Aspect #05
29 января 1998

Maker - Mailing Software: Speccy Mail Master.

<b>Maker</b> - Mailing Software: Speccy Mail Master.
 Many users of our network on a regular basis
write letters to the network ehokonferentsii.
Some do not feed bread, give a ehah
quarrel. ;))) But to write a letter
in the echo, it must be to draw up correctly: It is true
up cap letters otkvotit text
set oridzhin ... In writing, even
two or three letters a day, it may take
quite some time. Agree
much more convenient if the application process
automated message! Those who work in
System Is-Dos, use macros.
Of course, this option is convenient, but not
always. We will not discuss now
advantages and disadvantages of Is-Dos -
to this subject we have not time to go back
virtual pages of our newspapers.
Today I want to tell you about something else
solving this problemma - about mail
software that is running a TR-DOS.

           Speccy Mail Master.

 The author of this program - St. Petersburg
Programmer Denis Parinov.
 Just want to see - the SMM, which
enjoys almost all SPbZXNet only
beta version of the program. But it is working.
That is, until you can not in all its glory
evaluate the merits of this email
editor. But I assure you, even what has already
implemented, will help cool you in writing letters. So, what 
can the SMM: 

 - The right to issue a cap letter
 - Quotas text
 - Put oridzhin

 Understand how to work in SMM you
figure it out for a couple of minutes. Now we
devoted to the most difficult part of working with
e-mail editor - its setting. ;)))
 So, you must configure the SMM for themselves.
By the "educated bet," it was found that
to adjust the SMM version 1. 05 maximum
suitable text editor IBM / ZX WORD.
After starting the editor, upload the file
settings smm. I. In this file, you must
make appropriate changes. But
Let's Let's consider this aspect in detail.

 I think you guessed that instead of data
Peter Petrov, some you have to write
their data. :))

; Name and last name
UserName = Petr Petrov

 Here you should put down their name and
name in English (as you are registered
Point in sheet).

; Network Address
Address = 500:812 / 99.99

 Your network address. Attention! Again
remind you: from 19.01.98 SPbZXNet
switched to a new addressing! Now in
oridzhine in front of your network address you
necessarily have to put "500 :"!!! This
indicates that our network
International! If you forget about this
little nuance, your message will not reach the
Ehi, and will not pass on FIDO!!!

; File for output messages
OutBox = 9999-000C

 Instead of numbers <9999> can put that
your heart's content, such as its network
address. But sure to remember what you
written! This will need to configure

; Colors [ink, paper]
TextColor = 7
MenuColor = 7 1
HeadColor = 5

 Here you can customize the colors on your
taste. Our Peter Petrov, as you can
see white text on a black background, the menu
blue with white lettering, and cap Editor
blue. If you are not satisfied with this
Alternatively, you can easily change everything.

; Keyboard settings

 Here you can adjust the speed of response keys.

; Welcome to set up emails
CreatGreeting {

                  Hail,% from1!

Here you can put your "brand"

; Signature for the generated messages
CreatSignature {

                          With deepest regards, Peter Petrov.

 Your autograph. ;)))

; Welcome to reply to letters
ReplyGreeting {

                  Hail,% from1!

 More recently,% date, in the% time, someone% from
 wrote to the% to on the subject "% subj" ...

 All the same, only not for the newly created
letters, and for answers.

; Signed to reply to letters
CreatSignature {

                          With deepest regards, Peter Petrov.

 Also, I think everything is clear.

Origin = Beer "Neva" is RULEZZZ!!! :)))

 Your favorite oridzhin. Is not needed
oridzhine your web address - SMM will
it himself. So as not see postavte sdes
otkryvayushuyu bracket, so as a tosser in the Hub
think that this is the beginning of the address, and your
letter drop in bedy ...

 A little more detail and analyze greetings
signature. You probably already noticed
strange character sequences:% to,
% From1,% subj ... Everything is ridiculously simple:
If, after the symbol <%> is the word <to>,
This means that at this point in the text
need to display the contents of the <to>. And if
after the combination% from, for example, costs
digit <1>, it means that you need to withdraw
the first word from the field <from>.
 That's all you need to know to
settings in your mail editor.
 Let us briefly consider the order of
with him. Since the beta version is far
imperfect, must be considered when working
some nuances.
 The first thing you see after running the SMM,
will request the date. Enter the date right!
Since this is only a beta version
no systems "durakoustoychivosti" there
unavailable. If you have forgotten to remind:
date is entered with a hyphen! DD-MM-YY, where DD
-Day, MM-month GH-year. Much easier by the fact
who has a CMOS clock. There is a version
SMM, podderzhivaschaya this device.
 After entering the date of SMM will enter
download files. I hasten to warn you -
If two files with the same
names (such as your "soap"), loaded
first on the disk! This will be
eliminated in full. And yet
Consider this - just rename
"Double" files!
 The main neodstatok beta SMM, it is
that he can not stand the name ekhi
in the field . To be precise, it
puts the name of the ekhi you in
currently viewing. That is, if you
read GAMES, and press <7> (a letter)
then it will be addressed in an echo GAMES.
I decided to use this feature, and
made a tiny've found that allows
otkreatit letter in any of the existing
Ah. It consists of a package of
a half dozen files that have field
 are the names of all
Ah registered. Now, how to
them to work. After starting the SMM, download
this file (name NameEcho), and "leaves"
letters to find the name of the desired ekhi.
For example, if you want to write a letter to the
echo SPBZXNET.GENERAL, click the <- and ->
up until not see the inscription

  # # # ##### # # ##### # # # # # # # #
 # # # # # # # # # # #
 # # # # # # # # # # #
 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### #
 # # # # # # # # # # # #

  # # # ##### # # ##### # # # # #####

 Then press <7>, and work quietly.
You can be sure - in the field will 
all true billed.
 So, after you're done
with the SMM, the letter must stick together in one package.
This will help you a special program -
 But we will tell about it in one of the following numbers of 
our newspaper. 

                          (C) Alexey Guryev

Other articles:

BBS-List - List Vicomm-compatible BBS.

Fun Top'98 - Official information about the festival v1.0.

Day by Day - The most interesting network "markets."

News - The new standard processing letters. List nodnyh addresses SPbZXNet.

From the authors - the innovations in the shell of the newspaper.

Programming - Text output terminal means on the background running the squares.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Maker - Mailing Software: Speccy Mail Master.

Humor - Merfilogiya.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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