide, as it 
happens from downed planes. Currently in the neighboring 
republic - Macedonia continues to increase its power the 
American Expeditionary Force. Expected arrival of the aircraft 
carrier Theodore Roosevelt and missile cruisers in the Adriatic 

   And what we're going to do? Sit and stand idly by,
how terrorize Serbia? Or yet, stop political intrigues, 
disputes over power, changed his mind and unite with all 
progressive forces give rebuff nouveau-Hitler and Mussolini, so 
much so that they did not seem enough. Today, Serbs are 
expected from Russia and other countries, especially the newest 
weapons: missile complex is "Needle", "Poplar", etc. We are 
able, in spite of stiff opposition from NATO to the Serbs and 
economic aid. To do this, first of all, we need to unilaterally 
abandon the embargo to Yugoslavia Food and Drug Administration. 
If we do that with us will be regarded throughout the world and 
other countries will follow suit. Do not be afraid of new Cold 
War. " Much worse to be weak and weak-willed country is 
building its prosperity on a ghostly blood of their fellow 
Slavs. That is what we should be wary! Allowing to destroy 
Serbia, we can safely put on a cross. I advise everyone to 
think about it. Of our actions today, the future of our 
children - what kind of world they will live tomorrow. 

Other articles:

A Tangled Web - Schedule the city server.

Contest - The best anti-war poster, "Hands off from Yugoslavia."

On the topic of the day - The Balkan Crisis: A look at the problem. Air raids ...

Wreck Time - Advertisements and announcements ...

authors say - Maybe - this is the last issue of the newspaper ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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